Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 473

[Dusk, Time of Every Demon]: This is a passive skill. At dusk, and at dawn (17:00 to 19:00, 3 to 5), oneself gains the blessing of every magic power, internal energy lethality, and penetration The speed of movement is increased by da. If you have the "Feng Demon Sword Heart", you will cancel the time limit and get this increase permanently.

[Swallow All Things]: Xiaohai’s natural ability, this is a weakened castration version, far less than the real Xiaohai power.

This is a passive skill. When one is attacked, it will recover a certain amount of internal energy within three seconds. The value of the internal energy recovery is 20% of the enemy's consumption of the skill, and the maximum one can recover itself at a time. Ten of the internal energy.

If oneself is Xiaohairen's pillar power, the 10% upper limit setting will be cancelled, and the recovery value will be changed from 20% consumed by the enemy to 50% consumed by the enemy.

[Handed down Hate]: The endless power erupted from the endless hatred in Xiaohai, is the endless hatred that has not been reduced for thousands of years, even if the vicissitudes of life are vicissitudes of life, the sea is dry and the stone is rotten, this hatred will not be reduced.

When the owner of the sword encounters his own "enemies of life and death" and cherishes extremely da's hatred, he will receive an extremely da level of all attribute enhancements. The stronger the hatred, the more exaggerated the attribute enhancements. When the hatred reaches a certain level After this level, it will resonate with the sea of ​​Xiaohai, and obtain the blessing of endless Xiaohai Qi.

Equipment Level: Ultimate Eternal

(This hatred is passed on from generation to generation, forever, this is the hate passed down from generation to generation!)

I don’t know if it’s because of Su Wangyou’s luck, or because of someone’s dark-box operation--or that the weapons of the eternal level are inherently limited. The weapons that Su Wangyou drew this time actually have a lot of connection with him. .

Whether it is Feng Mo Jianxin or Xiao Hai, although he is not Xiao Hai's human Zhu Li, Xiao Hai was sealed by him not long ago.

[Anonymous... Has it swallowed Xiaohai?

When Su Wangyou first accepted the inheritance of Fengmojianxin, he had also seen some unknown memory fragments.

[It seems that the nameless...It's hard to settle after all.

He felt a little sad. At first, Wuming liked that woman so much, but in the end he was robbed of the longevity fruit.


Books are long, and books are short.

After that, Su Wangyou played 25 entertainment copies in a row, and finally successfully filled the experience bar of the virtual world, that is to say - he can start the promotion at any time.

After these twenty-five high-intensity entertainment copies, Su Wangyou was also a little depressed.

He can be regarded as experiencing the pitfalls of the entertainment dungeon. Among the twenty-five dungeons, he often encounters the kind of terrifying boss that is not very strong, but has various terrible rule-level skills, especially the one called The dungeon of the'Brave Crush Foundation', a mere crocodile (?) that looks a little strange (?), actually has the characteristics of continuous evolution similar to Lingshan...

The point is that Su Wangyou actually can't kill it...

That dungeon really exhausted Su Wangyou's energy. He spent more than two hundred hours to see all kinds of magical and even abnormal containment objects, but the final clearance was completed, and what he got was nothing but a legend. Treasure chest and 1.1% of the experience...

This horrible price-performance ratio, even Su Wangyou, almost couldn't hold back the curse.

But this copy of the "Brave Crush Foundation", in terms of the degree of cheating, was just a younger brother before the other entertainment copy that Su Wangyou experienced.

Another instance that Su Wangyou experienced was called the "Broken Cup Battle".

There, Su Wangyou himself, as a saber, was summoned by an uncle Da who looked bitter and hateful. The mission requirement was to obtain the Holy Grail.

Then...the climax came.

Saber is the body Su Wangyou.

Really mad at the rank of Berserker, basically mad.

Caster is the starry sky Su Wangyou, but his ability is suppressed by the extreme da.

Assassin has white hair and knows how to use Su Wangyou...

Archer seems to be Su Wangyou who has become Xiaohairen's Zhuli. He flares his sword light crazily all day, and his inner energy is like infinite. Fortunately, he has not been contaminated with the bad habit of standing on the street lamp and shouting miscellaneous repairs.

Rider is... I don’t know how to tame Su Wangyou in Lingshan...

Finally, Lancer, this is not Su Wangyou, and it has nothing to do with Su Wangyou. It is a man with two brushes and a mole, but this guy seems to be unlucky. He is the only one with all other jobs. People who have played against each other, and have never won...

In short - he seems to be out of luck.

The main body Su Wangyou has spent so many hardships and exploded several times before he barely defeated the others. When he was about to obtain the Holy Grail...

"Order with the first order curse."

"Swear an oath in the name of Eomiya Keiji, and give an order in the name of Lingshu."

"Saber, the treasure of liberation, ruined the Holy Grail."

"Order with the second order curse."

"Swear an oath in the name of Eomiya Keiji, and give an order in the name of Lingshu."

"Saber, the treasure of liberation, ruined the Holy Grail."

"Order with the third order curse."

"Swear an oath in the name of Eomiya Keiji, and give an order in the name of Lingshu."

"Saber, the treasure of liberation, ruined the Holy Grail."

Chapter 11 Harvest


Su Wangyou's mood at that time... can be imagined.

Gentle and elegant, like Su Wangyou, at that time also had the urge to swear and kill others...

Although there are not so many weird things in the Foundation in the Holy Grail War, there are hard battles one after another!

Su Wangyou had an epiphany several times and exploded. Only then did he barely win the victory. Who knew that the lord came to this end...

The last copy... of course it failed.

Fortunately... After several more entertainment copies, his experience bar is finally full.

Here, let me talk about his gains in these twenty-five entertainment copies.

The basic settlement reward of entertainment dungeons is only C, and many dungeons can get high rewards if you are not strong. Su Wangyou has also won low rewards many times, and even failed to clear the level.

There are also some dungeons that have finally been highly rated and got some useless equipment, such as stick weapons, which Su Wangyou doesn’t need, so I won’t mention it here...

However, there are indeed many products in the entertainment dungeon that seem to be ineffective, but in fact they are likely to be'rule-level'...

Like this.

[Friends in Nowhere]: This skill can only be used once, and it disappears after once.

After using this skill, say "I have a friend". After that, people who hear this will be affected by the mysterious power, thinking that you are the "friend" in your mouth and believing it, but on the surface It will not be exposed. After that, all the words you say, even those with almost zero credibility, the other party will think it is true, and seriously consider its possibility, but please do not say that challenges the other party’s cognitive limit Words come.

Skill level: legendary.

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