Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 511:

Emperor Tiandao made a sword.

The goal is the emperor.

Human Sovereign draws the bow once again - he can't run, the emperor of Heaven is much faster than him!

The result... is obvious.

Only the transcendence or true transcendence can fight the transcendence.

With one stab, it directly cut off 300 billion meteors and pierced it straight into the human emperor's heart.

Alien inside the body.

Heavenly Dao Great Emperor has taken it seriously, he...will treat every opponent seriously, and similarly, he will be a killer, regardless of whether the opponent is strong or weak.

At this moment, Su Changge's surging inner energy has also rushed over.

It's another jerk.

The Great Emperor Tiandao smiled and turned around with a knife.

"How long can your meridians last?!"

He laughed wildly, and fell.

The black air in the sky was split open with a knife.

The internal energy was split, but the blade light did not dissipate.

The blade light was still falling until it fell on Su Changge.


Even Xiaohai's infinite internal Qi composed of body-protecting Gang Qi couldn't protect Su Changge. Su Changge was directly slashed out of Xiaohai's internal Qi state by this stab, and was seriously injured and killed.

The same serious wounds are about to die...there is also the emperor.

The Emperor of Heaven drew his sword so far, but in just over ten seconds, the battle situation has completely collapsed.

Sword first, method second, and body at the end.

Emperor Tiandao didn't brag, he could even say that he was very humble.

He was right.

At this time... three hours away, two hours and twenty minutes left.

Despair has enveloped every warrior.

Su Changge was seriously injured and unconscious, and the Great Emperor of Heaven slowly walked towards him - he had already acknowledged Su Changge's power, so he would respect him.

The highest respect given to an opponent is of course to kill him.

Emperor Tiandao is about to kill Su Changge.

At this time... Among the top masters of Zu Guang, the emperor was seriously injured, Lan Langzhu’s energy was exhausted, and Emperor Deep Sea and Qi Fuxi were seriously injured. Su Wangyou was still in the side effects of the Secret Method of Time. Xia Kuang was surpassed as a physical practice. Zhang Tulong, who has completed the ghost valley heritage, can barely be regarded as the top master of Zuguang, but will he appear?


It seems impossible for someone to stop the Great Emperor of Heaven.

It just seems.

Finally...a person stood in front of him.

An old man.

An old man who is very old and old so that no one can recognize who he is.

Not only is it old, but the internal energy on the body is still very weak.

With so many ancestors, no one can recognize this old man.

The only person who recognized this old man was actually the Great Emperor.

"It's you?" Heavenly Dao Great Emperor frowned, "What are you doing?"

There is no disdain in his tone, just indifferent.

"You are no longer qualified to fight with me. You will be shocked to death by your internal energy even watching my battle. What are you doing here?"

The Great Emperor Tiandao said indifferently, he didn't mean to belittle, he was just discussing the matter, and what he said was indeed the truth.

The old man slowly said, "Perhaps... because I don't want to die here."

Emperor Tiandao felt tired.

The old man answered the wrong question. If he really didn't want to die, he should hide as far away as possible, instead of coming here to die!

He doesn't want to talk nonsense with this old man, even if he was in his former heyday, he is not his opponent, what's more, now his sword heart is broken and his cultivation is almost completely dissipated?

Yes, the person in front of you... is the monarch of the ancient country.

However, there were so many Central Plains warriors around, except for Su Changge who passed out into a coma, no one could recognize him.

People's impression of the monarch of the ancient kingdom is always the heroic and powerful sword emperor in the world, rather than the gray-haired, old-fashioned old man.

"You seem to have found the way to the longevity state?" The ancient country monarch suddenly asked.

The Emperor Tiandao, who was about to kill Su Changge, stopped the knife in his hand.

An inexplicable smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Yes." The Great Emperor Tiandao replied, "but it's not a finding, but someone told me, I don't know if it is true or not, but there is always time to slowly confirm."

Naturally... it was the letter from Mo Lishou.

Mo Lichou saw the memory of the Emperor, and then wrote it in the letter and told the Emperor of Heaven.

It is a pity that the emperor is also in a coma.

"Eternal Realm..." The ancient kingdom monarch sighed.

"I haven't been able to find a way." He seemed to be reminiscing, and he seemed to be talking to himself, "I searched for a long time, and I was full of confidence at first, and then a few years, decades, hundreds of years, until For thousands of years..."

The monarch of the ancient country took his thousands of years of exploration very lightly.

Only he himself knows what painful years it is. He knows that his talent is not only that, but still... unable to pass.

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