Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 452:

Human flesh, cooked, charred, no seasoning, very hard, and the taste is unimaginable.

"You might as well be a dead pig," Adam said, not knowing what he was talking about.

Leaning on the corpse, Adam survived the dozen miles and walked into the city.

But this is not heaven. Adam had eaten people. He thought he had nothing to fear anymore, but then he discovered that this city... also eats people.

It's just that he really eats, and the city is like an abyss.

No one is willing to want him. No brainy boss would want a six-year-old boy with a scar on his face. For the same reason, no decent person would want to adopt a person with a scar on his face.

He had one choice left, and that was begging, but the scar on his face was still following him.

Even the gloomy stinking ditch could not accommodate him, and the large and scarlet-eyed mice even wanted to eat him.

Why can these mice grow so big?

Adam thought so, and then he saw the huge mice pushing towards him.

Oh, it turned out to be because of someone like me.

Thinking about this, he ran out embarrassedly.

But not long after, he returned with blushing eyes.

Naturally, he can't deal with those mice, so he can only rely on extraordinary power-that is, the power of the wizard who symbolizes the demons in the world.

Using witchcraft in a densely populated city (actually magic, but there is no concept of magic at this time) is not a good choice. Once seen, it is basically a dead word.

There is no place for a wizard in this world

Although only six years old, Adam had already understood this.

No one knew he was a wizard except the dead.

The children of the poor are in charge early. Although this analogy is somewhat inappropriate, Adam has to grow up quickly. If not, only death is waiting for him.

He is only six years old, but he is even more mature than some twenty-six years old.

But this kind of life is not long, and Adam was quickly exposed as a wizard.

————While he was performing witchcraft, he was seen by a little girl who had lost his way. Adam looked at a little girl who was about his age, but failed to start, and even sent her back to help her find it. family.

But what he greeted was not gratitude. The little girl's trembling words of "he is a wizard" made him into a desperate situation.

No one believed the child's words, but the scars on Adam's face, the extraordinary calmness of a six-year-old child, and even his rare silver hair all made people have to doubt their particularity.

Several soldiers gathered around, and Adam knew he had no choice.

To kill or be killed, Adam knew how to choose.

Without hesitation, he chose to kill.

The main street was engulfed by fire.

The little girl saved by Adam was the only one who survived. She laughed wildly and revealed her real body.

A frivolous woman with a plump body.

She is also a wizard, until a long, long time later, Adam did not know her name-"Sophia".

She used to be the strongest wizard in the world, but unfortunately she is already very old, only relying on magic to maintain her youthful appearance.

Sophia easily defeated Adam, took him away, and began to train him.

She tried to find a new body for herself, Adam was her choice.

Adam meets all Sophia's requirements for a new body-even gender.

She waited for ten years - people with extraordinary powers always have a different concept of time from others.

Ten years later, Sophia intends to do it.


It's like the first appearance of Su Wangyou in the Baju Ceremony, like the first time Antonio saw He Yi, like Li Qinglian in the future of the sky, like the Jinghongzi who entered longevity ten thousand years ago. .

"It's —————— God-like talent! No! You are simply the creator!" Sophia, the strongest wizard in the world, laughed wildly and made such a sound, before being swallowed by endless flames.

The sixteen-year-old Adam left the villa turned into ruins. At this time, he still didn't know who he had defeated. He didn't know that he was already the strongest wizard in the world, but he made a decision.

"I... want to change the world's view of wizards, and I--- want to create a world where wizards can survive!"

Then he took steps.

This is a long way. Except for himself, no one knows how much malice, betrayal, jealousy, speculation, curse he has suffered...

That's malice enough to drive ordinary people crazy a thousand times or ten thousand times.

The whole world's malice towards the wizard was weighed on him alone.

Countless times near death, countless times facing despair.

Su Wangyou has seen the memories of many people, such as Wuming and Han Qinghua.

They have a characteristic, that is, they are very miserable, perhaps this is the price of becoming strong.

But there are also some differences. Wuming later met Li Qinglian, a mentor who influenced his life.

Han Qinghua later met Jing Hongzi and Tang Shuxin's group and gained a sincere friendship.

But Adam is different. Since his birth, he has never experienced true "goodwill". No one has believed in him, and no one has opened his heart to him.

Perhaps when he was six years old, the uncle who showed some sympathy for him was the only kindness he had ever received in his life.

Even the wizards he helped don't want to believe him, people always jealous of him, doubt him, and hate his power.

Finally, in southeastern Europe, a city called the Tower of Truth rose from the ground.

The old man named Adam Junma lived his life and finally fulfilled his dream.

He knew the preciousness of life better than anyone, but he had to take so many lives. The cruelest executioner in the world sang the greatness of life from his heart.

When he was about to die, he was finally qualified to make some decisions.

So he set a rule before he died.

"The Tower of Truth, there is no death penalty."

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