Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 455:

According to the state of Lingshan, Xiaohai’s defense and vitality are only in the longevity state. After all, Lingshan’s attack and destructive power is only the longevity state, and it is also the more moderate part of the longevity state.

At this level in Gu Hong, facing those immortal bigwigs, it is basically death that is touched, but Xiao Hai can survive and kill so many people, which also means...Xiao Hai's reaction speed is very fast.

Because the immortal realm master more or less mastered the time secret method and movement skills, it is not difficult for them to get close. If Xiao Hai's reaction speed is not fast enough, it is impossible to use the move'Super Shenra Tianzheng', that is It’s just that it’s dead, it can be resurrected from the person who killed it, but if that’s the case, it won’t take long for someone who can kill Xiaohai and is willing to commit suicide. Appear, then anyway... Xiao Hai can't kill too many people.

But in fact, Xiao Hai once had a record of killing more than 100 million people, which meant that... Xiao Hai would definitely be able to react before being killed by the immortal boss and release the Chao Shenluo Tianzheng.

Su Changge knows this naturally.

Even though it seemed that Xiao Hai could no longer escape Su Wangyou's blow, he did not intend to let Xiao Hai make any effective actions, which would cause unnecessary changes.

Xiao Hai had no choice but to explode the power in his right hand--in fact, it was completed without charge. The power of the move was greatly reduced, and the duration and range of influence were weakened. Su Changge didn't even use the secret method of time. Avoided.

It is easier to burst out the power than to take it back.

After that, Xiao Hai hurriedly turned his body, and huge power gathered in front of him. It was obvious that it was another move that penetrated the desert.

Su Changge’s pupils shrank, and he gained a new understanding of Xiao Hai’s fighting instincts. Su Wangyou was already approaching at this time. At this time, even if Xiao Hai used the'Super·Shen Luo Tianzheng' again, Su Wangyou also Being able to forcefully rush over with their short bursts is what the two of them hoped for, but Xiao Hai did not do so...

"Do you—————— only this trick?!"

Su Wangyou said solemnly: "If it's just like this————"

"Do it." Su Changge smiled proudly and connected the sound transmission note.

As early as when discussing tactics, Su Changge put forward this possibility now.

Although people in the past lacked Xiao Hai’s intelligence, Xiao Hai might indeed be facing the possibility of being'born next to super bosses.' One is because there are so many big bosses Gu Hong, and the other is because...for those big bosses As far as the boss is concerned, a few thousand miles is actually equivalent to'being around', so Su Changge believes that Xiao Hai must have a person who'bounces people around, teleports' or similar, can stay away from the boss and let himself Acquire the skill of breathing time.

Sure enough... as expected.

Since Su Changge had anticipated such a possibility, he naturally arranged corresponding tactics. In fact, the main combatants involved in the battle were forced to memorize dozens of pages by Su Changge. 4D battle plan.

(Su Changge also publicly inquired about the core skills of these combatants. The saint was very decisive and unreserved. Moreover, she was not a combatant in the first place, and her skills could increase her status if she was publicized. Hey did not suspect him. Only Antonio has concerns.)

(In addition, the reason why Antonio did not prevent Huy from telling his hole cards was because he believed that it would not take long for Huy to reach a new level, and the information Su Changge received would be out of date soon.)

In the distance, Hui each received the transmission of Su Changge.

Su Changge didn't say anything, but both of them understood what they should do in this situation --- it was clearly written in the combat plan.

"Although I don't know the use of this trick, since you have given such a plan..." Antonio took a deep breath.

"Then I will do it." Hey began to chant.

"The light has gone, the darkness has descended on the world..."

it's dark.

The sun’s rays were concealed little by little, countless dark clouds covered everything, and deep darkness enveloped the entire desert.

————Although the chant sounds terrifying, the effect of this magic is actually nothing more than that.

Shade the sun, the world is dark.

"Enough——————" Su Wangyou looked at the torrent of water rushing towards him, with no retreat in his eyes.

"Darkness is my home court!"

The legacy of the fourth place in the world of superpowers, the control of darkness.

Su Wangyou instantly turned into a shadow, and his whole person was completely integrated into the shadow of the ground.

And that torrent... of course it was empty.

The shadow of Su Wangyou's incarnation moved forward quickly, and arrived in front of Xiao Hai in a blink of an eye.

The light bursting into the sky bloomed and became the only light in this gloomy world.

At this moment, Su Wangyou blessed all the blessing states on his body.

Blood anger, walking on the waves, law-rage...

Gu's'perfect creation' gave him a perfect body that can almost ignore the side effects of the skill. Bloodfury, which was previously used as a desperate skill, has now become an ordinary state skill.

The Army Breaking Sacred Sword pierced into the center of Xiao Hai's chest, and then rushed to the sky with his body at least ten times the speed of sound.

Yes, up to the sky.

Because it is not easy to borrow from the sky, and also because this set of tricks... has just begun.

Su Changge connected the voice transmission of the peripheral clergy.

He didn't say anything, but the top clergy of the Illuminati Church knew what they wanted to do.

They perform their duties, chanting prayers constantly, and the power of holiness is constantly gathering in the sky.

Right above Xiaohai, a huge and incomparable ghost shadow slowly formed. It is worth mentioning that the appearance of this ghost shadow is very vague. It looks like everyone, but nobody looks like it. Afterwards, he will definitely leave a deep impression, but when I think about it afterwards, I will definitely not remember anything.

"Are you here?!" The holy goddess is serious, "I can't hold back."

The golden flame burned on her, and in just an instant, the body of the saint was burned to death by the golden flame, leaving nothing behind.

And the appearance of the god ghost also became clear bit by bit, and finally turned into a blond woman with outstanding appearance and solemn expression.

————It is the saint.

Chapter 80 Thirty seconds!

Many people think that pastors are incompetent. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this.

99.99% of pastors in this world are incompetent, but there are always some exceptions.

But in fact, those exceptions are not orthodox priests, so I won't mention them here.

The saint is not that kind of exception. If she is the only one, she is indeed incompetent, but - now she is not alone, and there are also several top clergymen in the church helping her.

Several senior clergymen with the purest faith let go of everything they had, trying to communicate with the supreme starry god.

This is not a world of low power and no magic. The gods are real, and they have come to the country more than once, and this time, the gods did not choose to reject their most devout believers.

Subsequently, the starry sky god lowered his power, allowing the saint to receive the blessing of this power for a short time.

This is almost the last card of the church. The enslavement and oppression of the dark organizations in Europe in their traditional novels are indeed the real gods standing behind them.

The demigod saint exudes a soft spot of light.

But the saint was not gentle at all, she was like a ruthless servant, after gaining this power, she immediately attacked Xiaohai without hesitation.

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