Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 386:

Then Su Wangyou replied: "xx language, I understand."

Since then, they have repeated this passage eight or nine times in different languages...

Chu Yi, Mo Qianzhong and Qin Luoxue hid in the corner shivering.

"Are they really Zuguang people..."

"Are they really human..."

"Really not human..."

Su Changge and Su Wangyou secretly glanced at Chu Yi who had said the last four words, and ended the repetition while silently remembering their grudges.

"Why do you even understand this?" Su Changge looked at Su Wangyou in surprise, and said, "Although teaching books in foreign languages ​​are not hard to find, can young people learn such things? "

If you are older and want to travel around the world, or simply learn casually, it’s not surprising that you can learn more foreign languages. If you don’t talk about anything else, let’s talk about the Misty Xianzong. Elder Qi has also traveled around the world at the beginning. Several languages...

However, young people are in a period of rapid growth and waste a lot of time and energy to learn these things, which is really a loss...

Su Wangyou raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

After the Internet age, learning a new language is for a genius like Su Wangyou...

There is no genius, I just spend the time other people drink coffee on studying. JPGcnm, I have not finished a cup of coffee before you learn a language. JPG Chu thought about it, and said: "That ...I try to learn, it shouldn't take too much time..."

(PS here is not because of how talented they are. The memory and comprehension ability of martial artists is far better than ordinary people. Even if it is an ordinary virtual realm, it is not difficult to learn a reasonable language as long as there are enough teaching materials. It's Chu Yi.)

He said: "Anyway, before you leave Zuguang, you are going to Shang Country and Kong Country. During this time, I will leave to learn these languages. Long Song will tell me how much you need to use later. I won’t learn some languages ​​that I don’t use frequently."

Su Changge nodded and said: "Sure."

He thought about it again, and said: "Since the three of us have gone, Tang Congxin must be going too. In that case, it's better to..."

Su Changge looked at Mo Qianzhong and Qin Luoxue.

"The road to the imperial realm is not difficult for us, but if we can travel around the world, it will definitely be of great help to the natal martial arts, you..."

Qin Luoxue sighed and said lonely: "Actually, I have reached the Emperor Realm..."

Su Changge: "Σ( ° △ °|)︴"

"Ah... sorry, because your aura is so weak, I didn't feel it..."

Qin Luoxue was hit hard.

"I'm a pure auxiliary monk, I'm really sorry!"

"Then, how?" After the joke, Su Changge continued to ask.

"Go! Why not go!" Qin Luoxue said, "If nothing happens, I should help you guys in the future. It's not bad to hone the fit."

Qin Luoxue said with a smile.

[At least...Don't let me wake up and learn the news that my master and close friend died in battle, if possible, at least let me be together...] Naturally, she would not say this sentence.

She clenched the long piano in her hand, showing a bright smile.

"I'll leave it alone." Mo Qianzhong shook his head, and said, "I will stay in the Mo family and try to create what you call the'assembly line', and try to create as many organs as possible, although the number is definitely not as good as that. Outer demon, but it’s better to have it than nothing."

"And..." Mo Qianzhong's face was full of self-confidence, "Mo Lishou, what he stole, is just the original left behind by the ancestors, the organ technique, but it needs to advance with the times. , I may not be able to create a stronger and more convenient agency person!"

"Really... Honestly speaking, it's a pity to miss you this trip, but..." Su Changge whispered, "Come on."

Su Changge and Su Wangyou left the Mo family.

"I just asked the Fifth Huazhi, she also said, but she doesn't understand foreign languages, but there are teaching materials for the Misty Xianzong, the problem should not be big."

Su Changge collected the sound transmission note and continued.

"We are going to Xia Country next. Zuguang is the most famous'country' in the world, but most people only know Xia Country, so we have to go to Xia Country and find a way to get some who can prove our identity and speak. Things, if it succeeds, it should save a lot of effort."

"Then, we will go to the business country and the air country and try to persuade them. The business country should not be difficult. The air country is hard to say, but it can’t be more difficult than convincing countries other than Zuguang. Countries can’t persuade, let alone countries other than Zuguang, so you have to try."

"If everything is successful, then come back here and see how Chu Yi and their linguistics are doing. Even if they don't learn well, we have to set off and let them learn slowly on the road."

"Now, start the first step of our long march."

Chapter 5 Return to Xia Country

Now that Su Wangyou is back, the magic talisman does not need to be used as before. The two of them do not have ink marks, and they tore a magic talisman directly and returned to Luoyang, the capital of Xia Kingdom.

Su Changge raised his hand, and a secret method that covered his breath and reduced the sense of existence was released.

"At the time, the Emperor Tiandao blatantly provoke the Emperor of Humanity in front of the Xia Kingdom Palace. After Emperor Tiandao defeated several guards and worshippers, the Emperor of Humanity could not sit still, and personally took action. As a result..."

Su Changge smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"one move……"

"A real trick..."

The two have stood before the former palace, and the reason why they added a past is because now they were in ruins before.

"With just such a move, the Emperor of Humanity was defeated, and most of Xia’s palace was completely destroyed. After that, the Emperor Tiandao ran away. No one dared to stop him, or even dared to say a harsh word. Killing the bow of the gods, trembling for a long time, even dare not open the bow..."

The two stopped and watched for a while.

"But speaking of it, thanks to you, I am considered safe." Su Changge said in a very playful tone.

"Oh?" Su Wangyou raised his eyebrows.

"When I killed Lingshan earlier, I infiltrated Xia Guoqiang and snatched the bow of shooting the gods. I was wanted by this group of scholars. Until the news of your resurrection came out, this wanted order was hanging." Su Changge Said neither salty nor light.

"If they still hang the wanted warrant, I might look at them high."

Su Wangyou shook his head indifferently.

"The generation of corpse position vegetarian food is not a concern."

"I have an idea." Su Changge said suddenly, "We are here this time, isn't it just to get some proof that we can prove our identity and what we said is true? Originally, I wanted to ask the emperor to get a handwritten letter. , Let him save some immortal anger on it, but now I change my mind."

"If it comes to proof of identity..."

"The bow of the slaying gods in the far east, this famous name is unknown to everyone."

"It's really messy..." Su Wangyou sighed, "Should we just grab or take the program?"

"Gan..." Su Changge squinted and said, "Your contrast is too big..."

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