Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 351:

Just as Su Wangyou was trying to think about and guess the truth of this copy, a sudden voice interrupted his thinking.

"Hey, Su Wangyou, why are you still here? I remember that I already gave your contact information to the customer. Could it be that you solved it so quickly? Hey, you guy, it's really faster every time."

Su Wangyou turned around, looking blankly at the beauty who should be one of his two assistants.

"It's really a shoddy joke." Su Wangyou replied with a cold face and mercilessly.

The person in front of me may say that Su Wangyou knows this look. Claus of the School of Truth, an elf-like noble woman with long golden curly hair, completely surpasses Europeans, even among Asians. The perfect skin of a rival is also rare in China, as well as the figures of almost all women of the same age that Su Wangyou knows, such as Diao Daqin Luoxue, Li Chunqiu, Penglai Mountain Nine Heavens, Tang Congxin, Mo Qianyin, etc.

I’ve thought about it after hundreds of thousands of words. You’ve forgotten this trick long ago. Just to mention, Claus’s main record is

Together with the other five people in the'Seven Schools' Huiwu', they were crushed by Su Wangyou.

Chapter 6 The Heart of the Transcender (4)

"Well, it's just a little joke, our detective, don't be so angry." Clause showed a charming smile.

Her name made Su Wangyou feel uncomfortable all over the body.

"By the way, you shouldn't. You've always been an efficiencyist. Shouldn't you solve that case now? How come you came here?" Krauris said sternly. She obviously didn't realize that Su Wangyou in front of her was a fake. Huo, on the contrary, he speculated seriously: "Could it found the school in this case?"

[This is... how to answer.

Just as Su Wangyou was thinking about how to answer is normal, Krauris was already asking and answering herself.

"Ah, I see, did you come here because you missed your being a beautiful and virtuous assistant."

Although it was an interrogative sentence, Clauris said it in a declarative tone, which is probably her talent.

Su Wangyou sighed and said, "Not really."

So the topic is over.

The two walked side by side in Hongye Academy, chatting casually.

"Which client is something that dissatisfied you? If so, I can go ahead and reject that order."

"No, it's not..."

"Then, is that case embarrassing you?"

"No, not really."

"Could it be that the person who committed the crime is an acquaintance, and you don't want to identify him?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"Then, what is going on? Haven't you been proud of your efficiency?"

Su Wangyou was silent for a while, then stopped.

Clause turned around, her emerald-like eyes staring at him closely, as if staring at her own treasure.

"How do you say it." Su Wangyou conceived the words, "I always feel that my reasoning ability is constantly declining——————"

Before he finished speaking, Su Wangyou closed his mouth.

He realized that he had said the wrong thing, because of Claus's suddenly funny expression.

"Hey hey hey." Krauris stretched out her slender fingers and lightly nodded Su Wangyou's eyebrows, "Su Wangyou, Su Wangyou, you are really, you have been blown up by the media too much, you really think What kind of detective can you not be?"

Clause retracted her hand and held it behind her back, and the breeze blew her hair up, bringing with it a strange fragrance.

"When do you solve the case, when do you need reasoning? It's just pretending to be seen by outsiders and acting." She smiled and said: "After all, you are the strongest in the world——————"

"Ah, I found you!!"

A sudden high female voice sounded, just overpowering Claus's groaning voice like a lover, Su Wangyou only heard the last few words.

"……Those who can."

[The strongest in the world???Those who can?

Without a doubt, Clause's speech was interrupted, and Su Wangyou could not hear the most important words in the middle.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Su Wangyou is also a superpower, and his ability seems to be quite strong, and he is even called the world's strongest in some respect, and this superpower must be related to solving the case.

He actually wanted to ask Krauris what his abilities were, but that would definitely be a gangster, so let's avoid it.

But this kind of feeling is definitely uncomfortable. Anyone who is interrupted when the mystery is about to be revealed will not feel good.

But Su Wangyou couldn't get angry.

He couldn't be more familiar with that voice.

That was his voice in reality, the only person who could truly be called a friend.

He turned around, Li Chunqiu's little angry face - and her barren figure came into view.

"You showy vixen——————Don’t bring me so close!"

Like a thief, Li Chunqiu separated the two at once.

Clause smiled, but she showed an extremely disdainful look on her face, obviously not treating Li Chunqiu as her opponent.

"Really, the people who eat free meals are really imposing." Krauris hid a knife in a smile.

[Eating free meals?Ah————I understand, probably Li Chunqiu is the last person in the detective office. I will solve the case and the client will hand it over to Claus. Li Chunqiu has no effect, so it is said.Really... it is a salted fish that fits the reality.

Su Wang looked at Li Chunqiu, who was trembling with pity and helplessness, shook his head.

Later, he took out his phone, edited a message, and sent it to the person with the blank profile picture.

[The second floor of Hongye Academy No. 3 Restaurant, until the sunset, is out of date.————This is also the usual habit of the original body, which can be said to be proud of talent.

The person with the blank head quickly returned.

it is good.

Upon seeing this, Su Wangyou pointed to the No. 3 restaurant in front and said to the two people: "Go to the second floor and wait. I have an appointment with the client to meet there."

[In short... let's try it first, it seems that this copy is supposed to ask me to find out my true super powers first, and then use super powers to solve the case. This is probably much more reasonable, anyway, it is more reasonable than my own Much better.Although he still doesn’t know what his superpowers are, Su Wangyou decided to take the next case and try it out. According to Claus, he should have been using superpowers to solve problems, but not Do you know why you keep hiding your superpowers-probably to prevent criminals from finding ways to crack them?

[If I can ask my own ability side by side, that would be great.Su Wangyou glanced at the two sitting at the table, but he didn't really care.

Now that I am sure I have super powers, I'm fine with the rest.

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