Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 442:

When they stepped here last time, they were all young people who were just fledgling (referring to Ba Jue Dadian hanging the whole world). They were also stared at by the night and day and almost died here (referring to Su Wangyou hacked to death. One, scared off three, and then Su Changge was still upset. It took two years to arrange a round and kill their boss).

But coming here again this time, the mood is completely different from before.

As soon as they entered the secret realm, everyone went straight to the tombstone of Han Qinghua.

Today's journey is naturally not comparable to what it used to be. In just half an hour, everyone has reached the destination.

A beautiful girl sat in front of the tombstone, closing her eyes as if she was comprehending something, and two warriors of the Han family stood by her side, seeing everyone coming, and immediately put on a guard posture.

Su Changge showed an expression of ⊙▽⊙.

"This——-She————This——————" He seemed to want to laugh, but was speechless, and finally laughed for a while before saying: "Han Qinghua’s legacy is a book that is connected. I have already passed the exam for the space-assessment book, and the book has long since disappeared. There is no inheritance here. She... is this sitting and posing?"

Night out

"I really am an impeccably perfect man."

In fact, his appearance is not outstanding and his temper is not a good mad knife man talking to himself in the mirror.

Lan Langzhu frowned while sitting drinking tea.

[He started...]

Zhang Tulong sighed.

[He started...]

Mo Ge's old face hidden under the black robe trembled slightly.

[He started...]

The crazy ghost just squeezed his fist and suppressed his killing intent.

[This idiot has begun...]

"Why would there be a perfect person like me appearing in the world?" Crazy Swordsman sighed: "Perhaps you were born in this world just to set off me..."

The mad ghost couldn't help it anymore, and immediately stood up and wanted to give this wise narcissist a meal, but was held down by Lan Tienzhu.

[Watch the show.

Lan Langzhu said in this way.

"Really? This is true even for me?" The poisonous spider walked over slowly, with a frivolous and pompous tone, "Is it true even for me?"

"No, no, of course you are different." Mad Blade hurriedly denied, "You are unique and unsurpassable. You have such beauty."

The poisonous spider covered his mouth and chuckled, his voice was as sweet as a silver bell, and the hooker's heart trembled.

The mad knife guest was stunned for a while. He had never seen a poisonous spider showing such a young daughter's posture.

But before the mad knives could see enough, an astonishing murderous aura came from the direction of the door.

Everyone—naturally including poisonous spiders and mad knives, all looked over.

'Poisonous Spider' remained in the posture of pushing the door open with one hand, with his head down, his murderous intent on his body.

She raised her head like a machine, and said viciously: "Thousand---mian!"

"you wanna die!"

The look of the poisonous spider standing next to the mad knives changed drastically, and with a stroke of his backhand, he took off the mask.

————Yes, this is actually a thousand-faced Langjun, poisonous spiders are not the generations of watery flowers, let alone make such a charming posture.

"Don't! Big sister! I'm kidding!" Qianmian Langjun fled quickly, but he was just a virtual realm. Although the poisonous spider is not an emperor realm known for its combat power, it is still very easy to deal with him in a non-tianjiao virtual realm. .

Moreover, Qianmian Langjun was at a loss and didn't dare to make a full shot. He was trampled by poisonous spiders every few strokes.

"How dare you make such a gesture with my face!!" The poisonous spider said word by word: "I see you---is this enough to live?"

"No---it's not me!" Qianmian Langjun cried, "It's Lan Juanzhu and Zhang Tulong. They think the crazy knife man is too disgusting. That's why I can get him. No I thought you came back!"

Zhang Tulong stared at Qianmian Langjun with a serious expression and a straight waist. He said lightly: "Haha, Xiao Qianmian, you can eat this shit, but you can't talk nonsense..."

Lan Juanzhu squeezed his fists, and the golden light flowed. He nodded and said seriously: "Mr. Zhang is right."

Hearing this, the poisonous spider was furious, and kicked Qianmen Langjun harder, "You bastard dare to lie to me?"

Senmian Langjun showed a convex () expression.

"Damn it, it's you who bullies the soft and fears the hard, and dare not seek revenge from those two guys. What's the point of you bullying me as a non-combatant! You have the ability to find combatants!"

The poisonous spider is not a fool. Naturally, I know that Lan Jiangzhu and Zhang Tulong instigated this incident. It was just a coincidence that he came, but... what about that?

"No way..." She sighed: "I can beat you in this organization. Don't bully you who bully..."

And at this time, the crazy swordsman with the extremely long reflection arc jumped out again, with a shocked expression: "What----you actually hate me disgusting---huh, I see, you are jealous. I, what a sad passerby thought..."

Everyone's heart sank.

[This guy/he/idiot/started...]

Sure enough, the Mad Swordsman fell into self-talking again.

After a while, another person walked in - this was also the last official member of Ye Jin Tianming.

Seeing that everyone was there, Mo Ge coughed twice, interrupting the crazy knife man talking to himself.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

it's finally over……

"You are all old faces, and there are no new members. I think you should also know the reason why I brought you together today?" Mo Ge's tone became heavy.

"Of course." Everyone nodded.

"Let's go, we will worship every fifty years every night." Mo Ge said slowly.

One of the ten famous mountains in Zuguang, Moran Mountain.

The official members of Ye Jin Tianming started climbing without saying a word.

They obviously can fly, but they still chose the most primitive way-walking.

They climbed the mountain step by step, and finally stopped in front of some unknown broken tombstone.

Mo lighted some incense, and everyone took three of them.

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