Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 273:

"Neither I nor Chu Yi." Li Buwu smiled bitterly, "Neither Su Changge nor you, I am afraid that you are not the opponent of that guy anymore. How long has he just entered the Void Realm..."

Su Changge looked at Li Buwu, a little unhappy in his heart.

[Gan, if you are willing to act as a background board for him, why do you drag Lao Tzu and Chu Yi into the water?(PS Su Changge still has the ability to kill Su Wangyou who does not need the sigh of the God of Truth at this time. Of course, he has to explain himself.

(For PS2, to be precise, the current Su Changge can solo kill more than 90% of the imperial realm in the world. Under the imperial realm, except for the young Li Qinglian in the virtual realm, everyone can also solo kill. Like a dog, hit ten alone.)

(PS3 is the same, Su Wangyou's father's various forms and incarnations are not counted.)

Li Buwu stood up and looked at Su Changge.

"Let's keep that battle."

Su Changge raised his eyebrows, and said a little uncomfortable: "Young man, what are you doing? Hit if you say hit, if you say keep it, just keep it. Wouldn't I be so shameless?"

[Ji Jun prisoner's heart demon——————]

Li Buwu suddenly spoke to Su Changge.

"In that case, let's keep this battle." Su Changge interrupted Li Buwu and changed his words decisively: "I'm waiting for you!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Who said "very shameless" just now?

"In that case--" Li Buwu got up and left the venue, "After half a year, the top of Tianhu Mountain will be seen or left."

Tianhu Mountain, this was the original location of the Ten Sects Huiwu, but the original location was a flat land halfway up the Tianhu Mountain, but Li Buwu chose the location on the top of the Tianhu Mountain.

You know, Tianhu Mountain is the highest peak in Zuguang...

The top of Tianhu Mountain is known as the first beauty of the ancestral light. It was also the battlefield of two outstanding powers. So far, the horrible sword intent has not dissipated...

(The PS paragraph is abbreviated first, I am afraid that you will forget this paragraph when I write about Tianhushan, then I will write it for nothing, or wait until Tianhushan.)

[Damn, so gay.

Su Changge reluctantly said.

"See you or leave."

Li Buwu showed a faint smile upon hearing this.

[Sure enough... suddenly throwing Su Wangyou down, this behavior is too... strange, no matter what, the jokes between friends shouldn't reach this level.Su Wangyou’s strength is so strong, Su Changge can’t be unaware of it, but Ji Jun’s prisoner is so arrogant, after being defeated by the horror, the breeding of inner demons is also a calculable thing————Li Buwu stopped suddenly, he turned around, looked at the huge venue, and suddenly felt a trace of fear in his heart.

[Su Changge did respond to me, so it also means that my guess is true. Relying on the understanding of Su Wangyou and the observation of Prisoner Ji Jun, he successfully calculated Prisoner Ji Jun and gave him a heart. Demon, but why did he do this?Is it just because Ji Jun prisoner hit Zhongyuan in the face?No, it must not be that simple.] [The origin of Su Changge's song is extremely mysterious, and the secret methods used are also all kinds of weird. Even people who are proficient in pill, formation, and talisman have an invincible inheritance. Throughout the ages, they can be perfect to such an inheritance, only --- —] Li Buwu raised his head abruptly, two words flashed across his brain, and then they could no longer be dispelled.

[Ghost Valley.

[Only the inheritance of Ghost Valley can be perfect to this point!

[And on this basis, continue to speculate, why did the descendant of Ghost Valley start with the descendant of Juezong?According to Ji Jun prisoner’s temperament, once the heart demon breeds, I am afraid that this life will be ruined. It is impossible for Su Changge not to know this, but even so...] [Unless...they have hatred, but these two are obviously I don't know, and the only identity shown by Prisoner Ji is just a descendant of the Peugeot sect. Except for the special surname of Ji, this should be the only possibility.] [That is to say, the Guigu Sect and the Juezong have an enmity, and a world feud — if Su Changge is not the Guigu Sect, their sect should also have an hatred with the Juezong.Li Buwu looked at the venue for a long time, and finally turned around.

[Return to Luo Zong to check.

[Ghost Valley Sect, and the Peerless...]

In the venue, Su Changge yawned lazily and lay down on the seat with Ge You lying down.

[Oh, so annoying, I don’t know if Li Buwu’s IQ is enough, can you guess I’m from Guigu School?I also expect him to pass this news to the ears of the people of Shenluozong.] Su Changge looked in the direction where Li Buwu was leaving, a smile flashed across his eyes.

[I have hinted you so many times with secret methods, don't let me down.(PS Chaos Desert, Echo Valley’s battles mentioned that Su Changge will have an ultimate sorcery that can affect people’s hearts. This sorcery is still alive, and there is only Su Changge alone.)

Prisoner Ji Jun left the Misty Xianzong in despair. He descended from Misty Mountain and stood at the foot of Misty Mountain, looking at the road ahead in confusion.

"Why... would you lose?"

He looked at his hands.

"Why... don't you even have the power to resist?"

"For so many years, every day, every minute and every second of hard work... just get hit so easily...?"

A person walked to the prisoner Ji Jun.

"Why, the one who was beaten lost his confidence?" The man laughed: "It's no wonder, after all, it's the one——————"

The man suddenly looked at the sky in fear, and then solemnly said: "After all, it is the son of the adult, and there is no shame in losing to him."

Prisoner Ji Jun raised his head, he was almost in a state of despair, and he didn't even listen to what the person in front of him said.

The man smiled, and then hit Prisoner Ji Jun's face with a punch, smashing Prisoner Ji Jun to the ground.

"Hey, hey, what's this?" The man said in an extremely exaggerated tone, "Your master——Jie Zong has spent so much effort to teach you such a glass heart?"

The man gritted his teeth and said, "If so, why don't you die?"

Prisoner Ji Jun was punched suddenly, and there was a trace of sage in his eyes, and the arrogance that had always followed him from birth has not been wiped out.

"What are you talking about? You——————" Ji Jun said halfway, and then thought of Su Wangyou's overwhelming sword that destroys everything in the world, and his voice also weakened.

Finally, he just said lonely.

"What do you know?"

"Of course I understand." The man shrugged and said jokingly: "No one in this world understands better than me."

Prisoner Ji Jun only thought that this person was talking nonsense, he did not speak, and planned to leave.

"Are you going to live your life like this? Are you going to let the inner demon destroy you?" The man said loudly, "Su Wangyou defeated you with this sword. This is just a fight without fighting. But you—are you going to take part in the rest of your life?"

Prisoner Ji Jun was finally angry, he turned around abruptly, and the internal energy that had just recovered just now burst out, allowing him to easily grab the man's collar.

"What do you know? You don't know anything! Do you know what kind of sword it is?! Do you know how understatement the man made this sword?! You know when I blocked thousands of sword energy , But what was thinking when the last sword aura hits his neck? Do you know?"

Prisoner Ji's voice brought a hint of crying, and he went crazy and said: "What do you know?"

The man was silent for a long time.

After a long time, after a long time, he spoke.

"I'm not you, I don't know what you were thinking."

He said.

"But I know, your master absolutely doesn't want you to be like this before you die."

"Wh-what?" Ji Jun was struck by lightning, and his lips became extremely pale in an instant. He was shaking, but his hands continued to use force, and finally strangled the man's throat.

"Dare you lie to me, you lunatic————Do you dare to lie to me, do you know who I am————I am——————"

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