Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 388:

So Su Changge told the Emperor that the Mo family had been a traitor, that the evil demon had obtained mechanism skills, and the countermeasures of him, Su Wangyou, Mo Qianzhong and others.

After saying this, Su Changge paused and said again.

"Proving identity is a big difficulty, just like what we know about other countries, other countries have a little knowledge of Zuguang, and their impression of Zuguang is no more than the following points. "The ancient country's swordsmanship is very strong." Xia Guo is the largest in the world. The country'...their understanding of us and Zuguang is limited to this, just as we know them."

"It is even said that some countries with limited information don't even know that we have been invaded by alien evil spirits, but even in such countries, most of them know one thing."

Su Changge said every word.

"That is to shoot the bow of the gods————————"

"There is no one of the most famous artifacts in the world. Even a five-year-old child in the most remote rural village of Shang Country can accurately call the name of this bow. Any foreigner who has been to Zuguang is writing travel notes. , It will inevitably spend a lot of effort to describe this bow. I think, nothing can prove our identity more than this. Similarly, this bow will also increase the credibility of our speech by several times. "

Su Changge spread his hands.

"how is it?"

The Emperor was in deep thought for a while, the expression on his face was very tangled, it was the first time that Su Wangyou saw such an emperor with such emotions and anger...

The Emperor thought for a long time, and finally said slowly: "This matter needs to be considered for a long time..."

"When the evil demons invaded, they would not discuss the long-term plan with us." Su Changge looked solemn, "Also, you are the emperor, and you are the person in charge of this country."

The Emperor is still hesitant.

Su Wangyou asked at this moment.

"What are you afraid of?"

He asked.

"Are we afraid that we will run with this bow?"

The Emperor shook his head and said: "Su Wangyou's character, Zu Guang is naturally no one is qualified to question."

"Are we afraid that we can't protect this bow?"

The Emperor remembered the rumor that Su Wangyou had killed at least eight thousand demons at the foot of the Tianhu Mountain, and naturally shook his head with a wry smile.

"If you can't even protect it, then no one in the world can protect it."

"Then do you think anyone can deceive this bow from our hands?"

The emperor still shook his head.

"It doesn't matter if Su Changge doesn't lie to others, wherever it is his turn to get someone else to lie to him."

"In that case, what are you afraid of? Su Wangyou frowned, "What are you... afraid of.""

"Shooting the bow of the gods is too important to Xia Guo, no matter what the reason is...nothing, I will take you to get it."

The Emperor stood up, but looked out the window.

"If my brother is here, he must have given the bow to you after hearing the reason."

"I... don't have such courage and courage, let's borrow a little from him."

Su Wangyou saw this bow.

Shoot the bow of the gods.

As early as a few years ago, he had seen the uniqueness of the bow of Su Changge Shanzhai, but now, he finally saw the body of this bow.

True·Bow of Shooting Gods: Bow and arrow weapons.

Equipment introduction: The protective equipment left by the great ancestor of Xia Kingdom is the most famous artifact in the world. It possesses incredible power. Only Xia Kingdom's royal blood can exert the power of this bow to its extreme.

[Accurate +++++++]: The bow and arrow fired by this bow can adjust and change the angle of up to seventy degrees in an ideal way until it hits a real object with a certain volume.

[Broken Qi+++++++]: Sorry, your inner gas body is just a piece of paper.

[Spirit Gathering+++++++]: This bow can help users gather spiritual energy at a very fast speed, but the spiritual power gathered by this method can only be displayed through the bow. The gathering speed depends on the person. About 300% to 700% of the normal gathering speed.

[Your death star is shining!]: Passive skill. When holding the bow, the weakness and flaws on the opponent's body will be marked.

[Pseudo-300 Billion Meteor Break]: A super-knowledge that can also be used by non-Xia Kingdom royal blood, a devastating blow after long-term activation of [Gathering].

If there are dead soldiers around (need to be friendly forces and still have the intent to fight before death), the spirit of the skill has not dissipated (or returned to hell), the power of the skill has been greatly increased, and the degree of improvement depends on the situation.

[True 300 billion meteors cut through]:????

Only the children of the royal family of Xia can activate and use the jerk.

Equipment level: the limit is eternal.

(A meteor!! 

Before Su Wangyou had any reaction to this bow, a system reminder sounded in his ear.

[Your passive skill [Final Creation] has been put into effect, and the skill [True·300 Billion Meteor Smash] has been unlocked] [True·300 Billion Meteor Smash]: Communicate with the world and get it with all the heroes who died on the battlefield. Resonate, and release an unprecedented blow.

Chapter 7 A Broken Gun

"It's no wonder that the people of Xia Guo think this bow is so important..." Su Changge sneered: "Speaking of which, I think of the travel notes written by foreigners I have read after visiting Zuguang. They all think this The bow is a decorative mascot. I really don’t know how they will feel when they are pointed at by this bow one day."

"That's probably a dead person's feeling, it's meaningless." Su Wangyou stopped and said slowly: "Long Ge, the next trip to the country of business, you go alone."

Su Changge was stunned for a while, and then reacted quickly.

"Are you going to prepare magic runes?"

Su Changge deserves to be Su Changge. I don't know if he is too quick to think or understands Su Wangyou too much, so he can guess what Su Wangyou is thinking.

Su Wangyou nodded, and said, "Yes, we will travel the world on this trip. The magical talisman to prepare is not a small number, I have to prepare it."

He thought for a while, and then said: "Shang country also hates the evil demon outside of the sky. This line should not be a big problem, but the sky country - you must wait for my news, and you will take the initiative to use it after I get the magic rune. When the sound transmission talisman contacted you, we will go together at that time. You must not enter the 100,000 mountains alone."

Su Wangyou said seriously: "Remember."

He was thinking of the death of Su Changge in Kongguo, but it was nearly six thousand years later. The history of Kongguo has always been a mystery. What exactly is the Lord of Kongguo who killed Su Changge at that time? The status is not good. Maybe he hasn't been born yet, maybe he's still a prince, maybe he's already the lord of the empty kingdom...

Of course, this country lord is not the key point. Zhengshi Su Changge can kill even the great emperor of Heaven. Naturally, a small empty country lord is not a problem. The problem is the seven shots...

This kind of artifact is the same as the Guigu faction’s Slaughter Self. It hardly works in normal battles, but once it works, it must be a fatal blow. It has the practicality of Liangyi Sword and Light Cloud Covering Moon Clothes. The artifact is completely in two extremes.

Seeing Su Wangyou's expression like this, Su Changge became serious too.

"I know."

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