Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 277:

Wang Wanhe, who has no vision, immediately ruined the atmosphere, "You still worry about how you can last longer under Li Buwu, that kid's strength is not even clear to me."

Su Changge pulled his clothes.

"Who wins and who loses...maybe."

Chapter 38 Reborn

The group headed towards Tianhu Mountain.

Tianhu Mountain is indeed a bit far away. At this distance, those acceleration secrets can actually be ignored, because no one's internal energy can sustain the consumption all the way.

A group of people waded through the mountains and reached the foot of Tianhu Mountain after more than twenty days.

Tianhu Mountain is located in the northwest of Zuguang and is covered with snow all year round.

Su Wangyou looked around, the mountain peaked straight into the sky, and there was a vaguely sharp sword aura coming from it, coupled with this endless stretch, turning the world into a pure white snow, just standing in front of this mountain, There is a sense of heaviness of breathlessness.

"The highest peak in the world..." Su Changge looked up, "No one can really calculate the height of this mountain, but according to those warriors who have climbed this mountain, the mountain is at least 12,000 meters. —— Even higher, the temperature at the foot of the mountain is about 22 degrees Celsius, that is to say, the temperature at the top of Tianhu Mountain is..."

Jian Qisha shrugged and said, "The temperature is 25 degrees."

"That's right." Su Changge laughed, "Tomorrow the top of the lake and mountains will have a constant temperature of 25 degrees, but if you walk a few meters down, you will enter an absolute low temperature of minus minus 50 degrees Celsius."

"Then it involves the ancient rumors of Tianhu Mountain." Chu Yi held the sword and slowly walked out from one side. Qin Luoxue followed behind him. When he saw Su Wangyou, his eyes lit up, and he swooped. After coming over, Su Wangyou held her head and turned to look at Chu Yi.

"What rumor?"

Chu Yi glanced a few times and said, "It looks like Mo Qianzhong hasn't arrived yet, so let me tell you about it."

After that, he sat down cross-legged and said, "Our ancient country did record things about Tianhu Mountain..."

Tianhu Mountain, the first peak of Zuguang, has an elevation of at least 12,000 meters.

The slope of the mountain is horribly high. Looking at the whole mountain, even the lowest slope of the mountain is 60 degrees. In most cases, the slope of the mountain is 80 or 90 degrees, and in some places it is even more than 90 degrees. As for Tianhu Mountain is known as the'mountain of the cliff', the climbing difficulty of Tianhu Mountain is no longer reachable by humans, let alone ordinary people, even if it is Taoism, Tongxuan, and even the master martial artist, there is no successful climbing Possibly, only after reaching the sage realm and undergoing some special training can you barely have the qualifications to challenge this eternal peak...

Tianhu Mountain is covered with snow all year round, and the ice is unbreakable, but what is shocking is that the top of Tianhu Mountain is like spring all year round. The temperature there has been maintained at 25 degrees all year round, and there has not been a slight change.

Thanks to the terrifying slope of Tianhu Mountain, the top of Tianhu Mountain is not just a small piece of land like other famous mountains, but a large piece of flat land - at least it used to be flat.

Tianhu Mountain, the reason it has this name, is precisely because the top of Tianhu Mountain is a lake, a lake that occupies 90% of the area of ​​the top of Tianhu Mountain, a lake...above the peak of 12,000 meters.

This lake is called Pingtian Lake, the name of Pingtian, and it is absolutely responsible.

The top of Tianhu Mountain is like spring all year round, and the lake level is quiet. It is said that the top of Tianhu Mountain has become like this. It is two swords, perhaps, the sword intent remaining on the two swords...

A sword is called reincarnation. The owner of this sword is the immortal of the Gu Hong era. The real name of that immortal is now unknown.

(The name of the sword is engraved on the hilt of the PS.)

The other sword is called eternity.

The owner of this sword has a little record. He was the eternal king in the Gu Hong era. Cheng Wunian, who claimed to be immortal and undefeated, never bowed his head or bowed down, was a pity that such a character died in the end. Otherwise, it will not be reduced to the point where the weapon is lost.

And those two people left their own weapons here, the sword of reincarnation, and the sword of eternity, on which there are still two sword intents.

An eternity protects the top of the Tianhu Mountain for thousands of years. As for the reincarnation sword intent, it seems to be suppressed by the eternal sword intent, and will only show off when it is offended.

And those two swords hang in the middle of Pingtian Lake...

Over the years, I don’t know how many warriors have struggled to climb Tianhu Mountain, trying to obtain one of those two swords, but unfortunately no one can succeed...Those who try to resonate, forget it, for those who intend to seize For those with swords, the reincarnation sword will directly destroy those robbers...

Many people have speculated that it was the Reincarnation Sword Master and the Eternal Sword Master who fought a peerless battle on the top of Tianhu Mountain, and both fell here, but their sword intent did not disappear as a result, but continued to remain here. ...

What's more, I think these two peerless powerhouses left their inheritance on the top of Tianhu Mountain before they died...

After Chu Yi finished speaking, he said, "Long Song, Wangyou, are you interested?"

Naturally, what Chu Yi said were those two swords. Most of the inheritance was folk rumors. It was not once or twice that the sword celestial of the ancient country climbed Tianhu Mountain, nor did he see any inheritance. And about those two swords--- —He owns the Liangyi Sword himself, so naturally he has no interest.

Don’t say anything about Su Wangyou. His sword has almost become a consumable. Although he has got white hair three thousand feet now, the sword is too long and too long. Su Wangyou doesn’t make it easy to handle. The choice is definitely to be replaced. Although Su Changge cultivates the law, he also knows many sword repair methods, but he suffers from not having a good sword.

"The weapon of the peerless strongman in the Gu Hong era, do you think it is possible if I say that I am not interested?" Su Changge shrugged and said: "It depends...the two uncles are willing to choose me."

"You said... if we take away the sword of eternity, can the top of Tianhu Mountain remain as it is now? Or..." Su Wangyou meditated: "The sword intent of reincarnation that has not been suppressed, again What will make Tianhushan———— become?"

"Who knows?" Chu Yi glared at him and said absent-mindedly: "Anyway, I'm just here to eat."

Su Changge said heartily, "Can't you care about me?"

Chu Yi ignored Su Changge, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the horizon.

"Look, Mo Qianzhong is here."

Everyone looked at, an elegant young man in a black robe with a calm face was standing on the flying boat. Seeing them looking, the black robe youth showed an easygoing smile.

Su Wangyou rubbed his eyes before he was convinced that the elegant black-clothed youth was Mo Qianzhong.

And a few years ago, he was still a childish-faced child who blushed after just a few words...

"How could it have changed so much..." Su Wangyou couldn't believe it. He could vaguely see the outline of Mo Qianzhong's face, but the temperament... was not developed overnight. Today's Mo Qianzhong, It was like a military division who was really strategizing, and he exuded a sense of confidence from the inside out.

"Pain... urges people to grow." Su Changge raised his head, everyone ran to meet Mo Qianzhong, only Su Changge and Su Wangyou stayed where they were.

"When I saw it for the first time, I couldn't believe my eyes. In my memory, Mo Qianzhong was still the boy who blushed when he was molested at the Baju ceremony, but now he has grown up." Changge whispered: "He has experienced pain, he has survived, and since then, he has reborn and turned into a butterfly. I see it all in my eyes."

Su Wangyou was silent.

After he killed Mo Ge, it was Su Changge who went to comfort Mo Qianzhong.

Presumably, Mo Qianzhong's pain, struggle, suffocation, surrender, and redemption, until the final new life, he saw in his eyes.

"It's not the Mo Qianzhong standing in front of us now." Su Changge smiled, and he shouted in Su Wang's sorrowful eyes: "He, now he is the giant of the Mo family! Mo endless!"

(Mo Qianzhong, endless words, by the way, let me remind you, Su Changge's words are single-minded, Chu is unparalleled, Su Wangyou's words are white, Fifth Huazhi's words are falling, Tang Congxin's words don't follow)

After that, Su Changge left.

Su Wangyou looked at Mo Qianzhong and couldn't believe it.

How many hardships, pain and loneliness does an inexperienced, shy and young boy have to endure before he can become a giant among the Mohists who can be born in large numbers?

Su Wangyou didn't believe that it was because of the order left when Mo Ge had not yet been exposed - then there is no doubt that Mo Qianzhong had won this position himself.

How much blood and tears does a person have to leave to change from that young and shy boy to the current Mo family giant.

Chapter 39 Mountaineering

Su Wangyou and Su Changge also greeted the past.

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