Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 387:

"So your answer?"

"Well... it's better to go through the program, if you can't get through, then you can grab it."

After the two determined their course of action, they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Let the palace.

This was originally Lan Langzhu's palace, he was also the prince of Xia, but later rebelled and devoted himself to the cause of Ye Jintianming.

At that time, the Emperor strongly left the palace, and he did not have the idea of ​​waiting for Lan Langzhu to return, but now Lan Langzhu has not returned, instead he lived here first.

Most of Xia’s palace was destroyed, and there was basically no free manpower and material resources to repair the palace before the evil demon invaded—even if there were, it could not be repaired, otherwise it would inevitably be taken by some people with intentions. Say it.

After all, at this time foreign enemies invaded, it is indeed not a reasonable move to spend great efforts on repairing the palace at this time.

So the emperor lived here.

The emperor Tiandao’s fascination almost completely killed the human emperor, if it weren’t for the human emperor’s astonishingly vigorous vitality, coupled with the countless elixir of Xia Guo, even if the human emperor was immortal, he would probably have to abolish most of his cultivation.

Even with such medical conditions, Human Sovereign has not been able to heal--it is estimated that he will not have any chance to return to the top in his life. The emperor's unique skill has already damaged the foundation of Human Sovereign. It is estimated that at least Take away the 6,000 years of life of the emperor and more than 30% of growth.

"As powerful as a god..." Human Emperor said to himself with a pale face. He was wearing an ordinary robe and sitting at the desk muttering words.

To this day, once he recalled the move that the Great Emperor Tiandao attacked him, he felt an endless sense of powerlessness.

There is nothing he can do.

The god-like figure of the Great Emperor of Heaven has turned into the demon of the human emperor, torturing the human emperor day and night.

The Emperor covered his temple wearily.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door that didn't rush.

A soft voice sounded.

"Your Majesty, there are two people outside asking to see you."

The emperor said irritably: "I see no one now!"

The voice hesitated for a while, and said: "Your Majesty...the one who wants to see you..."

After a while, Su Changge and Su Wangyou saw the empress with haggard faces.

"Your Majesty, it's been a long time." Su Changge said first. Naturally, he couldn't kowtow to the emperor like a hundred officials of civil and military affairs, so he could only greet him casually.

"If you only talk about time, this half a year is not a long time, but for you young people who have only lived for more than 20 years, perhaps this half year is also a long time." The Emperor smiled reluctantly," Sometimes I really envy you. When I was your age, I stayed in my house to practice martial arts all day long, not to mention traveling around the world and making a name for myself. Nothing."

"That's why your Majesty can become a realm of longevity." Su Changge said.

"What's the use of a longevity realm that can't handle even one trick..." The Emperor closed his eyes, and the figure of the Great Emperor Tiandao appeared again that day.

[I only have one move.

[Weak and weak, you are worthy of calling yourself a king?

"I'm too weak..."

"Your Majesty, you better cheer up." Su Changge's expression became a little serious, "An ancient country can have no leader, but Xia Guo can't."

The emperor responded with a serious expression.

"Su Wangyou, anyway, I thank you for the people of the world."

"Born in Zuguang, this is what I should do." Su Wangyou responded.

The Emperor looked at Su Wangyou, opened his mouth several times, but still didn't say anything.

Su Wangyou has seen this look on many people's faces.

He knew what these people wanted to ask.

[How did you come back to life.

These people definitely want to ask.

Resurrection from the dead was originally the most incredible thing in the world, and the most important thing was that Su Wangyou was not yet an emperor.

But no one asked.

Everyone has secrets, and Su Wangyou's secrets are undoubtedly many.

A unique skill of unknown origin, a magical rune that no one has ever heard of, two magical swords ('Sword Come' spell) that fell from the sky and suddenly disappeared, the unpredictable swordsmanship, and the seemingly talented person Research on'fighting'.

Su Wangyou has too many secrets.

(At least in Zu Guangren’s eyes.)

But no one ever asked him about these things.

No one asked him,'Where did your sword come from?Where did your light cloud cover moon gown come from?Who learned your swordsmanship from?Where did your magic rune come from? Where did you learn the exercises?...

No one has ever asked him such a question.

Chapter VI Shooting the Bow of the Gods

"Then, I won't say more nonsense." Su Changge said earnestly: "We are here this time, there is business."

"But it doesn't matter."

"I want to borrow something from you... from Xia Guo." Su Changge said slowly.

"What to borrow?" The Emperor said with a wry smile: "It won't be someone's life, right?"

Su Changge did not pay attention to the jokes of the emperor, but said slowly.

"Shoot...the bow of the gods!"

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere instantly solidified.

"Su Changge, do you know why you were chased by Xia Guo earlier?" The Emperor said in a very low tone: "Because you stole the bow of shooting the gods."

"Even if you were to deal with Lingshan, even if you helped Xia Guo break the seal of shooting the bow of the gods, even if you returned it later, Xia Guo decided to issue you a wanted order, even at that time even I It is difficult to remove this wanted order..."

The emperor thought for a while, and added another sentence, "Of course, the situation is a little different now, but the meaning is roughly like this————————Do you understand the significance of this bow to Xia Guo? How important is it to Xia Guo?"

"Your Majesty, listen to my reasons first?"

"Say." Obviously because it involved shooting the bow of the gods, the human emperor's tone became short.

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