Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Episode 450

At the same time, that violent repulsion began to gradually disappear - it seems that Xiaohai's explosion also has a limit.

Su Wangyou didn't hesitate, and immediately started running.

[Nine Wanli] Special effects are activated.

Tread the waves!

Law order-gallop!

Su Wangyou instantly turned into a blue streamer, rushing forward at several times the speed of sound.

The sonic boom sounded.

At the very center, Xiao Hai's ear moved, and then it turned around, facing the direction that Su Wangyou rushed forward.

Xiao Hai stretched out a finger.

Then --- with a flick.

Everyone knows that Xiao Hai's explosive power is strong, and they thought they had seen it just now, but in fact - it was just an appetizer.

The roar resounding throughout the world stunned the two hundred prisoners and most of the clergy directly.

The entire desert was penetrated by a torrent of flames 30 meters wide.

And this torrent - it was directed at Su Wangyou.

is that a lie?

Su Wangyou watched the torrent roaring towards him, but he couldn't change the direction because of the huge inertia.

[I am at least a hundred miles away from it...]

What is the concept of a hundred li? One li is five hundred meters, and a hundred li is 50,000 meters.

Fifty thousand meters, equivalent to four Tianhu Mountains placed horizontally.

Across the four Tianhu Mountains, Xiao Hai'heared' the sound of Su Wangyou rushing, and then made a move from fifty thousand meters away.

This move swallowed Su Wangyou and penetrated the entire desert.

[If Qingyun Bi Yueyi is still there——————]

When Su Wangyou was frightened, he was swallowed by the torrent, and the whole person was taken far away by the roaring torrent until he fell out of the desert.

Even with the 350% physical attribute bonus of the gods descending to the earth and the 75% damage reduction of the reincarnation feather garment, this move would have killed Su Wangyou's life.

If it were not for Samsara Yuyi, this trick would be enough to make Su Wangyou completely lose all combat power. This is because Su Wangyou’s consciousness was amazing and he protected the vital points in time. If Tang Congxin controls it, even if Su Wangyou’s physical fitness is changed An increase of fifty percent is not enough for her.

But in fact - the range of attack of this torrent is not only 50,000 meters, 50,000 meters is just the distance the flame torrent'touches' Su Wangyou, this flame torrent has been sprinting with Su Wangyou, From west to east, across the desert.

A full thousand and two hundred miles.

One thousand and two hundred miles... is still not the limit, because there is a Su Wangyou who is probably the world's top master standing in front of the torrent of flames, and Tai Xuan's internal energy gushes out.

He was dragged for a thousand or two hundred miles, finally exhausting all the stamina of Xiao Hai's attack.

What's the price?

The Sacred Sword of Breaking Army was damaged by 30%, the feathers of Samsara was damaged by 20%, the internal energy was 70%, and the physical energy was 60%.

Was dragged for a thousand or two hundred miles, completely away from the battlefield.

This is the price Su Wangyou paid, and what he didn't know was that what he took...

It was just a casual blow from Xiao Hai.

[This is... the most destructive creature in the world!

Su Wangyou narrowed his eyes and raised his qi again.

Then, there was another rush.

Strike a thousand miles!

Only this time, he didn't use his full strength anymore. Before, he hadn't expected Xiao Hai to attack him within a hundred miles, but now he really saw Xiao Hai's terrifying attack power and left him with it. The space tossed and turned.

Only in this way, the speed will inevitably drop...

This is the one hundred and eighty-fifth time that Su Wangyou has missed Qingyun Bi Yueyi since his resurrection.

The saint climbed up laboriously.

She is not a qualified combatant. Although her talent in divine art is extremely amazing, many years of government affairs processing has spent too much time on her, and the talent that should have bloomed incomparable light has also been concealed.

Among the'Shen Luo Tianzheng' just now, she was also the most embarrassed one.

She lost an arm.

When casting the spell, because of lack of experience facing such a devastating aoe, coupled with the repulsion is too amazing, he accidentally stretched out a hand, so this hand was gone, and it became fleshy in an instant.

The saint's face was pale, but she still struggled to stand up.

She stretched out the intact right hand and extended it to the broken arm on the left.

The soft white light was released, quickly and effectively healing the saint's wounds.

"It hurts---I knew I should practice these magic techniques." The saint gritted her teeth.

"My Lord, please give me a new life!"

The soft white light exploded suddenly, and a new, white, unspeakable arm grew out with the sound of toothy bone rubbing.

There is no doubt that under the powerful effects are huge consumption, long CDs, possible side effects, and... huge pain.

Even if the saint's willpower is amazing, it will become a sand sculpture emoji for a while.

"Hoo————————" The saint exhaled a foul breath, and cast her eyes to the center——that is, where Xiaohai was.

"It's really incredible, honestly I'm a little scared..."

"But it's not my style to stop here."

Chapter 75 Adam

"No wonder so many people will die..." Su Changge stood up, "Fighting against this monster without sufficient intelligence is simply..."

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