Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 299:

Lingshan took down the sword light of the green lotus, and passed the peaks and left a wound on its body that was not too serious, at least for this huge beast that was hundreds of meters long, the wound was not too serious.

[No way...]

Su Wangyou sighed secretly, and at the same time dodged the attack of Lingshan.

The strong point of Lingshan is not speed, not attack power, but defense power.

Zu Guang's many warriors have fought for so long, and although many people have died, they are actually pressing Lingshan to fight - but this pressing and beating is meaningless.

Because they can't break the defense of Lingshan.

The white hair in Su Wangyou's hands is three thousand feet, and the sharpness is as high as six pluses. It is one of the top artifacts in the world, but even so, Su Wangyou's heavy blow can only barely leave a fleeting white mark on Lingshan. That's it.

In this battle, it is no exaggeration to say that Lingshan has been invincible from the beginning.

Su Wangyou's current strength is so terrible that it can even crush the emperor's front line, but this has no effect, and he still cannot cause a real effective attack on Lingshan.

Su Wangyou squeezed the ring in his hand.

Could it be that……

[No, no ——————]

Su Wangyou suddenly raised his head.

There are too many uncertainties about his growth in this game. If he uses this ultimate ultimate move here, what should Dao Dao do on that day? Could it be that Li Buwu, the monarch of the ancient country, Qin Luoxue, Did the two hundred sword emperors of the ancient kingdom die in his hands?

Su Wangyou gritted his teeth, he clenched the sword, and hundreds of swords light slashed towards Lingshan.

As before, it was useless.

The invincible defense that drove the entire Gu Hong martial artist to go crazy is still invincible after ten thousand years.

Halloween Extra

"Happy Halloween!"

Su Changge shouted and rushed into the Misty Palace.

"I invite you all to eat sweets!"

"Halloween?" Sect Master frowned, turned his head to look at Elder Qi, "What kind of mess is this?"

Elder Qi is an old man, and he knows the customs of foreign countries clearly. He frowned and looked at Su Changge with a little dislike.

"It's just a festival in some small western countries. A gang of demons and ghosts dance." Elder Qi saw Su Changge's hippie smiling face, and suddenly became angry, "Su Changge, Su Changge! You too! It can be regarded as a fundamental surprise, why don't you practice well and keep these inexplicable things all day long, can't you learn from Su Wangyou? Well, it's really..."

Su Changge still had a hippy smile. He shook his finger and said with a smile: "Elder Qi, what you said is too one-sided. Halloween was originally a celebration of autumn, but then people took this day as a good opportunity to indulge. Later, it slowly evolved into what it is now - well, anyway, this is a festival, big or small, and it doesn't matter if you play."

When Elder Qi heard this, he was about to scold Su Changge for not doing his job properly, but he unexpectedly said, "Ah...Speaking of which, we really haven't held any activities in our sect recently. It's not bad to make a fuss."

When the Sect Master said this, he happily said to Su Changge: "How about you go and arrange it?"

"no problem!"

Su Changge smiled and agreed.

Elder Qi sighed, and still didn't say anything. If he vetoed it, the Sect Master would have listened, but there was no need for it...

[A handful of old bones... The young man’s thoughts, but I really don’t understand.

Su Changge deserves to be Su Changge, his action power is so horribly high. In just a short period of time, the ethereal Xianzong accepted the idea of ​​Halloween.

However, due to the differences in the understanding of ghosts and monsters between China and the West, and Su Changge himself has a little understanding of Halloween—at least he has never been there, so Su Changge is unavoidable in his dressing up a little unclear and can only be irresponsible. The next sentence is'you figure it out!', so everyone's dressing may...will have a strong ancestral color.

After all, Zu Guang doesn't have such things as witches, pirates, and alien visitors.

(PS pirates naturally exist, but their image is fundamentally different from that of the West.)

Su Wangyou pushed open the heavy wooden door.

In this retreat, his cultivation base has improved a lot, and he has completed several secret techniques, which has greatly increased his attributes.

He stretched his body a little, but suddenly found something interesting.

[Why, is it possible that the illusory fairy sect also mixed into the assassin?And it's so lame...] Su Wangyou sighed secretly, turned around, and then stepped through hundreds of meters, holding the assassin he had sensed in his hands.


In front of me was a woman wearing pure white clothes, bare feet, pale skin, and her hair covering most of her face like a ghost. If she hadn't made that shameful sound, Su Wangyou might think she would do it. Not bad.

But now, Su Wangyou has already judged her identity from her voice.

"What's the matter with you?" Su Wangyou shook the female ghost and said, "Ning Yuluo?"

That's right, the one who pretends to be this female ghost is the number one thorn in the ethereal Immortal Sect, Ning Yuluo!

Ning Yuluo wanted to harass a wave of Su Wangyou, but she was suddenly picked up and yelled out in a panic, but she soon discovered that it was Su Wangyou who had caught her. He hurriedly said with a cheeky: "Elder Su, don't you understand? This is a Western festival called Halloween. My dress is standard."

Su Wangyou fell silent. He looked at the other party in this standard oriental female ghost costume, and really didn't know what this had to do with Western Halloween.

Ning Yuluo didn't know that Elder Su in front of him was a modern man after ten thousand years, and knew about Halloween more than 10,000 times than her, but she was still talking there.

"This Halloween is a Western holiday, every year..."

Su Wangyou sighed, released his hand, and put Ning Yuluo down. Then he took out a candy from the storage artifact and stuffed it into the chattering little girl's mouth.

"Happy Halloween, don't stroll outside too late."

After all, Su Wangyou stepped away in the void, leaving Ning Yuluo standing alone, covering her mouth like a fool.


Su Wangyou didn’t hesitate to find Su Changge directly. There was no doubt that he would do such a thing. There was no one other than Su Changge. He searched several places, but he didn’t see Su Changge. On the contrary, the figure of the song was harassed by Bai Ruoli, the lord, and Bai Linglong, especially the last one. She even wanted to tie Su Wangyou back directly. Fortunately, Su Wangyou's physical skills are extraordinary. Reluctantly escaped.

"It's really rare to see you so embarrassed." Zhu Yao raised the exquisite wine glass in his hand and gloated: "Could it be that Bai Linglong was chased by the fellow again?"

Su Wangyou remained silent. When he ran away, he panicked and ran into this small forest. He didn't expect Zhu Yao to have a drink alone here.

Su Wangyou thought for a while, sat opposite Zhu Yao, skillfully took out a wine gourd, and poured a few mouthfuls into his mouth.

Afterwards, he said: "I have two drinks with you?"

"Ah? Come on." Elder Zhu said with a smile: "You kid, I don't want to fight with you. What do you call drinking two sips? Last time you said to have two sips, but you ended up taking half of the ethereal Immortal Sect. Drink and get down."

Su Wangyou shrugged and took another sip.

"Isn't it very lively outside? Why doesn't Elder Zhu go out to join in the fun?" Su Wangyou asked casually.

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