Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 474:

(I think you should know how to use this kind of thing, man, listen up, I have a friend who has some problems in his practice. If there is no one thousand artifacts to suppress, he will destroy the whole world... oh , By the way, although this thing is not written on the attribute, it actually has an upper limit of influence. Don't use it to deceive the transcendant, you will die miserably.)

This kind of skill will not appear in the main world anyway, because it is neither martial artist nor magic, but in the entertainment copy, there is such a thing.

Su Wangyou has seen a lot of similar skills. They are basically expendable. He has consumed them in various entertainment dungeons. This [Out of Nowhere Friends] is still saved by his own hard power. of.

In addition, regarding consumables, there are two things that must be mentioned.

The same is [Sword Coming], and this time [Sword Coming] is still eternal. The ghost knows that something extraordinary will be summoned...

Only one.

The other is the [Elixir of Longevity], the effect is to prolong life, this thing is of no use to Su Wangyou, he plans to give it to Tang Congxin at that time.

In addition, in these twenty-five copies, he completed the modification of [Moonlight], making it the third style of his own natal martial arts.

[Milky Way]: Using [Moonlight] as the prototype, Su Wangyou modified the jerk from sublimation. The lethality and scope of the light wheel are the most expensive in the world.

It draws the brilliance of the galaxy, the sword light falls on the world, and the entire map is indiscriminately destructive AOE, which consumes immeasurable internal energy. When it hits the opponent, it will inevitably make the opponent'internal Qi collapse and blind' for one to three seconds. The duration depends on the strength of both parties.

When the opponent kills the opponent with this move, it will make it "smashed". In this state, the player can directly use physical attacks to destroy the opponent's soul, which can be completely killed without resurrection.

This skill requires one to seven seconds of energy storage, without moonlight, and can be used anywhere.

Skill level: The limit is eternal.

(This is a hymn to the Milky Way! 

Undoubtedly, this move is a more powerful killer move than Qinglian Six Forms, and its lethality and scope exceed Qinglian Six Forms.

————The same is true for the length of charge and internal energy consumption.

The most important thing is - finally you don't have to work hard to create moonlight to use this trick...

Finally, in terms of equipment and skills, he hardly got any decent skills and equipment.

But... he actually got a title that is quite powerful, and it can even be said that the effect is heavenly.

[Reset]: This is the symbol of Su Wangyou's perfect clearance of [Endless Corridor] and the completion of all branches and hidden tasks. It is a symbol of people who break despair and see the light again.

Title Attached Skills————World Reset

Effect: Instantly reset all the skill CDs that can be reset, completely heal the damage of one's own meridians, and instantly restore all the internal energy and vitality of oneself. The reset CD is limited to skills below the transcendent level, and does not include the skill itself.

This skill cannot be reset by skills below the transcendent level.

Consumption: Permanently reduce 20% of the upper limit of internal energy, 10% of physical attributes, and sacrifice a skill of at least eternal level.

Cooling down: seven days and seven nights.

(Day after day, I am trapped in this world, I am trapped in these'three days', and can no longer take a step, this is the endless corridor——————If you want to get out, there is only one way , At this moment, I will break through this endless'three days' and find my'future')

The powerful effect brings terrible consumption, and it directly consumes the'upper limit'...

As for the eternal level skills, it doesn't matter, [Alliance Ten Seats] there are several skills that Su Wangyou doesn't need.

The above is almost what Su Wangyou got from these twenty-five entertainment copies --- well, if he writes long extravaganzas in the future, he will almost draw material from them.

Next, is the highlight.


Su Wangyou played a promotion match when his master was promoted to sages. The difficulty of that battle consumed almost all his savings. On an isolated island, he faced dozens of sages and a fairyland as a master. In pursuit of him, he even has to face a boss like the Devourer who can kill in various plots...

Therefore, when the sages Jinxianren and the immortal Jinxuan realm, he chose to break through in the dungeon.

But now, he doesn't have so much time to find the feelings little by little - to put it bluntly, in fact, it is too early for the virtual realm to break through to the emperor realm. Su Wangyou originally planned to spend another ten years or so to reach that It’s a saturated state before breaking through, but now it’s the evil demon outside of the sky, the black hand behind Gu Hong, and the unspeakable catastrophe of Gu Hong’s last year...

He had to break through quickly.

Chapter 12 Reunion

[Void Realm Promotion Tournament begins]

Su Wangyou quickly opened his eyes and began to observe the surrounding environment.

What surprised him is that... this copy seems to have a modern background. He is now in an empty room, dark and humid, and it looks like it is a basement...

And there is a white cloth covering him, lying on a cart, I always feel a little familiar.

Su Wangyou expressionlessly lifted the white cloth covering him, and left from the cart used to put corpses in the hospital.

"It looks like..." Su Wangyou touched his chin, "I was'killed' by an unknown guy."

The reason he came to this conclusion was that it was not like a hospital morgue at all, but rather like an underground book of a mysterious factory, cold and humid.

[It can't be that I like to sleep under a white cloth, right?

When Su Wangyou thought about this, he was suddenly shocked, and hurriedly released an imaging secret technique, and looked at himself in the mirror.

After a while, he withdrew the secret imaging technique with a gloomy expression. Su Wangyou rarely lost his stance like this. This time... he really couldn't help it.

In the entertainment dungeon, it is common for him to be restricted by the system, but this time...

It is said that being strong is a version, being handsome is a lifetime thing!

What Su Wangyou saw in the mirror just now was a tough guy with a tough look on his chest. There was a gunshot wound on his chest that was enough to kill him. It seems that this uncle died like this, but he is not ugly. From the perspective of Su Wangyou, they are actually very handsome, but from the perspective of Su Wangyou...

The pores and grease on the face can be seen clearly...

This is actually the difference between warriors and mortals. Few warriors will like ordinary people—especially those top masters in folk scripts who are seriously injured and are taken care of by village girls and then like them. It’s just nonsense, your face. The dirt, pores, and grease on the face can be clearly seen by the other party...

Of course, true love is not excluded...

————But even if it’s true love, it’s mostly necessary for the other to practice martial arts, otherwise the difference in lifespan is enough to make both parties become two species.

This also made Su Wangyou more or less able to confirm some information-the owner of this body obviously had never practiced martial arts, but his sturdy and iron-blooded look could not be faked, it looked like that. This is an American homeless man - this is just a metaphor for temperament. In fact, this is an Asian. As for which country he is from, Su Wangyou is still not sure.

Such a person - if there is a choice, they will definitely go to martial arts, unless there is no choice, or - there is no martial artist in this world.

"Could this be a low martial arts world?"

Su Wangyou secretly mobilized his internal qi just now and found that the system hadn't imposed any restrictions on him. He could use his own power, but there was no internal qi in this body.

However, as soon as Su Wangyou mobilized his internal qi, internal qi surged out of this body...

"This kind of world does not impose any restrictions on me?" Su Wangyou frowned, "What is the system thinking?"

He searched his body. His original equipment was'hidden appearance', but it still played a role, and the attributes were still there. Simply put, Su Wangyou still maintains his original combat effectiveness. It just looks different.

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