Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 510

"It's now!"

The attack came from behind him.

A bow crossed the sky and fell into the hands of the man behind the Great Emperor Tiandao.

The bow is one of the four great artifacts of Zuguang, as well as the Liangyi Sword, the Huaxian Monument, and the "Bow of Shooting the Gods" with the same name as the seven-shot needle.

It is the only longevity on the bright side of the ancestor, and the purest blood of the Lan family.

The emperor held a bow.

Will draw the eagle bow like a full moon, look northwest and shoot Sirius.

He aimed his bow at the Great Emperor of Heaven.

"If there is anyone in this world who can pull this bow, then that person must be me." The emperor's internal energy rose again.

"Because I am the Lan family! Because I am a longevity realm! Because I am the king of a country!"

————His internal energy was exhausted during the previous battle against the Great Emperor of Heaven. How could he still have internal energy?

Because that is not his internal energy.

"Throughout the ages...all the soldiers who died on the battlefield."

There was a faint sadness in the eyes of the Emperor of Humanity. At the same time, countless faint golden light spots emerged from the ground... from the body of the dead warrior.

"Entrust me with the sad and noble dreams that you had when you were dying."

He drew his bow like a full moon.

More and more golden light spots.

Not only the battlefield of the Central Plains, but also the battlefield of the ancient country, including the former Tianhu Mountain...

"Now I will pull this bow and carry out his will."

"Respond to the real name of the miracle in my hand——————"

It's not just'now', but also'past' and'future'.

In the past, warriors who died to protect their homeland, heroic spirits who fought to regain the future.

They held the broken sword and entrusted others with their will not to give up when they died.

The golden light points gathered from the'past, present and future' are shining.

That is the purest light in the world. If Xiao Hai's inner qi is the most evil in the world, then the human emperor's inner qi is the brightest in the world.

"Three hundred billion————————"

Countless golden points of light gathered, and finally turned into a golden arrow.


As a result, the bow and arrow that inherited the "past", "present" and "future" flew towards the Great Emperor of Heaven.

This is the real lore!

Su Changge's special sound transmission method is inherited from Guigu School, and the sound transmission skills are unparalleled in the world, even a master like Tiandao the Great cannot discover it!

When the emperor left the field, he had already discussed the present scene with the emperor, just to give the emperor of heaven a fatal blow!

Emperor Tiandao calmly no longer.

He... didn't choose to use the secret method anymore, instead he extended his hand to the storage magic weapon.

After a while, he held a knife in his hand.

This knife seemed to have some kind of magical power. As soon as Heavenly Dao Great Emperor held this knife, his expression became calm again.

Because Tiandao the Great is a sword repairer, and because this sword is not an ordinary sword.

Cut across the board.

Three hundred billion meteors pierced through... was easily cut off, and then completely dissipated.

Just... a cut!

This has inherited the arrow of the will of all the dead heroes in the'past, present, and future', and was cut off so easily...

Only two people know what this scene represents.

One is Ye Guzuo.

The other is Su Wangyou, but unfortunately he is not there. If he is there, you can see...

That knife is the'superior soldier'.

It's not a fake, it's a genuine product.

It is a nine-character transcendant magic weapon named'Nine Kills and Nine Breaks Taikoo Town Broken Sword'.

The nine characters mean that this knife ranks at the bottom of the Transcendant's Magical Weapon, but even at the end, this is the Transcendant's Magical Weapon...

In the official history, the Great Emperor Tiandao cut off all the meat in Lingshan bit by bit with this knife, and then ate it.

As for why you didn’t use this knife to kill Lingshan, I also said before—before the last piece of meat was eaten, Lingshan was alive. This shows that'Who can write your Excellency, Baishou Taixuan Jing' It may be more than just powerful...

In front of the transcendence, the so-called 300 billion meteors pierced through... just a joke.

Because this is the transcendence weapon, even the Qinglian Divine Sword, one of the strongest weapons below the transcendence level, will be cut by a single blow.

———— But if the Great Emperor and Li Qinglian fight, Li Qinglian will not even bother to draw a sword.

The Great Emperor of Heaven held the knife, his expression was neither sad nor happy.

"Come on, next... I will use my full strength!"

Emperor Tiandao said lightly.

"If you have any hole cards, take advantage of them to show up now, otherwise there will be no chance again."

Chapter 47 Take a Way Out!

What is the state of Emperor Tiandao's full strength?

Before, he either only used physical cultivation methods, or only practice cultivation methods. This time everyone thought he would only use knife repair methods, but in fact, he used the three methods together.

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