Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 443:

"For our dream." Mo Ge inserted the incense, his old face was full of determination.

"For our dream." Lan Langzhu inserted the incense, and childhood memories came to his heart again.

"For our dream." The mad knife man inserted the incense and took a peek at the poisonous spider.

"For our dream." Qianmian Langjun inserted the incense, his smiley face full of solemnity.

"For our dream." The mad ghost inserted the incense, and his thoughts drifted to the far west.

"For our dream." The poisonous spider inserted the incense, and a touch of sorrow came to mind.

"For our dream." Zhang Tulong inserted the incense and turned his attention to the Qin Kingdom overseas.

"For our dream." The last man stepped forward, his voice hoarse.

Afterwards, they left one by one and went their separate ways.

After a long time, a woman with an illusory figure and a pure black dress walked slowly to the tombstone.

"There are many disasters in the world. As long as the hearts of the people are still there, the chaos will never stop. Temporary peace cannot mean forever. If you want to end the war and the disaster forever, there is only one way..."

There was an inexplicable light in the woman's eyes.

"Jing Hongzi was wrong, and I was wrong, too. The Yuenv guy was also wrong. Qin Jinghong might be right, but after she married someone, there was just a mess in her mind."

"This method may not be right, but..."

"It will definitely work."

Chapter 66 The Hardware Worries Su Changge

The true Sword Demon Inheritance is actually a book, but since Su Changge accepted the Sword Demon Inheritance, that book has disappeared - that is, now except for the Sword Demon apprentice who may be alive, Su Changge is the last person in the world to have the inheritance of sword demon.

————But others don’t know that the sword demon inheritance has disappeared!

The tombstone says that the inheritance of the sword demon is here, so it seems that the inheritance is this tombstone--it doesn't seem to be something particularly difficult to understand.

But in fact the tombstone is just a tombstone, and there is no inheritance of the sword demon, not to mention Han Yilou, even if Su Wangyou, who has a talent countless times higher than her, comes, he cannot comprehend the inheritance of the sword demon from here.

————Of course, from the perspective of Su Wangyou’s savvy—if there is someone he trusts, such as Su Changge, or if his father tells Su Wangyou that there is a heritage here, so that Su Wangyou can understand it seriously, Su Wangyou might really realize something...

After all, it is an enlightenment like drinking water.

"If you want to comprehend the inheritance of the sword demon, then I advise you to give up, the inheritance of the sword demon has disappeared." Su Changge said loudly.

The two emperor realms guarding Han Yilou looked at each other, seeing that the popularity was extraordinary and mysterious, and they also politely said: "Why did the young man say this?"

Su Changge pondered a little, and said: "A few years ago, when the hidden forest of the Tibetan Gods was first opened, I was the first person to come in. Similarly, I was also the first witness to this tombstone. At that time, There is a book before this tombstone, and that book is the inheritance of the sword demon, and that tombstone... is just an ordinary tombstone."

Upon hearing this, the two emperors looked at each other.

Behind them, the slender woman slowly stood up.

"Sure enough, as expected..." The woman named Han Yilou turned around, revealing a beautiful face far superior to Su Changge (a general adjective for young non-physical martial artists from Zu Guang).

"I sat here for three days, but got nothing. I knew that this tombstone was nothing." Han Yilou was actually very embarrassed. He sat here like a fool for three days, trying to realize that there is nothing there. Things, this is really not a happy thing.

Lin Po stepped forward, his old face blushing--obviously asking for something back from others is a test for a heroic man like him, "That... niece Han, that high monk relic..."

Han Yilou nodded, and said, "I'm causing trouble to Uncle."

She paused, and then hesitated: "Uncle Lin is a famous hero in the world, and now he is looking for me to recover this relic... Is there something urgent? Can you tell me what I can do? Where can I help..."

As a wealthy Jinling family, the Han family has a lot of energy.

After that, she took out a relic and handed it to Lin Po.

When Lin Po heard Han Yilou's words, he smiled and shook his head, "You are still a little younger, so you should not participate in these things."

Lin Po gave the relic to the Emperor Deep Sea, and sighed: "I'm not as good as you."

When the Emperor Deep Sea asked him for a relic of a high monk for the world, he was frank and unpretentious.

When he asked Han Yilou for a relic of a high monk, he was in such a twisted posture...

Lin Po compared himself with the Great Emperor Deep Sea, feeling ashamed.

The Great Emperor Deep Sea shook his head and smiled: "It's different."

Naturally, they are different. The Emperor Deep Sea and Lin Po have been friends for many years, so naturally they don’t care much about a relic. But as a senior in the rivers and lakes, Lin Po wants to lend back something to a little girl in advance. The two are naturally different. of.

Lin Po smiled, did not speak.

Everyone took out the magic talisman, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

They come and go in a hurry.

Han Yilou stood in front of the tombstone, looking confused.

The Han family in Jinling has already begun to go downhill, their inheritance has been lost for a long time, and finally got news of the inheritance of the sword demon, but in the end it was still empty...

When Han Yilou was lost in confusion, a sudden change occurred.

An afterimage slowly formed in mid-air.

The two emperor realms didn't panic too much. They could grow to the emperor realm, even if they hadn't seen it in person, most of them had heard of such a secret method.

The afterimage was condensed, and finally turned into Su Changge, who was half-empty and half-real.

Su Changge ignored the three people's surprised eyes, and said to himself: "It's true that the person who got the inheritance of the sword demon... is here."

He paused and said, "That day Su Wangyou, Chu Yi, and I had accepted the inheritance of the sword demon. Su Wangyou was too arrogant. He didn't like to be spied on his secrets and was not full of the sword demon's tone, so he refused. In order to pass the inheritance, Chu Yi was at odds with the Sword Demon's philosophy, and refused, but in the end the inheritance fell into my hands."

"Although you are not a true descendant of the Sword Demon--the Sword Demon has no descendants, but you are also regarded as the disciple and grandson of the Sword Demon. There is no such leisure, so today, I will teach you the inheritance of this sword demon."

Su Changge looked at Han Yilou, who was extremely nervous and full of expectation. He was secretly refreshed, but he still maintained his calm and superior form. If it weren't for the hardware, he might have succeeded.

"How much you can learn depends on your ability."

He stretched out his finger and lightly touched Han Yilou's forehead.

After that, Su Changge's figure disappeared instantly, and Han Yilou also fell into a mysterious and mysterious state...

Chapter 67 Seven Methods

"Brother Lin... let's separate here." The Great Emperor of the Deep said softly.

This is really a very hurtful thing, because Lin Po does not have the strength to participate in this matter.

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