Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 287:

But now, they are only in their early twenties, and if nothing else, they still have a lot of time in the future.

But Tang Congxin is different, her talent is very limited.

Although I have been saying that Fifth Huazhi's talent is poor, it is actually an acknowledgment of her talent - because the comparison with her talent is Chu Yisu Wangyou and the like.

And Tang Congxin...

How many elixirs Su Changge gave her before she barely reached the Grandmaster Realm. It is conceivable that unless there is great luck, otherwise Tang Congxin’s greatest achievement in this life is the fairyland, and this kind of elixirs piled In the fairyland, even if it does not fight or leave any hidden injuries, the final life span cannot reach the upper limit of the fairyland 1,000 years old, at most only 700 or 800 years old.

Black-haired people give away white-haired people, but what if the white-haired people are their peers?

The warrior, especially the powerful warrior, will always watch their relatives, friends, lovers, and even children leave one by one.

And these good memories will eventually hit on a dark and lonely night, making you missed to die alive, missed mad, and finally helpless, you can only lie on the bed and cry silently or madly beat the ground. , As if returning to that weak youth.

But when you get up and hold the sword, you know.

Can not go back.

Time goes by, can't stop, can't stop.

Su Wangyou suddenly understood why his grandfather Su Changan turned his head all night and broke his love with a sword.

Since you can't stand this longing, cut it off.

[No, that kind of old way...I don't want to go anymore...] Su Wangyou said indifferently: "Others can't prolong life for others, doesn't mean we can't do it either."

Su Wangyou's voice has never been loud, but everyone heard it.

"It's precisely because the predecessors couldn't do it, that's why we need future generations." Su Changge slowly said: "That's why...we are needed."

"This is really too self-confident..." Chu Yi shook his head, and suddenly showed a confident smile. He narrowed his eyes and said, "But I'm not bad, about this..."

In a daze, Su Wangyou seemed to have seen Chu Wushuang who had said [I want to manage] the injustices in the world again.

Su Changge suddenly couldn't help but utterly said: "Hey, how come I feel that Tang Congxin is just as dead--"

What is the atmosphere terminator.

This is.

Everyone punched and kicked Su Changge. In this enthusiastic daily activity, Su Wangyou took out the pots and pans, seasoned ingredients, and started cooking.

"Leave a little bit for Tang Congxin." Fifth Huazhi said, she thought for a while, pursed her lips and smiled softly: "Otherwise, I'm afraid someone will be angry again."

Su Changge, who was beaten with a blue nose and a swollen face, caused his face to fall below the 85-point mark, showing the expression of eating a hundred tons of shit.

"Emmmmmm, it's correct to say that, but how do we bring this kind of food we eat now? It's called hot pot, right?"

As Mo Qianzhong said, he cast a questioning look at Su Wangyou.

Su Wangyou nodded without changing his face.

That's right, the moment he took out the pots and pans, he suddenly didn't bother to do it, so he thought for a while and decided to eat hot pot.

Obviously, Zu Guang didn't have hot pot, and everyone was in contact for the first time, but the problem was not big.

————Isn’t it just eating?

Su Changge skillfully picked up a hairy belly, and said: "This thing is okay--but I still feel that I have lost it. How can this thing compare to Wangyou's craftsmanship?"

Qin Luoxue hesitated: "It's really fragrant?"

Su Changge: "..."

"Why is it so fragrant?" Chu Yi said, "If you don't make comparisons, this thing is really good, but it's really not as good as Baishou who cooks himself."

That's right, but everyone still ate very happy.

Only Wang Wanhe has been a little bit brooding.

After all, she is the only one who really came here to eat...

The group was full of food and drink, took a short rest, and then discussed again.

"By the way... it's rare to come to this Pingtian Lake. It feels weird to leave like this." Su Changge stretched out and said, "Shall we write a poem as a memento?"

Chu Yi squinted and said: "You didn't leave any memorial, but Su Wangyou took a sword directly."

"Oh, I'm really envious when I say it." Su Changge said in a move: "Wait, there is a sword there, not as good as us..."

"Then try it."

Su Changge got up and nodded towards the crowd, and then several steps across the kilometer distance, directly to the middle of the lake, he stretched out his hand and directly held the sword of reincarnation.

After a while, Su Changge ran back dingy.

When everyone saw his look, they began to make fun of him.

"It's a shame I'll come first."

"I'm coming again, ashamed."

"I'm here for Tang Congxin-a shameful guy!"

Su Changge became angry and made a humiliating voice.

"proceed if you can!"

So everyone went up to give it a try - except for Chu Yi.

The result was not unexpected, all failed...

Su Wangyou said at this time: "The sword seems to have certain requirements on the user's character. People who have suffered from the world may be more easily recognized. Although you have experienced the pain of cultivation, they are far from being considered. Suffering from the sufferings of the world, it is natural to be unable to draw that sword."

Su Wangyou's comfort is naturally very useful-it would be better if there is no next sentence.

"Of course, the main thing is to look at Jianyi."

"Take the last sentence in my heart!"

Of course, only Su Changge is the one who dares to yell at Su Wangyou like this.

Chapter 47 The Seal

"It's really a Tianhu Mountain."

Chu Yi stood on the edge of Pingtian Lake and looked down.

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