Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 300:

Elder Zhu shook his head and sighed: "I don't understand the thoughts of those little guys more and more, so let's avoid it."

Su Wangyou stood up and put a candy on the table by Zhu Yao.

"All in all... Happy Halloween."

After that, Su Wangyou disappeared.

Zhuyao picked up the candy without crying or laughing, and said to himself: "This kid..."

She put the candy in her mouth, and couldn't help but smile and said, "How do you know I like this taste?"

"Really, what Su Changge is doing..." Su Wangyou rushed on Misty Mountain. Just now, he received Su Changge's voice transmission and asked him to go to the top of Yunmiao Peak.

Yunmiao Peak is one of the tallest peaks in the Misty Mountain, basically second only to the top of the Misty Peak.

He thought of all kinds of'monsters and ghosts' he had encountered along the way, and couldn't help sighing, "What kind of Halloween is this..."

Thinking of this, Su Wangyou stepped onto the top of the dark Yunmiao Peak.

[It's so dark...]

Su Wangyou couldn't help muttering as he looked at the darkness in front of him.

[Su Changge is not playing tricks on me, watch me go back and kill him...] Suddenly, a huge pumpkin head, which is even more than Su Wangyou's hit, suddenly appeared in front of him. The eyes and mouth glowed, and the surrounding lights became bright.

Su Wangyou also saw things around him clearly.

Around, there are a few tables full of desserts, as well as a few Tan dessert wines, which look like a small banquet.

"Happy Halloween!" *n.

Su Wangyou was startled, then looked around.

Su Changge, Chu Yi, Mo Qianzhong, Qin Luoxue, Fifth Huazhi, Tang Congxin...

At the beginning, the Mo family group was all gathered, their faces were either sincere, helpless, or dumbfounded, but Su Wangyou could see that they were very happy.

Tianzong young man, he should always come to the young man who talks and does it twice, so that he can live up to thousands of times.

Su Changge stood at the very center, his face with a slack smile as always.

"How? Isn't the Halloween I designed great?"

"What kind of mess..." He looked around, and then remembered the gang of monsters and ghosts he had seen before, a little bit dumbfounded, "What kind of Halloween is this?"

Su Wangyou raised his eyes to the full moon in the sky.

"It's not bad..."

Chapter 58 I, Su Wangyou (8)

What is invincibility?

Faster than light?

The power to lift a planet?

Endless inner energy?

The invincible sword intent?

In fact, there is nothing more than the same truth. When you reach the limit to a certain extent, you become invincible.

Lingshan's strength is definitely not the top in Gu Hong. There are many people who can hold it down, but those people are dead, but it is still alive. Why?

Because no one can kill it.

Lingshan's armor that looked like gold but not gold, and like silver and not silver blocked everything.

But the people of Zu Guang didn't know that the most terrifying part of Lingshan was not in this, but they were not able to force this characteristic of Lingshan.

In Gu Hong, there was a sword repairman who was mentally abnormal after taking a trip on the Road of Inner Devil. He was called Mo Kuang. During a battle to siege and kill Lingshan, he accidentally said such a sentence.

At the time, no one but him could understand this sentence.

"This guy's resilience is just as perverted as guy 682!"

If Lingshan suffers a serious life-threatening injury, it will shrink its body, enter a tortoise state, and... initiate evolution!!

Constantly being injured, constantly getting stronger, and constantly evolving, this is what now has this Lingshan that is not bad and immortal!

Otherwise, how could Gu Hong, with so many capable people and strangers, have nothing to do with this unparalleled but extremely cruel behemoth?

Su Wangyou doesn't know this now, but he has been forced to a desperate situation.

There is no doubt that Su Wangyou's willpower is unparalleled in the world.

When he was six years old, he had seen the most terrifying, mysterious, deepest, and most chaotic darkness in the world. The horror of his willpower was far beyond human beings.

But now it is in the game.

No matter what kind of game it is, it cannot copy Su Wangyou's blood, nor can he copy Su Wangyou's will.

The system can only restore as much as possible.

And Feng Mo Jianxin was the number one killer in the ages, the crazy sword heart that did not survive the madness.

It was a miracle that Su Wangyou could hold on for a few minutes. Wuming followed Li Qinglian for thousands of years, but when Demon Sword's heart attacked, he couldn't hold it for three seconds.

And if Su Wangyou is controlled by this Demon Jianxin...

His attack cannot cause effective damage to Lingshan, and Lingshan cannot attack him, who is invincible, so the final attack will only be the people of Zuguang...

Su Wangyou looked at Lingshan in a daze, with a rare color of clarity in his eyes.


Lingshan’s giant claws fell. According to Su Wangyou’s performance just now, he could easily avoid this attack, so Zu Guang’s people were not very worried, only the Sect Master suddenly felt a coolness hitting his mind, as if he was crazy. Rushed towards Su Wangyou.

Su Wangyou bent his head slightly, nodded a finger far away, and the unparalleled inner energy emerged three-dimensionally, easily repelling the sect master who had consumed the inner energy.

The giant claw fell to the ground, splashed with rubble and dust in the sky, Su Wangyou did not dodge, but stood lonely in place.

All Zu Guang's warriors were stunned.

Because just now, Su Wangyou did not dodge or hide, and let Lingshan attack it with one claw. Although Lingshan is not good at attacking power, how could a non-physicist be able to carry such an ancient monster's attack? Live...

Lingshan slowly moved away his paws, and everyone's eyes widened, trying to see the unyielding figure in white robe.

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