Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 307:

Extraordinary End

"Finally... it's over."

Fifth Hua Zhi lifted up his red hair, his expression was slightly startled.

"Ah." Su Changge sat opposite him, sipping wine, "It's over."

This is the last year of Zu Guang.

The Emperor of Humanity died in the Heavenly Dao Continent, and the evil demon outside the heavens did not dare to enter the ancestral light.

Mo Qianzhong entered Beijing alone and discussed the Tao with hundreds of great Confucian Confucianists. He defeated and killed one. In the end, no one dared to resist Mo Qianzhong, and Xia Guo was admitted to Qin State almost without injury.

The ancient kingdom killed two hundred sword emperors and ancient kingdom monarchs in the battle of the Great Emperor of Heaven. The current kingdom leader is Chu Yi. After receiving the support of many sword repairs, the ancient kingdom merged into the Qin kingdom.

Although Wang Mang was a rare emperor, but his martial arts talents were really too limited. After his old age, Shang State was quickly taken over by Qin State. In this way, the Central Plains and the North were unified.

The Fifth Huazhi thinks this way. Kongguo is located in the 100,000 mountains in the west. If you want to go there, you have to bypass the chaotic desert. In addition, Kongguo has been keeping its own feet recently. It doesn’t matter if you want to let them go. .

At this point, Fifth Huazhi's expression softened. She gently grabbed Su Changge's hand and said softly, "It's all over."

"Yeah." Su Changge nodded and raised his glass to her, his eyes soft.

"From now on, we will only have goodbye, not birth."


Kang Dang

The Fifth Huazhi didn't deliberately use her internal energy to dispel the alcoholic spirit, and soon fainted on the stone table.

Su Changge's expression was a little confused, he stretched out his hand and gently pressed the fifth Huazhi's neck.

[This way... I should not be able to wake up in a short time.] [Still... so cheating.

Su Changge took off his dragon robe and put on plain clothes.

He carried a sword and came to a grave.

The sword is the sword of Liangyi, and the grave is Chu Yi's grave.

Su Changge stood in front of the grave for a long time, and finally said a word softly, but no one heard what it was.

He took out the hip flask and drank without a word for a long time.

Afterwards, Su Changge left here, while the Liangyi Sword, known as the number one divine sword in the world, was left here by him.

He arrived at another grave.

This is Qin Luoxue's grave. Su Changge took out a long qin and burned it to Qin Luoxue.

"Really, your luck has been good for a lifetime, but you fell in the last battle..." Su Changge held back tears.

"The Song of Broken don't need to play it."


Su Changge is packing his luggage. If nothing happens, there shouldn’t be any trouble in this line. Most of the people in Kongguo have been bought by him. The twenty-five sons in Kongguo might be more than the owner of Kongguo thought. , But it’s okay, because those twenty-five boys will eventually die.

Gui Guzi's back was even more curved. He stood beside Su Changge and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, why don't you do these trivial things after you become the throne? Everyone is waiting."

"Who is waiting?" Su Changge asked rhetorically, "Who is waiting?"

His tone was lonely.

"It's all dead."

Gui Guzi was not discouraged either, he said seriously: "Anyway————"

"————I'm leaving." Su Changge interrupted him forcefully, "If I don't come back, let Huazhi be the emperor, and kill those who disagree."

Gui Guzi bent down.


For a long time, for a long time.

Gui Guzi didn't need to look up, and knew that Su Changge was already far away.

He didn't raise his head, still keeping the posture of bending over.

But his mouth grinned bit by bit.

Su Changge suddenly turned his head.

"Ye Jin Tianming... come back and deal with it, as for you, master."

He turned his head and walked forward calmly.

"Go and die."

This line enters the empty country.

Thirty fame, dust and soil, eight thousand miles, clouds and moon.

No one knows how strong Su Changge was at this time. After he killed the Great Emperor, few people could force him to make a move, and every time he made a move, he would set off a storm of blood.

For example, the air country this time.

Su Changge did not have a wife. He had a wife, an ancient sword fairy, who belonged to a political marriage. Later, she died in the empty country, and it was the hands of the royal family.

Even if it is a political marriage, how can you live without feelings for hundreds of years?

[Just treat it as... Let me be willful one last time.

Su Changge really didn't expect that he would die here.

Died in the hands of... a needle.

Seven shots can kill seven people.

The super killer in the hands of the master of the empty country.

Su Changge was not spared.

He is going to die too.

Su Changge exhausted all means and tried every means to delay his death.

at least……

He ran fast and finally saw Chang'an.

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