Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 438:

The Great Emperor Deep Sea changed his eyes several times, and finally let out a long breath.

"To deal with Xiaohai this time, you are afraid of nine deaths, you are still young..." He stretched out his hand, and the light belonging to the artifact flashed, sending Qi Fuxi, who was about to interrupt him, to a closed alien space. The injury has almost recovered. I can't assume that I haven't seen this kind of major event that concerns the people of the world."

The Great Emperor of Deep Sea smiled and said: "You can't let you young people bear everything and deal with Xiaohai - and even the evil god, count me."

Su Changge looked into his eyes, and the Great Emperor of the Deep Sea calmly accepted the gaze.

"I can't think of a reason for rejecting you." Su Changge shrugged, "I have no right to doubt your purpose and determination."

He paused and smiled, "I will thank you again for the people of the world..."

After all, Su Changge immediately said: "It should not be too late, we--"

Before the word'go' was exported, he was interrupted by the Great Emperor of the Deep Sea.

"Workers must first sharpen their tools if they want to do well."

The Great Emperor Deep Sea pondered for a while and said: "I don't have anything else, but the artifact...I think I should be able to take out a little."

"Don't be too busy to refuse, for Zu Guang, right?"

It was ashamed to say it, but in the end Su Changge and Su Wangyou still became a party.

Su Changge asked for a mirror, and Su Wangyou didn't know what the mirror was for, but seeing Su Changge like that should be a precious thing.

As for Su Wangyou himself, he took a pair of clothes and a pair of boots.

Although it is said that it is for Zu Guang, this is only one of the reasons. It is more of the deep-sea emperor’s investment in the two. There is nothing to say. Neither Su Wangyou nor Su Changge are hypocritical. And they definitely have the talent to return this investment.

Su Wangyou silently remembered this kindness in his heart, his face still calm.

[Pseudo-Reincarnation Feather]: In the Guhong period, a master weaving master weaving a masterpiece of god clothing.

[Bodyguard++++++]: If there is no artifact, don't try to attack me.

[Pseudo·Feathering]: The movement speed is increased by 10-300 m/s, the actual increase effect depends on the user.

[Pseudo-Reincarnation]: Any attack is forcibly offset by 5 to 75% and transferred to oneself within a certain period of time in the next three days. The time can be set, and the percentage of offset attack can be set, but only Set a rough idea (if a person has average talent, then he can only set it like this, such as '20% to 35%'). The stronger the talent, the more precise the percentage that can be set (for example, direct Five percent).

Equipment level: eternal.

(Don’t be surprised if I suddenly die on the spot on the third day after the war, die instantly, complete my ascension to heaven, please don’t be surprised, I just go to pay the debt.)

(PS infinite afterburner cannot take effect on this kind of skill that does not consume internal energy.)

[Nine · Ten Thousand Miles]: Qingyun stepping straight to the sky!The legendary Qingyun boots.

[Dapeng rises in the same wind in one day, soaring upwards 90,000 miles]: When you are in a high-speed'running' or'flying' state, it defaults to entering the'charged' state. The faster the movement speed, the longer the movement distance, the storage The stronger the force effect, the upper limit is '90 thousand li', when the moment one stops, one can release the force accumulated by oneself.

Equipment level: high-level eternal.

(Today, I walked ninety thousand miles to kill one person.)

[Shoes do not move faster, but clothes move faster. This is really...] The Great Emperor Deep Sea sighed as he watched Su Wangyou take away the reincarnation feather clothing and 90,000 li.

"It's a pity your light cloud covering the moon..."

The weak can only look at the surface data of the equipment, and the real strong are good at discovering the true value of the equipment. In the eyes of the Emperor of the Deep Sea, the other aspects of the Qingyun Covering the Moon Cloth are unremarkable, only the special effects that kill the physics are very greedy. , There is such a special effect in the battlefield, which can almost be equated with "undefeated".

"Let him go in the past." Su Wangyou put on a pale blue robe, and the temperament of his whole person became even more ethereal and void.

"Next, we are going to Xuanxia Mountain."

Su Changge recalled Zhang Tulong's unintentional words in the place where the souls of Ye Jintianming were collected.

"Xuanwu, was suppressed under Xuanxia Mountain."

Chapter 61 Xuanwu

Xuanxia Mountain, one of the ten famous mountains of Zuguang.

There is no majestic, majestic and majestic Tianhu Mountain, nor the ethereal and ethereal spirit of Misty Mountain.

Xuanxia Mountain can be said to be the most'closest' famous mountain to ordinary people who do not practice martial arts in Zuguang.

Because here... is a famous summer resort. Princes and nobles, or homes of merchants with small savings, will choose to come to Xuanxia Mountain in the midsummer.

At this time, it was Remnant Autumn, and there were no people on Xuanxia Mountain, and a group of three people quickly came to the magic talisman, and surveyed here.

In the end, the Great Emperor of the Deep Sea was a veteran emperor, and his mental power was far better than that of the two Sus. With the special formations laid by Su Changge, he soon felt something strange.

"There is a seal underneath." The Emperor Deep Sea pondered slightly, "If I guess right, Xuanwu should be sealed underneath."

After all, his body is entangled.

"Let's go down and take a look!"

Afterwards, the internal gas surged toward the ground like a drill bit, and abruptly drilled a vertical downward channel - it is estimated that only these flying people would call such a channel a channel.

The three of them flew down, Su Wangyou flicked with one hand, and the flame fighting technique that he hadn't used for a long time was used. Flames emerged from the palm of his hand and became the only light source in the darkness.

Su Changge glanced at Su Wangyou with a weird expression, and used a secret method of lighting. The bright light bloomed, dimming the flame in Su Wangyou's palm.

Su Wangyou silently withdrew the Yan Dou technique, secretly vowing that he would find a chance to let Tang Congxin beat him.

The Emperor Deep Sea didn't care about this. He looked at the ground, and there was a strange seal on the ground.

The Emperor Deep Sea squatted on the ground to observe carefully, and then pretended to think for a few seconds, and then quickly stepped aside, and said to Su Chang, "Come on!"

Su Changge didn't know the seal very well before, but he supplemented his knowledge about the seal during the time when Lingshan was about to be born, and now he can barely rank among the top three in the world in terms of seals.

Su Changge looked at Emperor Deep Sea for a while, and felt that the image of "Reliable Senior" in Emperor Deep Sea disappeared.

Then he squatted down, stretched out his hand and pinched a few magic tricks, a faint blue light appeared in his eyes.

In a trance, Su Changge was in the darkness.

Up, down, left and right, it's all black.

In this world, there are only two things that are not pure black, and one of them is Su Changge himself.

And the other one was... a huge turtle and the snake wrapped around the turtle.

[Turtles and snakes are the same body, it seems that it is indeed basalt.

Perhaps it was Su Changge's arrival that shocked Xuanwu, and those huge turtle eyes opened.

The big lantern eyes stared at Su Changge.

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