Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 454:

(Actually, Su Wangyou is not impeccable in his mind, but Xiao Hai is not qualified to provoke his demons.)

The second type is people like Su Changge... who have practiced targeted secret methods.

"look askance----"

Although the aura that he radiated didn't make Su Changge's mind fall and be in chaos, Xiao Hai would not stop his attacks.

Its fingertips gathered a terrifying force.

Even if it is the strongest physical training in the world like the crazy ghost, he would never want to try to resist this trick.

A torrent of terror spewed from Xiao Hai's fingertips, and in a blink of an eye it reached Su Changge's body.

At this time, Su Changge finally pronounced the last word.

"look askance----"

One of the last fascinating knowledge of the Guigu Sect, looking at it horizontally and horizontally.

His figure disappeared instantly

After ten millionths of a second, Su Changge's figure appeared again.

But there was more than one Su Changge.

But... tens of thousands.

The front, rear, left, right, upper, and lower sides of Xiaohai, wherever Xiaohai can see

All are Su Changge.

Some Su Changge's Qingsi white robe was so high in appearance that he even suppressed Chu.Su Changge's muscles are like the roots of an old tree, and he has become a purebred body.Some Su Changge wore a black hero scarf, very heroic.Some Su Changge's feather fan and Lun towels show self-confidence between talking and laughing...

This is the castrated version of Time Mystery·Wonderful Way, perhaps a prototype.

————The secret method of time has never been passed down from the beginning, but has been supplemented, developed, and perfected little by little from generation to generation.

(This trick seems to be much stronger than Wu possible, but compared with Zhengshi Su Changge's Wu possible, it's just a fancy.)

Some of them are very close to Xiaohai, some are slightly far away, and the ones that are close... are about to attack Xiaohai.

Xiao Hai’s expression remained unchanged--in fact, in the Gu Hong era, no one had attacked it with similar skills, and it had also been attacked once, and the person who used it against it was a ghost. Master Gu Zongzi————So Xiaohai died once.

No way, after all, from the perspective of Xiaohai's physique, being close by a master at the level of Master Guigu is almost a dead word.

However, Su Changge's internal energy quality, his own strength, or the proficiency of his moves, and even his perception, are far inferior to the master of Guigu...

Moreover, Xiao Hai has experience in dealing with this trick. Although its wisdom is not enough to summarize the law of this trick and the formal method of cracking it, it understands that once it falls into a state of being under siege, it is bound to die. The last time Zongzi used this trick to force it into defense. For such a monster, defense basically means defeat and death, but this time... it has experience and is not so formal. The cracking method.

So this trick... is naturally useless.

A senseless rage flashed across Xiao Hai’s eyes, and then

Super·Shen Luo Tianzheng.

The terrifying repulsion broke out again, but this time, Su Changge did not choose to back off.

They concentrated on a line quickly and orderly. Everyone used his body to press against Su Changge in front of him. Various secret methods were continuously displayed to try to block the terrifying repulsion, even if the front Su Changge's body was torn to pieces, flesh and blood were scattered everywhere, and they were not afraid.

If Xiao Hai is wise, he will definitely dismiss it. This is also a loss of intelligence. Perhaps Su Changge thought that Xiao Hai could not move when using this skill, but in fact...

Xiao Hai is active.

It raised its right hand, and then stretched out its index finger again, facing the human wall composed of Su Changge.

It was like a torrent that was about to swallow the world, exploding again.

This time, Su Changge could not retreat, and could not stop.

If it retreats, it will be swept away by this repulsive force immediately.——From the perspective of Xiaohai, it is not a laborious task to release this torrent. If Su Changge really retreats, it will definitely do it. Come again with Su Changge, who has nowhere to borrow in midair.

If you block... Su Changge never mind letting the person who wants to block this trick himself try to face Xiaohai.

Dear, I suggest you donate the brains you don’t need.

Unable to retreat, unstoppable, of course there is only one choice...

Su Changge's eyes became a little indifferent.

"It's you--forcing me to use this trick..." He sighed, as if regretting Xiaohai's death.

"Let you see and see, my real full force——————"

Su Changge raised his hands high, his expression solemn.

Xiao Hai was captured by Su Changge's aura, but he quickly reacted, and even more terrifying energy gathered between its index fingers.

Su Changge opened his mouth, and his voice sounded as if it had come from ancient times, thick and vague, without where it started or where it was.

"It's time for you to play."

————It's a shame that Xiaohai can't understand people's words, otherwise it might fight Su Changge's serious injury.

"This point——————" In the distance, Su Wangyou's figure gradually emerged, and because of its terrifying speed, his whole person almost melted into light.

"————You don’t need to remind me!"

The streamer clung to the ground, and the sand and rocks in front were impacted by the wind pressure and washed away, giving way to a path.

In this situation, Su Wangyou tightly held the Sacred Sword of Breaking Army.

He shouted

"Chong—————— Xiao!"

The essence of the Red Swordsmanship is powerful, does not consume much, has a large range, and is fast. The only weakness is probably that you will lose your own weapon. After all, the weapon may not be able to break the defense, but the weapon is good... ...Reluctant to throw it.

But this weakness has now been made up.


Su Wangyou used himself as a sword.

The inner Qi became a gangway, surrounding him, and the flames generated by the speed were too fast to cover the sword gangway, changing its shape continuously with the violent hurricane.

Su Wangyou, with his sword, rushed towards Xiaohai, who was about to attack Su Changge, and had no time to dodge or change his target.

Chapter 79—The Phantom of the Gods

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