Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 352:

He said casually.

"Li Chunqiu, do you ability is strong?"

Li Chunqiu was stunned. Obviously he didn't react, but Clause reacted immediately and smiled like a dog.

"Strong, of course it is strong. Forgetting your abilities can benefit society!"

Lick to the end, everything. JPG

Li Chunqiu obviously reacted too, but she is not yet a licking dog like Claus who gave up everything for love. She thought about it and hesitated: "Well, if it is practical, your abilities are indeed very practical. It's almost comparable to those with superpowers in the production department, and even surpasses them, but if you want to say how strong..."

"I think...just so."

Li Chunqiu hesitated and said sincerely.

"After all, something like reading memory is really not very powerful."

Accidentally clicked wrong

I accidentally posted the unfinished draft just now. It was meant to save the draft, but I accidentally clicked to publish it...

A hundred words


Chapter 7 The Heart of the Transcender (5)

[Read memory...?

This is really not a kind of ability that can be used for combat-if you are in the world of martial arts or fairy tales, you can use this ability to read other people's exercises and martial arts, but in this everyone's super power In a unique world, the role of this ability is probably limited to this.

Information torturers, or detectives, other than that, there is really no suitable occupation.

[It seems that I should be able to read the memories of dead people.

If you only read the memories of living people, you can't maintain such a fast and terrifying speed of solving crimes for a long time. The only explanation is that Su Wangyou can directly read the memories of dead people.

[In that case, Su Wangyou's refusal to disclose his abilities to the public is excusable. If the killer comes to a remote sniper, there is really no way. Anyway, this kind of case, Claus Probably not next....Li Chunqiu's intelligence is so good...

[In this way, this copy probably allows me to use the form of reading memory to crack each case, right?] [No, maybe more than that, reading memory, there may be room for development of this ability...] The ability of superpowers can be developed by themselves-and can be developed to the point where people can't imagine, such as "Scholar", he just enhanced his memory at the beginning, but now, he can completely copy the superpower of the other party with just a glance, and even out of blue. Obviously, no matter how good a person’s memory is, he cannot copy others It can only be said that the superpowers of the'scholar' have been developed beyond its limits.

Let me cite some more examples. Many people have very limited views on superpowers. They think that fire superpowers rub fireballs there all day, and water superpowers rub waterballs all day long.

——That is the lowest level, the most basic method of application.

Fire superpowers can directly burn the air to produce toxic gases, or directly deprive the opponent of oxygen. Water superpowers can also directly drain the water from the enemy, or simply let the blood of the opponent flow back into the brain. Let it explode instantly.

Space-based abilities are not living targets that can only jump in space. They can carry some sharp knives at any time—or very poisonous to your stomach through space—or other places, they can even be When you slam a fist at him, you directly fix the space around your fist, but keep other parts of your body motivated. The result is that your fist and your body are completely separated. More advanced superpowers, such as The eighth in the league, the codename traveler, is recognized as the strongest person in the world, a super power at the smallest level. If he wants to, he can remove 99% of the earth from the moon. The heart of ninety-nine people, and send it into the sun.

There is no superpower who eats his own money to death. The scholar was just a student with a good memory when he first awakened. When the traveler first awakened, he only felt that he was running faster-become stronger, stronger, develop One's own unlimited potential, this is the fate of a superpower.

The same is true for Su Wangyou. After he learned of his superpower, he immediately thought about it.

[Read memory?No, not only that, it is not limited to people, not limited to living things, not limited to existence or not. In the future, I may be able to read the "history" of the space to achieve a perfect reproduction effect, and even continue to develop... …You can also change the memory, even add my existence to the memory of others, or directly change everyone’s memory to achieve the effect of affecting history...] [This copy is definitely not a simple reasoning copy, You have to prepare early!Just as Su Wangyou was planning to find a way to continue to develop his superpowers, the system prompt that he hadn't seen for a long time sounded, tearing his thoughts to pieces.

[Successfully unlocked the super power derivative technology "read memory" (temporary name), please continue to explore the intelligence of your super power.……

Su Wangyou's brain was briefly blank.


[It seems... The original body is also a very mysterious person.Su Wangyou sighed secretly. Li Chunqiu and Clausius were assistants of the original body, but they didn't know the true super power of the original body.

[Super power derived skills... Then what is my super power?What kind of ability can be used to derive the skill of "reading memory"?Su Wangyou didn't have much clue, and there was no time for him to continue thinking at this time.

Because the customer is here.

A man stopped in front of the three people in the detective office, and said gently: "I have long heard that the director of the Jieyou Detective Office is superb. It is really better to see."

Su Wangyou has listened to this kind of praise a lot. Whether in reality or in the game, no matter what, as long as the experience is too much, it will become boring. So Su Wangyou didn’t have much reaction, he said softly. :"sit down."

The man really sat down.

Su Wangyou glanced at the man subconsciously, then he was taken aback for a while.

This person...he saw it when he was searching for information on the computer this morning.

Although it was just a glimpse, how could he forget with Su Wangyou's memory?

The tenth place in the alliance, the superpowered person code-named'Teacher', the last seat of the ten strongest superpowers on earth.

His real name, Su Wangyou, was also seen, called Liang Qiushi.

Liang Qiushi is slender and looks a little thin. Although he can't be called weak, he is almost the same.

As for his face, there is nothing to say, it can only be said that it is delicate and has nothing to do with being handsome or ugly, it is the kind that can not be found in the crowd.

Li Chunqiu said stupidly: "Why do you feel a little familiar..."

Liang Qiushi smiled at her kindly and said: "I occasionally pick up some advertisements or endorsements. It is not strange that this lady sees me familiar."

Krauris looked serious, and she said: "Your Excellency Liang Qiushi, you also know the rules on our side, and there will not be any changes because of your identity. I hope you understand this."

Liang Qiushi nodded and said sternly: "Natural."

"I brought all the information, but... let's go to the crime scene first."

Chapter 8 The Heart of the Transcender (6)

Su Wangyou sat in the car and closed his eyes.

The car is Liang Qiushi's car. He is going to the crime scene now.

There are many rules in the Jieyou Detective Office, which are so many that it makes the scalp numb.

And one of the most criticized items is data.

Su Wangyou always needs a lot of information when handling cases.

A lot of information, and Su Wangyou always requires the client to collect it in a very short time, and the request is always strange.

So what makes those clients serve Su Wangyou as if they were serving his father?

————The answer is a 100% detection rate.

So far, Detective Jieyou has received a total of 425 cases. The longest case took two days and one night, and the shortest case took one minute and nine seconds. All cases have a 100% detection rate.

[But... I am not the'Su Wangyou'.

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