Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 439:

After that, Xuanwu... was stunned.

"Mom..." the tortoise cried, "Human, it's human! Wake up, wake up! I see people!"

"What's the noise?" The snake on his back opened his eyes dissatisfied, "Are you sick? Am I not you? I know when you know it, why did you wake me up?"

The tortoise sighed, "Oh, the world is dark. If I don't talk to you much, I'm afraid I will go crazy sooner or later."

The snake spit out the letter, and the snake head came over, carefully observing Su Changge. At this time, Su Changge naturally entered in the form of divine soul fragments. This was naturally seen by Xuanwu.

"Boy, there is no inheritance from seniors, and it is definitely not a good place. I advise you to leave as soon as possible."

Su Changge pondered for a while, and finally decided to open the skylight to speak brightly. The four mythical beasts are all old monsters who don't know how many years, so I don't want to play with it.

"Naturally, I have to go, but when I came in this time, naturally I didn't think about going alone." Su Changge didn't talk nonsense, and said: "I don't think you have too many murders, so I don't want to know you. How did I get sealed here? Similarly, I don’t have much time to explain the outside to you. In one word, if I save you, you give me some blood, how about?"

The tortoise and the snake looked at each other.

Turtle asked aloud: "Old man, do you think this kid's words are credible?"

The snake thought for a while and said, "Anyway, we have no choice, right?"

"Wait! Are you crazy? Where did anyone ask themselves????" The snake suddenly reacted, somewhat helpless, "No, I think I might really split into another personality if this continues."

Xuanwu said cheerfully, "Isn't that good? So I don't have to chat with myself all day."

Then Xuanwu looked at Su Changge and said, "Boy, if you can really save me from this place, let alone some blood, even if you drain me, I won't have a word of nonsense!"

PS Today is so short for a reason. Today, I suddenly came up with a wonderful idea, which is to let this "Zu Guang with Su Wangyou participate" world line develop to the "Li Qinglian Era", and then let Li Qinglian as a teenager I felt lonely when I slapped the world at that time, and then developed the Qinglian Sixth Form Tenth Form, which is against Qianqiu, and wears it back with this skill...

PS2 Well, then I thought about my outline. If there is such a bug-level character, it is estimated that the whole plot will collapse. It is okay for Mo Li to be sad. What he did was originally the work that a military teacher wanted to do, so this character was added. It’s not a big problem, but it’s a pity that this guy was originally the ceiling of human intelligence in this book, but now it’s so unclear. It’s mainly because Mo Qianzhong can have a lot of extra high-strength plots, Li Qinglian. This is different...

PS 3, but it’s a pity to give up after over a thousand words. I will find a time to make it out of other world lines.

PS4 Speaking of extra plot... I'm sorry for the fifth Huazhi. I said long ago that she would add extra points to her. As a result, she travels around the world. She simply uses "not talented enough to learn other languages" as the reason. Deprived of the right to speak...

But there’s no way. It’s not a highly talented character. In the official history, Dacheng Su Changge trained her like this, and after living for so long, she was only mixed with a limit emperor realm, probably at the level of the sect master. , For example, the main clan was cultivated by Su Changge from an early age, and when the main clan became successful, she could at least have the combat effectiveness of the ancient kingdom monarch, or even a lot higher.

Like Chu Yi, like Su Changge, I can find a reason to open the hangup for them at any time. Although Su Changge has been opening up and hang up, Qin Luoxue is an auxiliary for the time being. Mo Qianzhong has also designed a high Forcing the plot, Tang Congxin is not a fighter. The protagonist team is left with a fifth Huazhi. The position is so embarrassing that he can’t beat and beat, and Su Changge can’t say anything. Apart from Zhengshi Fan, I can’t think of giving her extra points. Way...

Oh, with so many small talks, I feel that the number of words is much better, and I always feel that I have discovered the incredible meaning of the number of water words...

Chapter 62 The Four of the Year

Su Changge didn't talk nonsense, and he was gone after leaving a sentence of'wait a moment'.

Su Changge’s soul returned, and quickly told Su Wangyou and the Great Emperor of the Deep Sea about what he had just heard and seen, and then said: "The four sacred beasts are not brutal beasts, whether it is a phoenix, a blue dragon, or what I see now. The Xuanwu that has arrived has not a low degree of goodwill towards human beings, so I think it is not a big problem to release it."

After Su Changge finished speaking, he immediately began to study the seal.

Su Changge’s talent in these “Left Paths” is simply unprecedented, and there is no one to come. In just a few moments, he worked out a method to break the seal, and then he prepared five or six hours, and it went smoothly. Broke the seal.

The Great Emperor Deep Sea sighed slightly when he watched Su Changge's smooth movements without hesitation.

"I thought I had already overestimated him, but I didn't expect to underestimate him. The mysterious seal shed in the Gu Hong era, even the four mythical beasts have been trapped here for so long, so he can break open so easily... "

The Emperor of the Deep Sea said that the "Gu Hong Era" was actually mostly speculation. After all, the Zuguang seal was withered. He didn't think anyone could set up a seal that could control the four beasts.

Su Wangyou pondered for a moment, and said, "He has always been this way. Once he does something, he must be confident."

Su Wangyou paused, and then said, "Mr. much do you know about Gu Hong?"

The Great Emperor of the Deep, originally named Pang Bupo.

"Gu Hong..." The Great Emperor Deep Sea shook his head with his hands behind him, "I don't know much about Gu Hong. I have seen some old people in the Yin Yang family. They all lived seven or eight thousand years old. After experiencing the three or four thousand years of the last period of Gu Hong, they are all very taboo about the period of the last period of Gu Hong. In any case, they are not willing to talk more. Obviously they have made up their minds to bring these things to the tomb."

"But I know one person, he must know a lot of secrets from the Gu Hong period." The Great Emperor Deep Sea continued.

"Who?" Su Wangyou looked slightly.

"You know that person, too." The Great Emperor of Deep Sea paused, his eyes were inexplicably deep, "The monarch of the ancient country...Mo Lingfeng."

Mo Lingfeng.

The real name of the ancient monarch.

Su Wangyou has a real name to see through, so he naturally learned the real name of the ancient monarch early, but it was the first time he heard this name from his population.

The Emperor Deep Sea seemed to be interested, he cleared his throat and continued.

"Although it is not as good as yours, our generation can be regarded as a generation of arrogances, the stars are shining, and four of them are headed."

The Emperor Deep Sea smiled, and said confidently but not arrogantly: "I am one of them. You can guess that."

Su Wangyou nodded, the Emperor of the Deep Sea is simply the hero of the textbook-level inspirational book.

"From then on, Renhuang's younger brother, Lan Langzhu is another person." The Great Emperor Deep Sea looked at Su Wangyou's unchanging face and sighed: "You are not good at this point. There is no expression on your face. I don't know you. Surprised or not surprised at all."

"To be honest, there is one thing." Su Wang said indifferently: "I thought I would be the emperor."

The Great Emperor Deep Sea sighed slightly, "Yes, who would have thought that the amazing white-shirted young man failed to succeed at the beginning, but the slightly stupid, bad-mouthed boy became the king of Xia?"

The Emperor Deep Sea seemed unwilling to talk more about the brothers of the Lan family, so he skipped these two and continued.

"The third person is definitely the descendant of Guigu who has a glimpse of it... the real name of Guiguzi is still a mystery."

The Great Emperor Deep Sea had a deep gaze, "At the beginning, among the four of us, this guy was the most mysterious. Once he joined the world, he destroyed the unpredictable sect of the sky country with a laugh. Looking back now, he still feels that this guy is unfathomable. ..."

"Speaking of which, I remember that Su Changge is also a descendant of Guigu." The Emperor Deep Sea shook his head and said, "The Guigu faction... is really amazing."

Su Wangyou was silent. Su Changge had already told him all about Guiguzi. Only he and Su Changge knew about it. Even Chu Yi and Tang Congxin didn’t know, and he couldn’t say more. What, Guiguzi... In two lifetimes, two real deaths and one fake death, exhausting the wisdom of two lives, perhaps just for the ancestor of the Qin family to survive.

Such a person, even from an opposing standpoint, Su Wangyou could not dislike it.

"And the fourth person... you guessed it, is the current monarch of the ancient country." The Great Emperor of the Deep Sea narrowed his eyes and said, "The number one arrogant in the world, the number one man in the world."

"His legendary example is really endless for three days and three nights. When the emperor of the previous generation called him'invincible under the emperor' when he was in the fairyland, he was proud of the blue tired bamboo of the eternal sun. He once publicly admitted that he was inferior to him in the public. At the beginning, he traveled around the world and tried the world with swords. He was not defeated. He entered the Emperor Realm when he was only twenty-five years old, and he reached the Extreme Emperor Realm as soon as he entered the Emperor Realm. ,Invincible!"

Su Wangyou frowned slightly, but did not interrupt the Emperor Deep Sea.

The Emperor Deep Sea continued: "I know what you want to say. The strength of the ancient monarchs in recent years is indeed not as exaggerated as I say."

A bitter color appeared on the face of Emperor Deep Sea.

"At the beginning... he attacked the immortality realm and failed."

"Mo Lingfeng is a hundred times more talented than Human Emperor. Human Emperor entered the realm of longevity, but he failed."

"Furthermore, that failure left him with irreparable major damage, which greatly damaged his strength. To be honest, in my opinion, his strength in the Battle of Pingtian Lake has been compared for thousands of years. Before, his combat power when he was still in the Void Realm was almost the same..."

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