Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 456:

As an auxiliary staff with almost no combat training, the saint’s attack method is also very simple and rude, that is, raising a fist that is two laps larger than Xiao Hai’s entire body, and slamming it from top to bottom with a fierce punch. .

The strength of the rush to the sky is from bottom to top, and the fist of the saint is from top to bottom, the two forces collided in Xiaohai's body, and finally burst out.

Xiao Hai was at the center of the explosion of two forces, and the whole person was blown out by that terrible force. Seeing it as such, he was taken away for half his life by this one.

Su Changge secretly figured out that if the human emperor had just been here by Su Wangyou and the saint, it is estimated that he would already kneel. It can be seen that the human emperor should be in the middle and low class in the longevity realm - at least defense Power and vitality are.

He was thinking about this in his heart, but his hands and feet have not been idle, Su Changge stared at the direction where Xiaohai was falling, muttering words in his mouth.

The moment Xiaohai hit the ground, he slammed the ground.

"Get up!!"

With Xiaohai as the center, a large formation with a radius of about 30 meters was activated instantly, and the sand in the desert was flowing like water, exposing...magma below.

Naturally, there will be no magma under the desert, this is the effect of the formation.

Su Changge pinched a magic trick again.

Then — — magma erupted.

A total of 900 square meters of ground, all erupted with astonishing temperature of magma, the huge pillar of fire skyrocketed, dyeing the sky red.

Xiao Hai was swallowed into it, like a weak rag doll.

The huge pillar of fire was still gushing with astonishing heat, Xiao Hai still had no response.

Su Changge wiped the sweat from his forehead with a solemn expression.

"Did it...?" That's what Su Changge said, but Su Changge didn't think that an attack of this level could kill Xiao Hai.

If he insisted on killing, in fact, at this moment Su Wangyou had a moonlight and then a peak, Xiao Hai would almost certainly die--anyway, if it was the Emperor of Humanity, he would suffer in such an undefended situation. Su Wangyou's two moves should be almost dead.

But... Su Changge didn't want Su Wangyou to kill Xiao Hai.

Because people who kill Xiaohai may be swallowed by Xiaohai.

[In this world, you alone can never die.

Because their real enemy is by no means Xiaohai, but the evil demon outside the heavens. As long as Su Wangyou lives alone, the evil outside heaven will never dare to send a large number of warriors to attack Zuguang. Su Wangyou alone controls almost the entire Heavenly Dao Continent. Martial artist, so... only Su Wangyou can never take the slightest risk.

Su Wangyou successfully defeated Xiao Hai in consciousness and became a human pillar. This possibility is also very high, but as long as there is a little one will bear the consequences — who knows whether Xiao Hai will Devouring spirits together?

"I haven't moved for so long, is it because I lost——————"

Before Su Changge's voice fell, the situation in the field changed.

The huge cylinder made of flames became smaller little by little.

No, to be precise - it should be smaller in circles.

Su Changge looked intently, and at the same time, a secret technique was blessed on his eyes.


The saint in the sky also changed slightly, presumably she was in this state, just like Su Changge, she could see the state of the flame center.

"What happened?!" Su Wangyou drew a sword from the storage magic weapon again - the Army Breaking Sacred Sword was still inserted in Xiao Hai's chest.

Su Changge gritted his teeth and his voice was a little heavy.

"Xiao Hai... is devouring flames."

"Swallowing flames...?" Su Wangyou wasn't too shocked, this ancient fierce beast, no matter what skills it has, is not strange.

"No, it's not this..." Su Changge shook his head, and when he was about to continue speaking, the saint interrupted him.

"Those flames... seem to be strengthening Xiaohai, no - not only the flames, but even the formations arranged by Su Changge are being swallowed by Xiaohai, and then turned into the power of Xiaohai."

Su Wangyou frowned, "It has the same effect as Lingshan. Lingshan is evolution, but it is devouring——"

"I haven't finished speaking yet." The saint stood high in the sky, her eyes full of seriousness.

"It is not energy...but the flesh that Xiaohai is strengthened."

As soon as the voice fell, Su Wangyou drew his sword abruptly and lay it across his chest.

He knows what it means, and any sane person knows what it means.

Xiao Hai’s only weakness is defense and vitality. The problem now is not just Xiao Hai devouring flames, but also Xiao Hai’s ability to evolve his body by swallowing. Although I don’t know how many things Xiao Hai can swallow. —— But there is no doubt that once Xiao Hai is swallowed like this, everything will be over.

Xiaohai's speed is not slow, and with its speed and destructive power, no formation in the world can trap it. This means that Xiaohai can kill and swallow everywhere without absolute hard power. Europe... There is no resistance.

And at that time... even Su Wangyou who used his full strength might not be able to kill it. It wasn't that Xiao Hai was able to resist the trick in the Supreme Profound Art, but it didn't have to resist at all, it could completely avoid it.

"It must sleep here today." Su Wangyou's internal energy surged across his chest.

"Su Changge, if you have any powerful moves, please use them quickly." A light blue streamer flashed across Su Wangyou's eyes, and then he closed his eyes, his sword intent scattered. Then, he actually assumed the posture of using'Moonlight'.

"Thirty seconds, if you can't kill it after thirty seconds, I must cut it out with this sword, even if it is swallowed by the sea of ​​heaven."

"At that time, if I'm swallowed, you must not be soft--"

Su Wangyou's words were interrupted.

Su Changge rushed forward, his voice resounding through the desert.

"You - there will be no chance of being swallowed."

Su Changge actually had time and thoughts to turn his head on the way, and smiled at Su Wangyou who hadn't opened his eyes at all, regardless of whether he could see it or not.

"Within thirty seconds, I will surely——————"

Su Changge leaped high, like an arrow from the string, rushing towards the center of the flame without fear.

"End it!"

The Heping Daily Life of Fanwai Miaoxianzong (Part 1)

Inside the meeting hall of the female disciple of the ethereal immortal sect—in fact, it was not. It was originally the living room of the second elder sister. Later, due to the good decoration, it was designated as the meeting hall by an unscrupulous master sister.

"What?!" Bai Ruoli was pleased — no, he slapped the table in annoyance, excited — — no, was extremely angry: “Someone dared to be blindfolded by our ethereal fairy sect. Under the guise of trouble! This is a provocation to us! No, as the master sister of the ethereal immortal sect, I will take care of this!"

The legendary second elder sister of the ethereal Xianzong held her forehead with both hands, and she didn't dare to compliment her senior sister's acting skills.

The many female disciples below showed dissatisfaction, it seems that the majesty of the master sister can't play a role...

The origin of the matter must start with the phantom town under the phantom Xianzong Mountain...

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