Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 274:

"I know, the remnant of Juezong."

The man was strangling his throat, but his face was extremely calm.

"The last person in the Jue Sect, what is the remnant?"

Prisoner Ji Jun released his hand and fell to the ground.

The man rubbed his throat and continued: "The person who killed your master is so powerful that you can't imagine it. If you don't believe it, you can turn down the Zong and see. Your master should have left you a letter and told him to go. Revenge."

——World Line Distortion——————

The old man was thinking about crossing Zuguang with one foot and heading to the East China Sea to find Guiguzi.

Suddenly, he remembered something, and a softness appeared on the old face.

He took out a piece of paper, studied ink himself, and wrote a letter.

Afterwards, he stepped out without hesitation and went to the East China Sea.

——World Line Return——————

Prisoner Ji Jun was silent for a long time.

After a long time, he looked at the sun on the horizon.

"I will become stronger."

He said this headless sentence.

"Very strong, very strong."

The man smiled, but a trace of unbearable flashed through his eyes.

"what's your name?"

Ji Jun asked the prisoner.

"My surname is Ye, and the name of Ye Ziye's Ye is Guzuo. Gu is Ye Gucheng's loneliness. By the way, you probably don't know Ye Gucheng. This is a very famous person in my hometown. …Maybe far away---the loneliness is the lonely solitude, and the performance is the performance.

Ye Guzuo replied.

"I'm a----how to put it... bug fixer?"

Chapter 35 Survival in desperate situation Su Changge

After that, Shizong Huiwu finally returned to the right track.

The few big bosses who can fight most are either injured, left, or exhausted, leaving a bunch of higher-level Tianjiao torn each other. However, I just watched the battle of those top Tianjiao before. Looking back at these, I feel a little dull.

This shows that the unwritten rule from weak to strong is not without reason—at least it keeps most of the audience interested.

This time, the ten sects will not be able to stop. The last standing on the stage is a master from Taoism named Liang Qiqiu.

However, these have nothing to do with Su Wangyou. Su Wangyou doesn't care about these things at all.

Back then, the Battle of Echo Valley was raging outside, but his client was like nothing happened. It can be seen that Su Wangyou is indifferent to most things.

————But obviously he did not forget that Su Changge sold him.

The following is the memoir of an unnamed female disciple stalking a voyeur.

[That night, as usual, I thought that Elder Su was about to return to Longyin Peak, so I lay on the side of the haystack, wondering how much the photos could sell this time, the master sister was not reasonable, every time I tried to keep the price down. It's better for the second elder sister to give the full amount every time... Sorry, I'm off the topic, let's continue.] [While I was waiting for Elder Su, I suddenly heard a sound. I listened carefully for a long time. The sound was also from small to large. I could hear that the sound source was constantly approaching me. I listened to it for a long time. I heard that this is Su Changge’s ugly voice, cnm, Fengyuege’s stinky ladies are really hungry, and even Su Wangyou x Su Changge’s H essays dare to write. The song is changed to Chu Wushuang, and then he is barely worthy of my elder Su————what, why are you asking?Gan, he said that there is a girl worthy of Elder Su.Sorry, I got off the topic again, then Su Changge called "Dad" while running, and there were some begging for mercy. I heard it clearly, and then I was caught by Su Changge. I got up and threw it to Elder Su. That ugly man said, "Oh, forget you, look at the slut in ambush, thanks to me finding it for you, so please forgive me!', I wrote down this grudge. I was obviously recording the beautiful moments of Elder Su and filling up my wallet by the way. The three-good martial artist who studied hard and worked-study like me was just comparable to the'Top Ten People Touching Zuguang'. What about the slut?By the way, Elder Su is so beautiful, hehehe (○` 3′○)

Voiceover: You are obviously a slut!

End of the interview

Su Wangyou looked a little ugly at the latest ethereal daily.

"Su Changge, come here." He greeted.

Su Changge's eyes were full of vigilance, "What are you doing? Let me say yes, Su Changge is not a vegetarian."

Su Wangyou thought he was very kind and said: "Come here, I won't beat you."

Su Changge's scalp numb immediately, and he ran without hesitation.

Su Wangyou followed up with the sword silently.

Although Su Changge is not at fault, Dasu Changge is right when you encounter such annoying things!

"Sect Master!" Su Wangyou walked into the Misty Palace aggressively, and said: "I think the daily newspapers run by the disciples are too hot recently, and the Fengyue Pavilion should be rectified properly————"

The word "click" was still an exit, and Su Wangyou stopped talking.

He walked too quickly just now, he didn't see clearly, but now he sees clearly.

Sect Master, Zhu Yao, and even the group of female elders who looked like dogs in front of him, were all blushing and whispering while holding Fengyue Pavilion's small h book. Seeing Su Wangyou suddenly walked in, they all revealed The carnivore looks at the prey.

Su Wang was worried and took a half step back.

He looked around and saw that all the female elders of the Misty Xianzong were here, and almost everyone was holding a small yellow text compiled by the female disciples of Fengyue Pavilion. There was only one exception, and that was Wang Wanhe.

"Elder Wang..." Su Wangyou did not expect that Wang Wanhe, who is usually the most unreliable, was the most upright one of the group. It was for him that he trusted Elder Zhu so much before.

Wang Wanhe seemed to be arguing with someone. She didn't even notice Su Wangyou coming in. She put her hands on her hips and said angrily: "Let me see if you can die? If it wasn't for the old lady who couldn't afford it--------"

Su Wangyou's favorability is reduced by 100

At this moment, Wang Wanhe clearly felt the malice from the world.

Zhu Yao was the first to react. She put down the book in her hand, took a few steps forward, and said sincerely: "Su Wangyou, listen to me."

"No, please stay away from me, thank you." Su Wangyou took three steps back, as if the person in front of him was not a beautiful woman, but a beast.

"No, we can explain it." Zhu Yao said in a panic.

Su Changge suddenly jumped out from one side.

"Shut up, you guys bba, I thought that you, as the elders of the ethereal immortal sect, must have high opinions when you come to the ethereal palace. I didn't expect to say such a vulgar language. I have a word, please listen." Su Changge took a deep breath.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha No, hahahahahahahaha."

Su Wangyou sighed and said: "I'm leaving, no matter how crude you make, I can't see it anymore, don't worry."

After that, Su Wangyou took out the magic talisman, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Hold the grass and you sell me? w(?Д?)w!" Su Changge said sadly: "Su Wangyou, how loyal you used to be, how can you sell it if you say it is——————"

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