Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 451:

He saw the blow that Xiaohai used to attack Su Wangyou just now. If that blow was released in Xia State, it could kill thousands of people even if it was placed indiscriminately. If it was in the capital of Xia State, it would be dead. Tens of thousands of people are possible.

Fortunately, this is a desert.

Su Changge narrowed his eyes.

['s not the time to hide.

He clasped his hands together, and the light blue inner energy gushed out.

"Although I don't know if this guy is considered a'creature', but I have to give it a try. It stands to reason--this kind of monster that feeds on malicious and evil thoughts should be greatly affected."

"Your secret method needs to be stronger, Sword Demon..."

After that, his body did not move, but the light blue inner energy rushed towards the sea at a terrifying speed.

That speed is even faster than that of Su Wangyou!

More importantly - it did not move at all.

When Xiao Hai saw that inner qi, it was already too late, and that inner qi had already penetrated into its body.

To be honest, Su Changge was also a little nervous. He didn’t know if it would be useful for a monster with an inhuman form—just a monster with a human form to use the Sword Demon’s secret method against Daoxing. Hundreds of miles immediately affected the skills of the battle.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t succeed, but if you succeed...

[If it succeeds... can you see Xiao Hai's memory?

Facts have proved that it is useful, but what everyone sees is not Xiaohai's memory, but the memory of people in this world that Xiaohai uses.

The memory of the person who bears the most terrifying malice and evil thoughts in the world...

The internal energy exploded from Xiaohai, and the light blue internal energy floated around, pulling everyone in the desert into the illusion.

The goal is a silver-haired toddler.

The appearance of the young children is not outstanding, the clothes are tattered coarse linen, the face is vegetable, the face is yellow and thin, and they are the children of poor Europeans everywhere.

He shrank in a thatch. The grass was not soft and it stabbed him all over, but he had to do this, otherwise he would not survive tonight, and the cold winter could easily take his life.

He dared not close his eyes because there were too many people like him. He had seen many people like him. These people closed their eyes on a cold night and never opened them again.

He is an orphan. After the well-wisher who adopted him was killed by the soldiers of the Empire, he began to wander.

Silver hair is a relatively rare hair color in Europe. If he looks good and is a little more well-behaved, it is not difficult to find some big family to adopt him. He can be more well-behaved than anyone, but he can't change his appearance.

A huge scar from bottom left to top right almost split his face in half.

This was the price paid for the murder, but at least he did not regret it, even if he died there, he did not regret it.

———— But if he can live, even if he is just living, he wants to live.

One night passed and the sun was shining.

"I don't have any extra food to help you." It looks like a forty-year-old--or maybe fifty-year-old uncle squatting in front of the thatch, muttering to himself: "From here to there. After a dozen miles, there is a city where you might be able to survive."

Obviously, this forty or fifty-year-old uncle has not read a book. He doesn’t even know what the direction is. He can only point with his fingers. Maybe someone will tell him that the direction the sun rises is east, but he may also Answer this way.

"Knowing this will not turn my brown bread into white bread, buddy."

The uncle patted the young boy's head and motioned him to go.

He knows what ten li means for a young child, but in this era, everyone has no choice.

The people at the bottom who live in this era don't want to know how to live a better life, because they can't even survive.

About forty or fifty-year-old uncles returned home and saw a wife who was almost 60 years old. If conditions did not allow her, she would probably become a fat man.

"Where's that kid! Oh my God! Didn't I let you catch him? Maybe he can be sold at a good price in the hands of a trafficker."

The 60-year-old wife cried and screamed loudly.

The middle-aged uncle cast his eyes out of the window, his eyes were very tired and numb.

People living in this era are either numb or die.

The young boy's eyes were also very tired, far more tired than the uncle, but --- his eyes were not numb.

The middle-aged uncle didn't know that he had just saved his life.

This young boy... a team that once destroyed the empire, twelve trained and strong jackals died in the hands of this six-year-old.

The price he paid was just a scar.

Why is he still numb?

Maybe it's because he holds the transcendence, maybe it's the name that kindhearted family gave him.


The toddler repeated.

"My name is Adam."

Chapter 76—After Self

It is almost impossible for a six-year-old child with no food, no fresh water, no martial arts, and a very poor physical fitness to walk a dozen miles in the cold winter barefoot wrapped in linen.

This is not something that can be done by willpower, and it has nothing to do with talent - unless his talent reaches the level of Su Wangyou's father.

Adam naturally didn't have that level of talent, and he didn't know anything about survival in the wild, so Adam fell.

Fell halfway.

Too many people fell down like this, some of them never got up again, and some of them fainted for a long time and then got up.

Adam's luck was good, someone helped him up.

But his luck was not so good either, because the person who lifted him up... just wanted someone to live.

Because the living can always sell more money than the dead.

If it is dead, it might be cheaper than rat meat, but it is not necessarily alive.

The butcher with a full face grinned at Adam.

"You can probably get a dead pig."

Later, Adam ate meat. This was the first time he had eaten meat in his life. The taste was so bad that he did not like meat very much in his life.

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