Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 446:

"Yes, it's me!" Ye Guxian stepped forward and said loudly: "I can save the Pope."

Su Changge didn’t know Ye Guzuo very well, so he looked at Su Wangyou, as did the other three. Su Wangyou seemed to be the only person who knew Ye Guzuo, and Ye Guzuo suddenly appeared After saying this again, no one can tell whether it is true or false, but he can appear in the church without knowing it. He must have some skills...

Su Wangyou's mood is quite complicated. He has dealt with Ye Guzhuang several times, and the only feeling is that this person is unfathomable, and... he always seems to be doing some very strange things.

Su Wangyou was not busy drawing conclusions, but said to Ye Guzhuang: "Do you know what we are going to do now?"

Although Su Wangyou was almost certain that Ye Guzhuang knew a lot, he still had to be sure about this.

Ye Guzuo nodded and said, "Kill the evil god, seal Xiaohai."

He paused, not waiting for Su Wangyou to continue to ask questions, and said: "The pope is the carrier of the evil god, and the evil god will become the nourishment of Xiaohai's resurrection, and I have a way to save the pope."

"What can you do, and what is your purpose?" The saint asked calmly, "tell me your purpose, don't tell me you are for the world."

Ye Gu played: "My purpose is only one. I can extract the Cthulhu from the Pope, but as soon as I extract the Cthulhu, the Cthulhu will be resurrected. But the Pope can survive. The next thing is your business. After it's done, I Asked to use the Apocalypse Salvation Book once, and...I want to tear off the page I used."

The saint frowned. One page of the Apocalypse·Salvation Book exchanges the life of the Pope. Naturally, it is a business that can no longer be earned, but business is not counted as such.

"Who on earth are you, why do you know this thing so well, and as far as I know, this is the first time the Cthulhu has appeared in the world, but you dare to say that you can extract the Cthulhu..." Saintess is wary Looking towards Su Changge and Su Wangyou, he began to doubt them.

This is really a coincidence. This was supposed to be a secret that a small group of people knew, but someone else knew it, even the newly invented name "Cthulhu", and he also knew Su Wangyou...

Even a fool would suspect Su Wangyou or Su Changge in collusion with him at this time.

But because of this, the saint calmed down instead.

Su Changge is a well-known think tank of Zu Guang, and he is surrounded by an invincible monster like Su Wangyou. If he really wants Apocalypse·Salvation, the saint doesn’t think she has played with him. What about such a person? Maybe using such a low-level strategy that can be seen at a glance?

"It seems that you want to understand." Ye Guzuo also noticed the change in the expression on the saint woman's face, smiled slightly, and said: "About how I learned about this news..."

He turned around and looked at Su Wangyou with a smile.

"How did Brother Bai know? How did I know."

How did Su Wangyou know? His father told me...

Su Wangyou was shocked.

[Did he also from...]

The saint's eyes changed several times, and finally said: "How do you want to get the evil god out?"

When she said this, she agreed.

The Pope is so important, if he can, he will naturally be saved.

Ye Gu played backhand and pulled out a weird long knife.

"Just rely on this."

Su Wang worried about the past, and the data of this piece of equipment immediately appeared.

True·Superior Warrior·Cause-Calination: Transcendence Warrior, a conceptual weapon.

Equipment introduction: The true transcendence warrior is one of the three "three-character" transcendence warriors. The fifth transcendence warrior in the heavens and all realms, possesses incredible horrible power that can cut cause and effect.

[Score]: Ability to divide anything, including but not limited to solid, liquid, gas, power, inner qi, concept, existence, soul, etc.





The special effects of this equipment are too powerful, and the current world view is unbearable. It is temporarily sealed. Please wait for the expansion of [The Last Madness of Gu Hong] [The War of the Middle Ages] [The Beginning of the Ancient Times]. The stunts need to be unlocked by the player himself by boarding the [Twelve Days of Eternal Pass].

Equipment level: beyond.

(The Buddha said that everything is cause and effect. I slashed him to death. Probably this is also cause and effect.)

(No sheath and Wufeng bother to stand up, um...I am not targeting anyone, I am saying that everyone here is rubbish that will be easily cut off by me.)

(Why can I have so many comments? Because I am a transcendant soldier.)

(I always felt that I was much stronger than No-sheath, but his master was much stronger than my Master, so he could become one of the two "two-character soldiers"...until I was cut by No-sheath Before that day, I thought so.)

(Maybe you will need my power——————oh!!! no!!! Don’t don’t, don’t take me to hack the evil god, these guys are really super dirty, they are like singles who haven’t bathed in 30 years Tramp...fuck, fuck, why.)

Chapter 71—Unwilling to Kill

The Transcendant Warrior... Su Wangyou has heard a little.

His family background was extraordinary, and his father occasionally told him about things in his circle. At that time, Su Wangyou was young and short-sighted, and he didn't understand anything. Now he is growing up and he has a deeper understanding of some things.

Such as the Transcendant Warrior.

[There is a limit to the number of transcendence soldiers, and the limit depends on the name of the magic soldiers.There is only one transcendence weapon with a name of only one character, two characters with two characters, three characters with three characters, and so on. There are forty-five transcendent soldiers in the world.

Corresponding to rarity, the fewer words in the name, the stronger the transcendence.

Like no sheath and no front, these two swords are the second and third peerless gods in the world, the absolute spear and the absolute shield in a sense.

And what Ye Guzhuang took out now was a magic weapon of the'Three Characters' Transcendencer.

The value of this kind of thing... is that it sold the entire Bright Church, and it is not worthy of this sword to be shot once. Fortunately, except for Su Wangyou, people in this world do not understand the value of this sword.

Ye Guzuo smiled and looked at Su Wangyou.

"The function of my knife...Brother Bai Shou must be clear, what do you think?"

Su Wangyou pondered for a moment, then slowly nodded, and said, "If it is this knife, it would be simpler to separate the Pope from the Cthulhu."

The saint took a deep look at Ye Guxuan and his sword, and said solemnly: "Since there is Young Hero Su Wangyou as a guarantee, then I have no objection. I just hope you don't make any mistakes, otherwise..."

Seeing Su Wangyou's face, the saint put down her doubts for a while.

Su Wangyou once preached the world and was a representative of the right way in the world, and he was suspected to be the number one master in the world. Such characters have spoken, and even if the saint has opinions, he must be held back.

Ye Guzhuang shrugged and said, "Then—I’ll leave first. This is my sound transmission symbol. I will transmit it to me after you have discussed the combat plan. I will stay here until now. In the sacred city, you can send someone to monitor me, I won’t care.”

"Previously stated that I don't want to participate in the incident of entering the sea of ​​Xiaohai. I haven't lived enough yet." Ye Guzhuang said these words indifferently, and left with a big swing.

The Great Emperor of the Deep Sea watched him go away and whispered softly: "That knife..."

"That knife can do what he said." Su Wangyou said: "That's it."

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