Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 561

Maybe that person was waiting for him in the first place--or maybe that person has been waiting for others all his life.

When Su Changge came here, this person was also here waiting for him.

The owner of Wuning Mountain, who did not know how many generations of generations have passed, looked at Su Wangyou, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Waiting for a long time," he said.

For some reason, when this person appeared... Su Wangyou had a sense of absurdity that the other party was Tang Shuxin. In fact, Wu Ningzi was certainly not Tang Shuxin, but his temperament that everything was under his control... Tang Shuxin who was waiting for Su Wangyou and Su Changge in the secret realm.

Su Wangyou walked up to him, still with a soft smile on his face.

"You seem to know a lot..." Su Wangyou said slowly: "It looks like... Wuning Mountain seems to be very special."

Wuning Mountain is very special, because when Su Wangyou came here, he found... he could'discuss' Gu Hong.

Wuning Mountain...just like that secret realm, it was not shrouded by the terrifying'spoken utterance' of the black hand behind the scenes.

This discovery is very important. If Su Wangyou was only skeptical, now... he is almost certain that Wuningzi, or Quantum, was the first person in the legend to die behind the scenes. ...There are some shady deals with Ye Jintianming.

Wu Ningzi did not answer Su Wangyou directly, but instead said: "It would be too shameful to let the guests stand. The humble house is not far away, so why not sit down there? Let's... have a good chat?"

Su Wangyou narrowed his eyes, and finally said, "Trouble."

Wu Ningzi took Su Wangyou a few steps... he was really not humble, he said he was a humble house, he was really... simple enough, but fortunately everything was clean.

Su Wangyou sat down, Wu Ningzi poured a cup of tea for him and a cup for himself.

Both sides were silent, Su Wangyou was expressionlessly silent, Wu Ningzi with a profound smile, but also kept silent.

This is like a confrontation, the first to speak... the momentum is a loss.

But in the end, it was Su Wangyou who spoke first.

He asked: "Your Excellency...Gao's name?"

Wuningzi replied: "The name of the person who cultivates the Tao has long been abandoned. Just call me Wuningzi."

"Really..." Su Wangyou was silent for a while, and continued: "Wu Ning Mountain is unremarkable, but it ranks first among the ten famous mountains of Zuguang. I heard that it is because of the ancestor of your line, the legendary Gu Hong. The first person to live here without quantum."

Su Wangyou paused, and then said: "Wu Quan is a Taoist name, I dare to ask today...what is the real name of Wu Quan?"

Before Wu Ningzi could answer, Su Wangyou persecuted him further.

"Grandpa's name... there is no reason not to write it down?"

Chapter Thirty East Gate Song

The smile on Wu Ningzi's face did not change at all. He replied lightly, "What can't be said about this, our Patriarch, Wu Quan's name, is called..."

He paused like a joke before saying, "Yi Shiping."

"Do not------------"

Almost at the moment Wu Ningzi finished speaking, Su Wangyou denied him with a terrifying aura, he slowly stood up, and the vast and bottomless inner energy that resembled Jiuyou began to surge.

"The real name without quantum..."

After seeing through his real name, Su Wangyou clearly saw the name on Wu Ningzi's head.

"should be……"

Afterwards, Su Wangyou's hand stretched out quickly and poked Wu Ningzi's face straight.

"East Gate Song."

Subsequently, a human skin mask was torn off by Su Wangyou, and an extremely old face was exposed in the air!

The air... suddenly solidified.

Su Wangyou's index finger and middle finger sandwiched the human skin mask, and there was no sadness or joy on his face.

"Deceiving the entire world for tens of thousands of years...what are you planning?"

Su Wangyou lightly pointed out the true identity of the person in front of him.

"No quantum."

Gu Hong is the first person and the first victim to have an accident because of the black hand behind the scenes.

No quantum, Dongmen song.

"There is no quantum-free pulse in the world, or there is only one person in this pulse from beginning to end, that person is you, and quantum-free, so-called'disciples' and'masters' are just you alone with you. Acting outside the body!"

Wu Ningzi smiled, just about to deny it, Su Wangyou took a step ahead of him and said.

"Since I dared to say this name and can tear off your mask, even so, do you still have to make such an ugly dying struggle?"

The other party was silent for a long time, and finally sighed, showing a serious expression.

"Yes." He replied indifferently and proudly: "I am No Quantum, Dongmen Qu."

The soft smile on his face disappeared, and there was a hint of imperceptible arrogance on the old face.

"Boy, how do you see it?"

Yes, how did Su Wangyou see it?

Su Wangyou does have his real name to see through, most, he can see through the real name of Wu Quan's Dongmen Song, but Su Wangyou doesn't know that Wu Quan is Dongmen Song.

To put it simply, the "Dongmen Qu" on the head of the non-quantum head is not the "Non-quantum Dongmen Qu".

Su Wangyou saw the name'Dongmen Song' most often. Few people in this era know the true meaning of this name. So... how does he see through Quantum?

"If I say that someone suspected you after meeting you a few years ago, do you believe it?" Su Wangyou slowly drew out his sword, "Now...I give you two choices."

Wu Quan shrugged and said, "I would like to hear the details."

"First, let me use the secret method of searching for souls to look at your memory, because I don't believe any words in the mouth of a person who can deceive the entire world for thousands of years."

"Needless to say, I choose second." Dongmenqu replied: "I will not let anyone see my memory."

Su Wangyou was silent for a while, and completely drew out the long sword in his hand.

"The second option is, I will defeat you, and then use the soul search secret method to check your memory."

Su Wangyou paused, "Whether you agree or not."

"You want to...fight me?" Dongmenqu didn't laugh exaggeratedly, but showed an incomprehensible look.

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