Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 431:

That group of people are not complete fools either, they split into several directions and turned their heads and ran---the emperor realm gathers together and can still barely survive. Under the emperor realm, you want to survive in the hands of Su Wangyou, you think you are Li Qinglian?



Yes, it was too late, when Su Wangyou killed someone, everything was too late.

"A flash." Su Wangyou straddled one hundred meters in an instant, and his long sword swept across one of them's neck at an incredible speed.

"Second flash!"

"Three flashes!"


After the nine flashes, apart from Su Wangyou, there were only five emperor realms and Su Changge left in the field.

And these five emperor realms have to face...

It is Su Wangyou who has 78 imposing layers.

Just now, I couldn't stand it in a normal state, not to mention the seventy-eight layers of aura now.

Su Wangyou raised the Army Breaking Sacred Sword aloft, his tone indifferent.

"Your life---stop here."

"Hold on!" One of them smelled the smell of death, and hurriedly tried to stop, "Stop, we can talk! I know a lot of secrets, the weakness of the elder, and the place where the emperor is imprisoned! I also --- —"

His voice stopped abruptly.

Su Wangyou put the sword in his hand back into the scabbard.

A very thin line of blood slowly appeared in the center of the five people's necks.

Su Changge looked at these five people and sighed.

"Oh, when the evil demon from outside the sky attacked Taoism, I didn't think you would help Taoism, and I didn't even expect you to bring out supplies, but are you so afraid of getting burned? I urge the Emperor to send troops to help Taoism. Come out against..."

Su Changge paused, gritted his teeth and said: "At that time, if you had someone to help Taoists say something, I will leave your life to make up for it!"

A gust of wind blew five heads with blank expressions on their faces to the ground.

Su Changge closed his eyes, revealing a trace of pain. He gritted his teeth, annoyed, and hated iron for steel.

"The same is death, why can't you die in the war with the evil demon outside the sky?!"

"Why do you have to be like a beam jumping clown, jumping and jumping here——————"

"The battle of the Gods Baihu a thousand or two hundred years ago, you don't fight! Tianhu Mountain surrounded and killed Lingshan, you don't fight! The evil demon has surrounded Taoism for more than half a year, you still choose not to fight!"

"Someone has carried these things for you. They shed their blood for this world. These disasters have been turned away. But at this time you jumped out. Why do you have this face?!!!"

Su Changge let out a long breath, and Su Wangyou could clearly feel the suffocating air and...heavenly hatred in his heart.

Su Wangyou died, the evil demon invaded Zuguang and surrounded the Taoist school for more than half a year. Su Changge made alchemy, arranged formations, laid out, and broke the game. The reason why the Taoist can persist for so long, Su Changge alone accounted for at least two. to make.

At the beginning, Su Changge also went to Xia Guo to request reinforcements.

The Emperor of People naturally agreed, but the Confucian group... did not agree.

They opened their mouths'for the people of Xia Kingdom', and they also said'Don't take the initiative to attract the attention of the evil demon outside the sky'.

Su Changge really couldn't believe it at the time, how could this group of people say such a thing, they... how can you say it?

They are really afraid of death, and they really dare to think, maybe they really think that the evil demon will stop after invading the Central Plains?

Su Changge let out a long breath.

"Five emperor realms, five emperor realms!" Su Changge held Su Wangyou's shoulder and shook it twice, "How many emperor realms are Zuguang!"

His eyes were a little red.

"Why can't you appear on the battlefield?"


Chapter 54: Murder to vent anger

Su Wangyou didn't speak because he knew that Su Changge didn't need him to solve it.

Sure enough, just a few seconds of effort, Su Changge recovered his calm.

"When the war broke out, Zu Guang couldn't tolerate such a group of people." Su Changge let out a long sigh and stepped toward the depths of the palace.

Su Wangyou didn't speak. In fact, he thought...such a group of people shouldn't be alive no matter what period.

In fact, this group of Confucian people also helped Renhuang deal with a lot of political affairs. Without them, Xia Guo would indeed fall into chaos for a period of time.

Su Wangyou didn't know how to deal with such chaos and punish evil and promote good. He didn't know how to promote good, but he knew how to punish evil.

They walked all the way towards the depths of the palace.

When someone saw them, they followed from a distance - they didn't dare to follow too close, for fear that Su Wangyou would violently kill.

One, two, three, four...


Su Changge looked at these people indifferently.

Ten emperor realms.

They only walked for five minutes, and then ten emperor realms came.

But these ten emperor realms still didn't dare to do anything. They were far away, cowering but with murderous intent to follow Su Changge and Su Wangyou, they really looked like dogs.

Su Changge continued to walk, Su Wangyou continued to follow.

The crisp and loud footsteps kept ringing.

The surrounding emperor realm gathered more and more.

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