Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 562

"You want...fight against me?" His voice even sounded a little confused, "You are an emperor...want to fight me?"

Dongmenqu was silent for a while, stood up, and said, "No quantum...Do you really understand what the name represents?"

Dongmen Qu walked to the window and said calmly: "When I was 21, I was just a fledgling. At that time, I was only in the Emperor Realm, but my opponent was a veteran Longevity Realm. trick."

"When I was one hundred and fifty-one years old, I faced an immortal realm. It was a physical training known for its defenses. I killed him and took eight breaths."

"At the age of 13,000 and 626, I faced the world's number one master at the time, the Sword God, Jade. Even if tens of thousands of years have passed, I have never seen a sword stronger than him. repair."

Wu Quan whispered: "He held it under my hands for twenty-five seconds."

Wu Quan turned around and said, "If you face that sword god, I guess you won't be able to hold it for 2.5 seconds."

He asked: "Are you going to fight me?"

"A mere ignorant and arrogant are you?"

Indeed... it is very arrogant, Wu Quan is the real Gu Hong's first person, standing on the top of all immortal realms, the strength is so powerful that others cannot imagine, and Su Wangyou... is just an emperor realm after all.

Among other things, let's talk about the Emperor of Heaven who has fought with Su Wangyou for a long time... He can be killed with a single punch without quantum.

But... Su Wangyou now possesses more than just his own power.

Su Wangyou was silent and listened to Wu Quan's words.

He stood up slowly and asked, "Have you finished?"

Wu Quan was startled, and then slowly laughed. He laughed so casually, as if he had seen something very interesting.

"I... will defeat you." Su Wangyou held the sword, and the eyes of time slowly emerged.

"Then, see the real truth from your memory..."

The truth that he has been pursuing...In front of him, Su Wangyou has guessed, I am afraid...This conspiracy that has enveloped the ages was planned by Wu Quan and the black hand behind the scenes.

In this case... there is the ultimate truth in quantum-free memory.

As long as... can beat No Quantum.

The first person to defeat Gu Hong is likely to be the strongest human under Li Qinglian.

Su Wangyou...excited.

Chapter 31 Gu Hong First

"...?!" Wu Quan suddenly felt the fiery fighting spirit in Su Wangyou.

And... the determination to win.

[It seems that those rumors are not all exaggerations. Regardless of strength, with this fighting will, this little guy will inevitably become a dragon among people, such an unyielding will... When was the last time I saw it?but……

Qi surging inside Wu Quan's body.

"Just want to defeat me with a will to fight... It's just a dream."

"If you were in your heyday, then I am naturally not your opponent." Su Wangyou said slowly: "Then you are now in your heyday?"

"If you say yes, then I will turn around and run without saying a word." Su Wangyou whispered: "I ask you, are you right?"

If Chu Yi or Qin Luoxue and others were here, they would find that...if this sentence was said by Su Changge's hippie smile, there would be no sense of contradiction at all.

Wu Quan shook his head lightly, and said proudly: "So what, not... so what?"

————He is indeed not in full bloom, but he does not bother to lie about it.

Should he admit that he is inferior to a young man in his twenties?

The first person in the Gu Hong era naturally has pride that others cannot understand.

"Do you think you can defeat me?" Wu Quan asked.

"The first half of my life was not long, and the battles I experienced were not too many, but I have faced more powerful enemies... than you think. In the end, I will always win." Su Wangyouping Holding the sword, the Jian Feng pointed at Wu Quan.

"This time it will be no exception."

"It looks like it's useless to say more." Wu Quan sighed softly and said: "Let's do it."

"As you wish." Su Wangyou yelled softly, and the long sword stroked his fingertips.

"In the dry manhole cover..."

The Eye of Time runs at full speed, trying to grasp the flaws in Wu Quan, but no matter how you look at it... Su Wangyou feels that Wu Quan is all flaws.

"A tear!"

It is useless to think too much, a drop of blood with the strongest penetrating power in the world... has been shot towards Wuquan like an arrow from the string.

At the moment of the moment, Wuquan shook his head slightly and said, "Small bugs."

Chu Yi's trick is so subtle that no one has ever tried it for thousands of years, and the characteristics of breaking the world's body guards made this trick reach the pinnacle of the peerless world with less than a peerless power.

And in the non-quantum mouth, this trick was actually evaluated by him as a trick?

Did Wu Quan didn't see the subtlety of this trick, or did he see it, but...don't mind at all?

The answer is the latter.

The drop of blood easily penetrated the quantum-free body, and then just... passed through.

The non-quantum body is like an illusion. Although the drop of blood passed through the non-quantum body, it did not'touch' the non-quantum body at all. The non-quantum body was like a projection.


As soon as Su Wangyou raised this idea, he was broken by the punch Wuquan swung over.

No quantum punches, no momentum.

The so-called momentum is nothing more than a sonic boom caused by too fast speed, and the speed of sound transmission is only 340m/s. In the battlefield of these two people... when the sound sounded, maybe they had already gone through a thousand tricks. Up.

Su Wangyou still caught the punch, and both of them were secretly frightened.

[It's so heavy... If there is no blessing from the posture of the god of war, this punch alone would be enough to severely injure me, or even kill me, the first person of Gu Hong...Is it so powerful even if it's not in full bloom?Actually able to catch my fist... Not even using the inner energy much, nor showing a strenuous expression, the ordinary immortal realm is nothing more than that, obviously it is only an emperor realm...] Su Wangyou's inner anger suddenly It broke out, pushing away Quantum, and then...

"Green lotus six styles, four styles..."

"Over the group---Feng!!"

The poignant and decisive green lotus sword light bloomed instantly.

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