Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 268:

All empty.

None hits.

The audience was silent.

Ji Jun prisoner's body...Jan has reached the level of invincibility, no matter what kind of attack, he can avoid it, even if it is the kind of unique attack that obscures the sky, he can also find the blind spot and avoid it.

If you let everyone know that Ji Jun’s master--an unremarkable, sloppy old man once straddled the entire ancestral light directly from Kongguo to the East China Sea, I don’t know how he would feel.

Qiu Tayu was panting, and it was clear that Prisoner Ji hadn't made any attacks, but he felt that he had been driven to a desperate situation.

Su Changge's expression was extremely solemn, and he asked in a low voice, "Worry, your body is also very good. His body type---can you do it? If this person is your enemy, you can attack To him?"

Su Wangyou said indifferently: "My body is strong in straight acceleration, I am far better than him in terms of speed, but I am far inferior to him in terms of the ingenuity of change, as to whether I can attack him---have you seen Can anyone escape the attack range of Qinglian Six Forms and Moonlight?"

"That's right." Su Changge breathed a sigh of relief, but the vigilance in his eyes was not diminished, "This guy's body is terrifying, Qiu Tayu's attacks, I can only avoid 80% of the attacks..."

Su Changge said the word "80%" is light, but most of the people in the field can't avoid it...

Qiu Tayu finally stopped.

He finally clearly recognized one thing - he couldn't attack Prisoner Ji Jun, even if he touched him.

"What's the matter?" Prisoner Ji Jun showed a terrible smile, "Should you say something like'If you are a man, just fight me upright' such naive words?"

This is really naive. If someone really wants to talk to the other party after hearing this sentence, I'm afraid he will have to be stunned to death the next day...

Qiu Tayu looked complicated.

He was very angry, very angry, but the endless anger reached his chest, and finally turned into helplessness.

What else?Isn't it because of weakness?

For warriors, being weak is the original sin.

Just like Li Buwu, who was defeated by Su Changge with illusion, Qiu Tayu was turned around by the opponent's body.

In response to the old saying, the amount of water in a wooden barrel does not depend on the tallest piece of wood on the barrel wall, but rather depends on the shortest piece on the barrel wall.

Li Buwu lost to illusion, so he spent several years to make up for this weakness, and now he can even defeat a great emperor known for illusion.

And where is he Qiu Tayu?

When Chu Yi defeated him with swordsmanship in the past, he practiced the sword like crazy, now is there a way to exercise his body like crazy?

The video of the Ba Jue Grand Ceremony back then showed that the sword technique of Su Wangyou and Chu Yi’s battle was exquisite, which he still can’t touch. Now, even if he devotes himself to the body technique, will it still be the same as the sword technique? What?

Even though I tried my best, I was still killed by those who stood on the top of the mountain...

This kind of talent has always been the most unreasonable thing in the world, and its unreasonable degree even surpasses the word of birth.

Qiu Tayu let out a long sigh.

"I lost."

Chapter Thirty: The World's Pride, Step for Me (7)

There is no vigorous duel, there is no awareness of fighting to the end.

To lose is to lose.

How can there be so many battles of'fight to the end with all your strength and magnify each other'.

What can really end the battle is not the power that can destroy the sky, but the courage that can make you rise from a pool of blood.

The two sides did not fight, but Qiu Tayu knew that he had lost, and the loss was thorough.

He is willing to admit this failure and think of ways to overcome his weakness in the long years to come.

He couldn't cry and make a fuss after losing. He must clearly recognize his failure. As the successor of the Chaos Sword Sect, he has no immature qualifications anymore.

Qiu Tayu closed his eyes and his voice trembled slightly.

"I lost."

Prisoner Ji Jun rarely showed a serious expression.

"Thanks for your advice."

He said seriously.

Qiu Tayu exited sadly.

Li Buwu frowned and stood up.

"Let me go." Next to Shenluozong was Taoist, and this voice came from Taoist.

Jiang Tairan walked out with a cold expression.

"When it comes to restraint, I think our Taoists are better at it."

Li Buwu frowned and said through voice transmission.

[Do you have confidence?If we lose, we will lose the face of the entire Central Plains.Jiang Tairan looked at Li Buwu and spoke.

[Speaking of the method of restraining the body, I think there is no one in the hundred schools of people who are better at than our Taoists--except for the gang of political experts.] In terms of restraint, the best choice is undoubtedly to control the secret method, followed by the formation method, and then the large-scale attack.

And these... happen to be what Taoists are good at.

——Of course, if your strength crushes the opponent or your body style is better than the opponent, then the above naturally doesn't matter.

But now Ji Jun's prisoner's strength is unknown, and his physical strength is invincible, so he can only rely on other means.

Li Buwu was silent.

Jiang Tairan walked to the meeting place.

She looked at Ji Jun prisoner with a serious expression.

"Taoist, Jiang Tairan, please advise."

Prisoner Ji Jun said casually: "Come on."

Li Buwu watched silently on the stage.

Neither he nor Su Wangyou are actually suitable for shooting, because their realm is a large level higher than the other, even if they win, they are not honorable. If they lose...

Zhongyuan Zongmen's face was lost.

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