Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 308:

[At least let me deal with the night and the daylight——————]

He stood on the hills around Chang'an City and stepped away.

Just three————

Afterwards, the death that clearly made him feel irresistible, and was forced to come over.

He knew that he would not survive tomorrow.

One night, it is impossible to deal with the night and the day.

Su Changge sat down with a sad smile.

He thought for a long time, and finally dug a hole for himself with his hands and lay in.

good night.

Thinking so, he found a comfortable sleeping position.

Then I really fell asleep.

He was really tired. At this time, he really didn't want to think about anything, and didn't want to calculate anything.

Su Chang's fans closed their eyes in a daze, and finally found peace.

Chapter Two Talk

Zhang Tulong's expression remained unchanged, and he calmly said, "You don't have to threaten me like this."

Su Changge thought for a moment, and slowly spit out a few words from his mouth.

"You lied to me."

"I lied to you?" Zhang Tulong almost laughed, "What did I lie to you? What good is it to lie to you——Finally, is it weird that I lied to you? We are not an alliance."

Su Changge said blankly: "Thousand-faced Langjun died in the chaotic desert by Chu Yi's hands. If I'm not mistaken, you probably wanted to kill Chu Yi that year, and then let Qianmian Langjun go. Instead of him, to gain the support of the ancient country, then logically speaking, after the death of Lord Qianmian, you should abandon the siege of Chu Yi. Offending the ancient country is not a wise choice, but --- —"

Su Changge stared at Zhang Tulong, saying word by word: "Back in the battle of the Tibetan God Forest, you still wanted to kill Chu Yi and hide the news. This also means that the plan to impersonate Chu Yi has not been Give up--and Qianmen Langjun is still alive."

"In other words, you...resurrected a virtual realm."

Zhang Tulong laughed dumbly. He shook his head and said, "I really didn't lie to you. The reason why we can be resurrected is entirely because when we joined Ye Jin Tianming, we gave a part of our soul to Mo Ge. Then he can rely on it to draw our complete soul back."

"Needless to say about the Emperor Realm, you and I are both from the Ghost Valley Sect. Naturally, I know the birth of flesh, but the Void Realm is different. The resources of the Void Realm are reborn..."

When Zhang Tulong said this, he couldn't help showing a painful color. Even an old monster like him, who was like him, showed such an expression. The consumption can be imagined.

"Later Mo Ge died, and I became the leader, and the soul was returned. This time I will fight Lingshan. Only then will a few people keep the soul in my custody. If I die, I can resurrect."

Zhang Tulong looked at Su Changge lightly.

"But Su Wangyou's soul is not in my hands. Now, there is nowhere to find his soul. Since you are a member of the Guigu Clan, you must know this better than me. If you don't enter the emperor realm, once you die, Divine Soul immediately... entered the place."

Zhang Tulong narrowed his eyes.

"The only one in the world who can resurrect Su Wangyou is————"

Su Changge took out his sword, Zhang Tulong sneered, his sleeves rolled, and he disappeared.

Su Changge maintained the posture of the sword, he gently said to Tang Congxin on one side.

"Don't take it to heart."


"Build a monument."

The Emperor Human looked lonely, he stood in front of the palace, and whispered to the open space in front of him.

"Here, build a monument."

The gray-robed old man on one side stepped up respectfully and asked: "What monument does your Majesty want to build?"

The Emperor raised his head and looked in the direction of Tianhu Mountain in the distance. His gaze seemed to pass through most of the ancestral light and cast onto the wind and snow of Pingtian Lake.

He opened his mouth and said three words.

"Heroic monument."

The heroic monument, needless to say, is naturally to commemorate those who died. Who can be remembered at this time?Isn't it the group of acid scholars who died under Lan Juanzhu?

The gray-robed old man bent over and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

The Emperor closed his eyes.

"I'm a shit!"

There is no need to talk about the terrible power of action of the warriors. The things that the emperor arranged in the morning were completed in the afternoon.

Renhuang stood in front of the stele with a confused look, and stretched out his hand to stroke every character on the stele.

"Shen Luozong No. 2 enshrined, Li Longsu, grabbed Lingshan and blew himself to death, his soul was gone."

"The elder of the Misty Immortal Sect, Qi Shenxu, died under the sword of Su Wangyou. All three of the family died because of the ancient beasts."

"Yin-Yang family worship, Luo Ning, opened Lingshan's mouth physically and rescued the ancestor saint of the Yin-Yang family, but he was buried here."

"The ancient country sword monument is a great sacrifice, Chu Wuxin, slashing ninety-nine-eighty-one swords, suppressing the Lingshan for more than 12 seconds, died of exhaustion."

"The ancestor of the Jinling Yu Family, the rain stopped gradually, and he died under the sword of Su Wangyou, saying he had no regrets."


A personal name was reported by the Emperor, and so was the cause of their death.

The Emperor walked around the stele and read them out one by one.

Then he walked to the last of the murals.

"The ethereal Immortal Sect, Su Wangyou..."

"No one deserves to comment on him before and after his death." A voice appeared out of thin air beside Renhuang, and then a torrent of internal energy rushed through, washing away Su Wangyou's comments.

The emperor turned around, and the person here was his younger brother, Lan Langzhu.

No one dared to imagine that he had just killed more than twenty great scholars in Xia Guo, yet he dared to run in front of the Emperor.

Lan Juanzhu looked at this monument seriously, and said, "You finally did the right thing."

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