Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 288:

More than 10,000 meters down, there is endless, roaring wind and snow as if to swallow the world.

But just a few meters up, the Pingtian Lake is like spring all year round, where even the temperature is constant!

"I'm afraid... this scene won't last long." Su Changge stood beside Chu Yi and said casually: "It was originally dependent on the sword intent of the Eternal Sword to maintain this appearance. Su Wangyou took it away, I'm afraid..."

"I'm curious about another thing." Chu Yi turned around, looked at the middle of the lake, and said, "The sword intent of the sword of reincarnation was suppressed by the sword of eternity before, but now...what will happen?"

"Let's talk about it then."

Chu Yi looked at the 10,000-meter snow-capped mountain under his feet, and suddenly there was a hint of understanding in his heart.

Su Changge watched Chu Yi suddenly show an expression of "I understand, I understand", and hurriedly whispered, he knew this dog thing was about to begin.

Brother, I have an epiphany, how about you?

Sure enough, Chu suddenly opened his arms, then... jumped down!

After a while, a hundred-meter dragon made of ice and snow roared toward the sky.

Chu jumped up, he patted the snow off his body, and before everyone asked questions, he calmly said, "It's just a little bit of insight."

Su Changge looked at the ice and snow dragon that was still rushing upwards, as if it was about to rush out of the sky, and vomited: "I don't think this is a'little sentiment', it's almost a must-see."

"This trick... can enter the natal martial arts school." Su Wangyou took a look and said: "I feel that this trick is very suitable for large-scale operations like war."

"Basically, I don't need it anymore." Chu sat down cross-legged.

This sentence was completely his subconscious reaction. After all, Zu Guang now has almost no large-scale warfare. The leader of Ye Jintianming who has just emerged not long ago, Mo Ge, was beaten to death again - even if he did not. Faced with an elite organization like Ye Jintianming, it is impossible to use this kind of trick.

————If the other party has any puppet secret method or similar secret method, it is natural to say otherwise.

"It might be very useful."

Su Wangyou looked at Pingtian Lake in front of him, his eyes a little dull.

Chu Yi didn't quite understand the meaning of Su Wangyou's words, but he still responded.

After a while, Chu Yi asked, "Why are you staring at the middle of the lake?"

When he said this, he looked at Su Wangyou suspiciously, and saw Su Wangyou staring at the middle of the lake without squinting, as if something was going to be born there.

According to his observation, Su Wangyou had been staring there for more than 20 minutes, during which time his body did not move.

Su Wangyou frowned and said, "There is a problem."

He repeated: "There is a problem with the flow of spiritual energy there."

"Not bad!" At some point, Su Changge also walked to the two of them, and he solemnly said: "The flow of spiritual energy there is very abnormal."

"What's the matter?" Everyone gathered around, and Su Wangyou and Su Changge were silent.

In desperation, Chu Yi had to explain a few words - although he didn't understand it very much.

Su Changge frowned, he seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be talking to Su Wangyou.

"I have never seen such a flow of spiritual energy."

"It's too weird." Su Wangyou whispered: "It's like a secret realm, it's like a formation, it's even like the residual power of a unique school, how can there be such a flow of spiritual energy?"

"But this spiritual energy flow is so weak..." Su Changge sat down cross-legged.

"Such a weak fluctuation, whether it is the secret realm or the fluctuation, is a little bit worse, unless——————"

Su Wangyou and Su Changge looked at each other, and the two said together.



The seal is actually a type of formation, but if it is subdivided, it is not a formation.

The formation method is based on its own power, supplemented by the power of heaven and earth, and emphasizes the momentary strength.

However, the seal is guided by its own strength, borrowing the power of heaven and earth to suppress certain things, and it emphasizes long-term suppression.

Although the two look similar, they are completely different in nature.

"A seal on the top of Tianhu Mountain, how terrifying is the mighty power that can be borrowed..."

"But now there is aura leaking out, that is to say..."

"The seal... loosened!"

Su Wangyou and Su Changge looked at each other again.

"The top of Tianhu Mountain, the beauty of Zhong Tiandi, the highest peak of the ancestral light, and the sword of eternity and the sword of reincarnation, this place, how powerful is the power of heaven and earth that can be borrowed? But now, this seal is loose... "

Su Changge's expression became solemn.

"What kind of monster is pressed in it?"

Su Wangyou's expression remained unchanged, and said: "Back then, the Samsara Sword Master and the Eternal Sword Master gathered here, is it really just for the competition?"

"You mean--" Su Changge's expression changed, and he said, "They are trying to suppress things here?"

"Perhaps, maybe not." Su Wangyou said slowly: "If so, why did they fight a fight? But if not, it doesn't make sense..."

Both of them were silent for a while, and then Su Changge stood up and said, "I'll ask Elder Qi and Sect Master to come and have a look."

Elder Qi is the one who is best at sealing in the sect — different from the formation, the way of sealing has long been declining, even if it is an all-rounder like Su Changge, there are not many learners, and only Elder Qi Only an old warrior can understand.

As for the suzerain—for such a big matter, it must be discussed.

Su Wangyou said slowly: "Call Elder Zhu also."

Su Changge was taken aback.

Sect Master and Elder Qi are invited naturally because they are needed, and Zhu Yao is invited... There is only one advantage of Zhu Yao---that is, it can fight and there are many methods. If you say that Zhu Yao is invited, then mean……

(PS also has many methods, Su Changge has many secret methods, and Zhuyao has many equipment...)

Su Wangyou is probably about to do it.

Su Changge took a deep look at the middle of the lake, took out the magic rune with his backhand, and disappeared instantly.

Among the crowd, only Su Changge was able to bring other people over by relying on his storage artifact that could hold living things.

The forty-eighth chapter is called the emperor if you can't beat it!What are you doing?

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