Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 447:

After that, the six people had seven hours of discussion and four days and three nights of pre-war preparations.

The battle site was finally selected in an uninhabited desert. The participants were Su Wangyou, Su Changge, Deep Sea Great, Saintess and Two Cardinals of the Church of Light, Hey and Antonio.

————And on the periphery, the two Holy See guerrillas ready to support.

The non-participant was Ye Guzuo, and he was also standing in the innermost circle - Xiaohai would only appear after the death of the evil god, and he was temporarily not worried about dying from unknown aoe.

There is...

Two hundred death row prisoners.

The holy goddess looked like usual, and said to Su Wang worry: "These two hundred people have committed heinous crimes. They are all damned people. You don't have to have any psychological burden."

Antonio and Hey didn't know Su Wangyou's ability to kill the rise, but they could guess it. They frowned slightly, but didn't say much.

Su Wangyou was silent for a while, and slowly stretched out his hand.

"You---what are you still hesitating now?" The saint frowned, because Su Wangyou's movements were too slow, and there was a lot of hesitation.

"It's already this time, do you still have any naive ideas?" The saint looked at Su Wangyou, "answer me, are you hesitating?"

The Emperor Deep Sea also persuaded: "Su Wangyou, the overall situation is important."

"If you still have this ridiculous heart of compassion, I advise you not to participate in the next battle." The saint's face showed a mocking look, "You can have mercy on a bunch of wicked people, and you can also have mercy on that. Xiao Hai, if something goes wrong then...I don't want to face a top martial artist whose body is invaded by Xiao Hai."

Su Changge was expressionless, "I advise you to be careful when you speak."

The saint frowned and stopped talking, but her eyes were still cold.

"What's the matter?" Su Changge looked at Su Wangyou: "Can't you do it? It's not like you."

Can't get it?

How could he not be able to get off his hands? Back then, the top of Tianhu Mountain was the pillar of Zuguang. Su Wangyou also said to kill and kill without any hesitation. Now facing a group of executed prisoners, how could he hesitate?

Su Wangyou hesitated and shook his head.

"They deserve to die, but they definitely didn't die under my sword." He looked at the saint. "They should die under the law, not under the sword of a foreigner because of the mind of a big man."

"You——————" The saint’s face was instantly distorted, "————The benevolence of a woman!"

Su Wangyou comes from later generations, from a society with a sound legal system.

He doesn't like killing, but he doesn't resist killing, but he doesn't want to kill like this.

A policeman may be qualified to kill a murderer who is at large, but no policeman is qualified to kill a murderer who has been under control, even if the murderer has killed countless policemen.

"I know my choice looks stupid, but I'm determined to do it." Su Wangyou said solemnly: "They don't want to be killed by me, but they can't escape death. In that case, I don't have to make them dirty. My sword."

Su Wangyou remembered the ancestors who died a year ago.

He said to himself.

"I won't kill people like this. If I killed these death row prisoners today to deal with Xiaohai, then tomorrow I will kill him to deal with Emperor Tiandao. At that time, I will be the next'Xiaohai', and no People can stop me because I was countless times stronger than Xiaohai at that time."

"A gentleman loves money and takes it in a proper way, and so does killing."

Su Wangyou looked at the angry and trembling saint.

"What's more... I am not the one I was a year ago, and Xiao Hai does not have the invincible defense of Lingshan."

"I am very strong, very strong, much stronger than you think. Even if I don't kill people, I can deal with Xiaohai."

Ye Guxuan in the distance showed a smile that no one could see.

The saint calmed down and said: "I have never denied your strength---but a year ago, you were just a virtual realm, and now you have not been able to reach the emperor realm. Even if you are strong, what can you achieve? To what extent? What we are going to do is not a child’s play. What we are going to face is the most ferocious and cruel beast in human history. It has killed a hundred times more people than you have ever seen."

Su Wangyou drew his sword, his voice calm and infectious.

He said.

"I will win."

Deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, he laughed wildly.

His scarlet eyes were full of madness.

In the endless sea of ​​consciousness, the voice of true madness overlapped with that of Su Wangyou.

"How dare you--------use your barren imagination to try to figure out my talents!"

Chapter 72: Aurora Nine Flashes

"You——————" The saint was shocked and angry, and for a while, she could not find a rebuttal.

"Just do what he said." Antonio had deep eyes, "If the old man heard this twenty years ago, he would have sneered at him, but today, twenty years later, I have to admit that there is such a thing in the world. genius."

The saint took a few breaths and calmed down again.

She said to one of the cardinals: "Take these two hundred people away and bring them to the guerrillas - if the battle situation changes..."

Su Wangyou said indifferently: "If I lose to the evil god or Xiaohai, I will naturally do it."

The saint looked at Su Wangyou and said word by word: "I hope you understand that this is not playing house."

"I have been to the top of Tianhu Mountain and know what it means." Su Wangyou slowly drew out his sword, "I... understand it better than anyone else."

"That's good." The saint took a deep look at Su Wangyou and said loudly: "Ye Gu play, do it!"

Ye Guxuan put away his lazy expression, and drew the'cause and effect' out of the scabbard.

"With this cut, the cause and effect are all broken."


In Ye Guxian's eyes, the figures of the Pope and the Cthulhu appeared in the sky clearly.

An extremely strong line of cause and effect connects these two people.

He raised the knife gently, and quickly fell down, easily severing the line of cause and effect that connected one person to one god.

The Cthulhu screamed painfully, and his big dark green eyes were full of hatred.

As a result, the phantom of the evil god that was visible to the naked eye was'squeezed' out of the pope's body.

The huge and incomparable evil spirit phantom slowly formed in midair.

The eyeballs are all eyeballs.

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