Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 432:

As time passed, the surrounding air became heavier and suffocating.

Finally, the gang of Emperor Realm began to slowly step forward. This was a signal, a signal that they were ready to do something.

So Su Changge and Su Wangyou stopped.

Su Wangyou turned sideways slightly, his tone contemptuous and indifferent.

"Everyone is here?"

No one answered him.

Everyone could clearly feel Su Wangyou's killing intent, and because of this, they could not speak.

Su Wangyou looked around and whispered, "Nineteen people..."

Nineteen emperor realms.

No one can tell the number of Zu Guang's emperor realms, but the total number will definitely not exceed 800.

In other words, there is nearly one-fortieth of Zu Guang's high-end combat power.

————And this does not include the hidden backhands of Confucianism and the five emperor realms that have just died.

Su Changge gritted his teeth.

"Nineteen...good! Good!"

Su Changge trembled all over.

He rarely exposed his emotions directly in front of outsiders like this, but this time he really couldn't help it.

The evil demons from the outer world invaded, Su Changge did not see any movement from Confucianism. He and Su Wangyou and others traveled around the world to lobby the country, trying their best to increase the vitality of Zu Guang. For this reason, it even involved the extinction of Xiaohai. Level disasters.

But what are these people doing?What are they doing?

Su Changge's voice was hoarse.

"What are you doing?"

No one paid attention to Su Changge, they slowly approached, and at the same time slowly formed a formation to prevent Su Changge and Su Wangyou from breaking out.

Su Changge looked at their greedy eyes and suddenly understood something.

Su Wangyou was born out of nowhere, possessing the Supreme Profound Divine Art that has been vaguely known as the world's number one technique in recent years, as well as an invincible sword technique that can kill the emperor realm with immortals.

I don’t know how many demons are secretly mad in their hearts——Su Wangyou is not a murderous person, if the Supreme Profound Divine Art is in the hands of a murderous person, then it is the real No. 1 evil skill in the world...

But these are not the most attractive.

Su Wangyou

He was...resurrected from the dead.

The ultimate fear of mankind-death.

And Su Wangyou once came back from the dead.

Resurrection from the dead, these four words are enough to represent everything.

Since the end of the Gu Hong era, these four characters have become myths, and now, someone has actually done it - and he is not even an emperor.

Su Changge and Su Wangyou suddenly returned to Zu Guang to try to sabotage their plan is one aspect, but the Confucian people think more about... to live longer.

Normally, the upper limit of the life span of the Emperor Realm is 10,000 years.

But what kind of imperial realm can live up to 10,000 years?

A person with talents at the same level as Chu Yi and Li Buwu has been practicing martial arts all his life, nourishing his body, cannot hurt the foundation, cannot use any secret methods of fighting, and cannot practice any sorcery. Only such a person can live to one level. Long live.

And some emperors...

The sorcery is practiced hard, the pill that destroys the foundation is smashed vigorously, and all kinds of fighting are encountered all day long...

Such an emperor realm may be suspended for five thousand years.

If there are options, who doesn't like to be alive?

Many Confucian imperial realms slowly approached, surrounding the two in a ring.

Su Wangyou slowly drew out the sword, killing intent in his eyes gradually.

But Su Changge stopped him.

Su Changge's hand was placed on Su Wangyou's sword, motioning him to press the sword back.

Even with Su Wangyou's understanding of Su Changge, he is not very clear about what Su Changge wants to do at this time. Anyway, from Su Wangyou's point of view, it must be done this time. It is impossible to talk about it at this time. with.

He raised his head slightly, wanting to ask Su Changge.

After that, Su Wang was stunned.

Su Changge lowered his head, and Su Wangyou could clearly see the bloodshot eyes in Su Changge's eyes and... the killing intent boiling to the extreme.

"Let me do it."

Su Changge said so.

"Let me come this time, you continue to go in and look for other principals. It doesn't matter if you kill it. Anyway, it is the Emperor who cleans up the mess. I think they should not dare to kill the Emperor."

Su Changge's tone was calm and terrifying.

"I'm really angry. Really, the last time I was so angry was because you and Lingshan died together. That time I was very confused and didn't know who to retaliate. Later I found out that my master did it. But then I I have controlled my rage, but this time is different."

Su Changge raised his head, with a dazed expression on his face.

"My heart is actually not as strong as you think, Su Wangyou, although my reason is trying to convince me, my anger is about to swallow everything."

The look on Su Changge's face turned bit by bit with a sullen look.

From a distance, it looked like an evil spirit.

"I sometimes think about..."

He unscrupulously opened his mouth, revealing the horrible smile of the Ghost Valley faction passed down from generation to generation, with the corners of his mouth cracked to the heel.

He looked at the nineteen emperor realms of Confucianism, like he was looking at nineteen domestic animals waiting to be slaughtered.

"It's killing people to vent their anger."

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