Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 278:

With a small smile at the corner of Mo Qianzhong's mouth, he looked at Su Wangyou and sighed: "It's been a long time since I saw you, Brother Bai Shou, you are still the same as before."

It’s no wonder that Mo Qianzhong said that. After more than four years, Su Wangyou hasn’t changed a bit. He is still like that fledgling boy in white. He is unparalleled in the world, and years never left a trace on him, as if he It has already surpassed time, and it will not be tainted with red dust or right and wrong.

He smiled bitterly and said: "Sometimes I really envy you."

How could he not envy him? If he could, how could he not want to be like Su Wangyou, the carefree young master of the Mo family for a lifetime, growing up under the protection of Mo Ge, but reality does not allow him to do that. He was forced to grow, to be strong, to be strong.

He must shoulder all this.

Only in the presence of old friends like Su Changge, Mo Qianzhong would show such a side. In the Mo family, most people saw the cold-faced and ruthless Mo family giant.

Su Wangyou said softly: "You have grown a lot."

"I have to grow." Mo Qianzhong walked over and patted Su Wangyou on the shoulder, "In order to catch up with you, I will move forward with you."

"You did it." Su Wangyou's always cold face eased a little, "Good job."

Chu Yi also spoke at this time.

"Whenever we are, we will stand by your side."

Mo Qianzhong was startled when he heard the words, and then smiled from the bottom of his heart.


Su Changge's boyfriend hid in disgust and muttered, "Damn, it's so gay."

Everyone could not understand English, but they also understood that Su Changge must have nothing good in his mouth, so he laughed and scolded and ran away.

Su Wangyou thought for a moment, but still didn't tell Chu Yi and Mo Qianzhong what they meant to be gay...

After the fun, the group also started climbing.

Wang Wanhe and Jian Qisha left early, leaving room for the young people.

Bai Ruoli stayed, if she could, she naturally hoped to integrate into this group of people.

But this is a bit difficult. Su Wangyou's group of people were still unknown juniors when they first met. A group of people supported and inspired each other. They broke through the conspiracy of Pavilion Master Taixu and walked through the chaotic desert together, singing in the Mo family One song, finally bloomed its own brilliance on the Baju Ceremony, and this is how the relationship is now.

(Except for Chu Yi, the others were unknown juniors when they first met, including Qin Luoxue and Mo Qianzhong, two great power descendants.)

Although Bai Ruoli had a good relationship with Su Wangyou, they were far from the same as those of Chu Yi and others.

The friends I met in Wei Mo are always more precious than when they were rich. This analogy may not be appropriate, but it is true.

Tianhu Mountain is as high as 12,000 meters--or even more. Feijian naturally can't reach that height, so this is the time to test the body.

The one who jumped the most was Su Changge. For some unknown reason, his light work skyrocketed, and he flew hundreds of meters high in the mountains and rocks. He even made a circle in the air in the middle of the time. After seeing how you feel, will you jump out of the coffin with anger.

Su Wangyou was more honest at this time. He pulled the clothes on his body at will. Now this clothes is indeed a bit unaccustomed to wearing. He touched the clothes hanging on his neck and shoulders, like a scarf. Yi, whispered: "Are you going to get on?"

The little fox rubbed his head with humanity a few times.

A faint blue light appeared in Su Wangyou's eyes.

"Treading the waves---Permanent speed!"

Su Wangyou turned into a stream of light, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Chu Yi watched in place for a while, and then said slowly: "I still can't compare to these two guys in terms of light work..."

"But--" Chu Yi's mouth curled up, "If you are thrown too far, it will be a shame to Gu Guo."

Chu pulled out the sword with a swish.

"Liangyi Bodyguard!"

The sword of Liangyi exudes divine light, covering Chu Yi.

So Chu Yi also disappeared.

Mo Qianzhong turned his head and said with a smile: "See you on the top of the mountain."

After all, Mo Qianzhong also jumped up and down in the mountains. Although the speed was not as fast as the previous ones, it was still very elegant.

Bai Ruoli also left a sentence of'see you on the top of the mountain', and then a lotus grew under her feet and stepped to the top of the mountain step by step.

Qin Luoxue glanced at Fifth Huazhi, and said, "Then—I'm leaving too."

After that, Qin Luoxue took out the long qin, and the ethereal sounds of immortals spread out, and finally resonated with the indescribable will of heaven and earth, and Qin Luoxue was also supported by the will of heaven and earth to fly to the top of the mountain.

Only the fifth Huazhi stood alone at the foot of the mountain.

She raised her head and looked at the first peak of ancestral light that could not be crossed.

Towering into the clouds, the snow-covered peak seemed to mock her overpowering.

Yes, even in the fairyland, in front of the first peak of the ancestral light, even the fairyland will be exhausted by the endless icy snow, and finally be buried by the vast wind and snow.

I don't know how many warriors died here.

On the way to the first peak of Zuguang, the bodies of countless people are buried.

But even so, people are still following, rushing towards there tirelessly.


The fifth Huazhi asked himself.

Su Changge originally didn't allow her to come, but she still came.

Is she scared?

Of course I am afraid.

The Fifth Huazhi laughed at himself, facing death, who could not be afraid?

"But, as long as I think about that day, I feel that death is really easy." Fifth Huazhi remembered that Xiang Jing forced to marry her but fled the marriage in the middle to chase Su Wangyou, even if it was. Even now, she still has an unspeakable grievance.

"Traveling against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat." A flame was lit on the fifth Huazhi body. This is the fire of a phoenix, one of the strongest flames in the world, more than enough to dispel the cold.

"Isn't it the first peak of Zuguang?" Fifth Huazhi grinned, showing the same smile as Su Changge when he went crazy.

"Look at me--- trample you under your feet!"

This is the voice of the future Lord of Great China, the empress who has ruled the world for five thousand years.

"One day, I will catch up!"

Fanwai, when the youth was thin, the shirt was thin (Part 1)

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