Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 449:

"Did you see it?" Su Changge stood beside the saint woman, raising his head and squinting at the scattered sword light.

The sword light was too bright, even if it was just looking at it, it made people feel pain in the eyes, but even so, Su Changge was still watching.

"This is Su Wangyou." He sighed: "This is the winner of the Ba Jue Dadian comprehensive battle champion, Su Wangyou, the number one arrogant in the world!"

"This is... Su Wangyou?" The saint chewed in confusion, and slowly said, "Cthulhu... just died like this?"

The monster that tortured the Pope for one hundred and twenty-five years and left the entire Church of Illumination helpless - - - just died?So suddenly, so directly — directly dead?

It's like a super boss. Players have collected countless valuable items and powerful teammates. But after the battle started, this super boss was directly killed by a teammate?

"I know what you are thinking." Su Wangyou took a breath, turned around, and said calmly: "It's dead. I don't care how embarrassed it once forced the church, now it's dead."

"Mo Ge died so unclearly, and so did the Mad Swordsman. Lingshan has lived through the ages, and no one even Gu Hong could kill it, but it also died under my hand. Under my hand, it died. It's dead."

(PS actually still has a military division, the military division who died is the most unjust...The problem is that Su Wangyou has no idea how much he killed this person.)

Although Su Wangyou doesn’t know what Ye Jin Tianming is planning, there is no doubt that they must have a goal that shocks the world. As their leader, Mo Ge must also have incomparably great dreams, but even so , He also died silently in an inconspicuous valley in the ancient country.

Compared with the death of Mo Ge, what is the sudden death of this evil god?

[I know I will win.

Su Wangyou knew he would win from the moment he saw the evil god.

His body in the game is far less powerful than in reality, but he has so many magical skills and equipment.

And this evil god... is not one hundred one of the evil gods he has seen in reality.

This is just a trace of the remnant soul of the evil god, who has been suppressed by the Pope’s consciousness for a full one hundred and twenty-five years. If Su Wangyou cannot kill it with his unique knowledge that can only be used once in 99 days, then there is a problem .

The figure of Cthulhu slowly disappeared, the big eyes were slowly blown away by the wind, and finally turned into dust.

and many more!

Su Wangyou suddenly thought of a question.

In normal history, the Pope was eventually swallowed by the Cthulhu, but the Cthulhu was also exhausted by the Pope, which eventually led to the profit of Xiaohai fishermen and the appearance of the Pope.

It can be seen that Xiaohai may only be present in the human form. Otherwise, it should be present in the posture of a Cthulhu. After all, it is the Cthulhu with infinite evil thoughts and malice that really resurrected it, but in the end it did not. This has been able to explain a lot in this world as the pope.

But now... the pope is alive, the evil god is dead.

Then, Xiao Hai...who will be resurrected?

A person who carries countless malice and evil thoughts, who... would this person be?

At the place where the evil god died, a shadow slowly formed.

Su Changge shot quickly and put the Pope into the storage artifact. At the same time, he bit his finger and pointed it out with a single finger. A drop of tears in the dry manhole cover was directed at the phantom——probably Xiaohai.

The blood passed through the phantom, nothing happened, the phantom was still slowly forming, and was not blocked by half.

"I didn't expect the resurrection so quickly, it seems that this guy really doesn't want to wait for a moment - or is the evil spirit of the evil god really so powerful?" Su Changge said solemnly, "In short - don't think about it. No one can stop it, we can only choose to hide."

A hint of curiosity flashed through his heart.

Xiao whose form will it be resurrected?

"Sorry, I lost my mind." Just as everyone was holding their breath, the saint suddenly said: "What I said just now...I'm sorry, I said this before, but the courage I had moved at the beginning of the battle was all No……"

She was silent for a moment.

"I'm very sorry."

These remarks were made to Su Wangyou, although the saint did not look at Su Wangyou and did not name her by name, but it was clearly said to Su Wangyou.

Su Wangyou moved his eyes away from the saint, and said calmly: "You don't have to apologize to me. From your point of view, the choice I made is really capricious. Secondly-don't think about these things, take it seriously. Fight down."

The phantom finally took shape.

But everyone had no time to make a move - perhaps they didn't even have time to see Xiao Hai's appearance.

An extremely violent air current gushed out from the surrounding area of ​​Xiaohai.

At the beginning, Su Wangyou had relied on himself to practice Taixuan Divine Art, with a strong internal energy, and used a large amount of internal energy to create a vacuum zone around him, which was regarded as a low-profile version of Shenluo Tianzheng.

And the air current released by the sea of ​​sea at this time is simply

High-end version of Super·Shinra Tianzheng.

It was extremely violent, as if the air currents that were about to shred everything rushed in all directions, the saint and Hui failed to resist even a second, and were instantly caught by the violent air currents, Antonio had only time to utter half a spell. Was also swept far away.

The Emperor Deep Sea and Su Changge couldn't hold on for long, and were quickly knocked into the distance by that terrible repulsion.

The sky is full of yellow sand and the storm is raging.

Su Wangyou crossed his hands in front of him, his robe clamoring.

He could clearly feel that his inner energy was being consumed rapidly, and if he insisted on holding on, he would die here soon.

[Damn——————If the Qingyun Bi Yueyi is still there!Su Wangyou gritted his teeth and tried to move forward, but he just took a step when he was immediately pushed into the distance by the violent repulsion.

Chapter 74—The Strongest Destructive Power in the World

Xiao Hai's destructive power is very strong.

Everyone knew this, but they never thought that Xiao Hai's destructive power could actually be so strong.

Exhausting internal qi, this is almost without any destructive power, it is only a move used for special occasions, but after being used by Xiao Hai, the destructive power of this move is like a jerk.

The extremely violent repulsion took Su Wangyou's body along for hundreds of miles, smashing him fiercely on the desert.

"Cough!" Su Wangyou got up and spit out a mouthful of blood.

He did not hesitate to activate the Samsara Yuyi, in order to maintain the most perfect fighting state, he transferred 75% of his injuries to himself three days later.

The remaining 25% of the injuries are nothing under the dual blessings of the [Tai Xuan Divine Art] and [The God of Heaven].

Su Wangyou took out the sound transmission note.

"Su Changge!"

"Yeah." Su Changge quickly replied, "How is your condition?"

"It's okay." Su Wangyou drew out the sword, "It seems we can only rely on ourselves."

Su Changge smiled bitterly, Saint, Antonio, this group of people must have died, but... their mobility is much worse than that of Zu Guangwu, if they were also promoted for hundreds of miles. , If you get hurt a little bit, I'm afraid you won't be able to reach Xiaohai for a while, but you can't delay it against Xiaohai.

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