Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 569

"As for why she fell asleep... Li Qinglian's sword is not just as simple as cutting off her arm. If she insists, even in the current Mo Ming Dynasty, she is still in a state of serious injury."

"The catastrophe of Gu Hong's last year... is actually another shot after Mo Mingshi finished his preparations. That time was really cruel, killing almost all the immortality and longevity in the world, and swept away everything in the world. In Chungang, this action directly led to the complete collapse of Gu Hong. There were countless wars and finally entered the Zuguang era. After this shot, Mo Mingshi fell into a deep sleep once again. Until now, Ye Jintian is mentally calculated by Tang Shu, facing collapse, intelligence Leaked, there is another warrior like you who has surpassed the times, and the Mo Girl hiding behind the scenes has no choice, and this has awakened the Mo Ming world."

Seeing that Su Wangyou was lost in thought, Ye Guxuan took the initiative to tell the information. Then he stood up, looked at the three doors, and said slowly: "About that mission...that Su Wangyou should have been with you. To make it clear, I have nothing to add. Your time is really running out. You must get through these three heavenly barriers. Only in this way can you..."

Ye Guzuo suddenly stopped, then shook his head with a wry smile, and his figure disappeared.

Then, his last words sounded in the air.

"I will buy you the last bit of time, to fight, then to win, and finally - think of some way... to be separate from Zu Guangdao."

"This game... is about to come to an end."

Ye Guzuo's voice completely disappeared.

Before the three huge gates, only Su Wangyou remained.

Silent, silent to death.

The power and glory at the end of the scroll belong to itself

All the truth was laid before Su Wangyou.

This time it was really not bad at all. Gu Hong's two big catastrophes in the middle and last stages, the identity of the black hand behind the scenes, he was so powerful.

Originally, Su Wangyou planned to go to the Mohist school to verify it, so it seemed that it was unnecessary.

Su Wangyou didn't expect... It turns out that the two great catastrophes of Gu Hong's middle and final phases were provoked by one person, and the person who provoked these two great catastrophes... actually was just a mediocre long. Habitat.

Both he and Su Changge had fallen into a misunderstanding of thinking, thinking that the two catastrophes were caused by two different groups, but they didn't expect... They were both from Mo Mingshi.

At that time, he and Su Changge had guessed a lot of people, they were all those earth-shattering powerhouses, and even Zongzi was within their guessing range. Almost everything they knew, the immortal realm with names and surnames, was in their guess Among.

Who could have imagined that... the one who manipulates all of this behind the scenes is actually a longevity state?

Tang Shuxin, Ye Guzuo.

These two put all the truth in front of Su Wangyou.

So what Su Wangyou will do next is very simple...

Is it really simple?

One question is still facing Su Wangyou.

Regardless of whether he can defeat Mo Mingshi or not, even if he wins... what should hell do?

Collecting countless powerful souls from ancient times to the present, and even all the pure hells in the world, what should I do?

This problem is unavoidable. If Su Wangyou defeats Mo Mingshi, the hell that has lost the power of Mo Mingshi will instantly collapse, and countless souls will return to this world. At that time...

If this happens, then Ancestral Light will be in great chaos... No, it is no longer a matter of great chaos. The strength of Gu Hong warriors is higher than that of Ancestral Light warriors by a whole large level. By then, it will be devastating. Robbery!

[There is only this one choice.

[My time is running out...Is it.

Eleven years have passed since Su Wangyou entered Zuguang.

But the time that Su Wangyou actually experienced was less than five years.

[I'm really unwilling — it ends here or something.

Su Wangyou stood up in silence and looked at the three doors.

[But... no matter what, I have to go forward.

Su Wangyou stood in front of the huge gate, his figure looked so thin.

After that, Su Wangyou stretched out his hand and pushed open the huge door.

Young Su Wangyou still stood there, with his back facing Su Wangyou, as if waiting for something.

He heard the sound of the door being pushed open, then turned around and looked at Su Wangyou.

He clearly saw Su Wangyou's eyes.

At that moment...young Su Wangyou understood that the current Su absolutely impossible to lose.

It seems that there is really a blazing flame in the eyes, the unyielding will and the soul yearning for victory are intertwined, and then named Su Wangyou...The final conclusion is the undefeated conclusion.

[Such... is Su Wangyou.

"You don't need to draw your sword." Su Wangyou shook his head, his figure gradually disappeared.

"If you are now... it's okay to entrust it to you."

The last level of the Twelve Heavens Pass of Zhen Wangu was supposed to be an extremely difficult bloody battle, but in the end, it was won with such a dramatic, even a joke.

Only two parties knew...not a joke.

The young Su Wangyou's figure disappeared, and a scroll was attached in the air.

————There is no doubt that this is the reward for clearing the Twelve Days Pass.

[True Limitation Scroll]: It completely breaks through the limitations of the game and reality, and can bring game items to reality. Skills learned in the game can also be brought to reality. Similarly, skills or items in reality can also be brought to the game .

Talent, physique, transcendence, talent, and understanding are no longer restricted.

No longer subject to the'system compulsory effect', if other players' skills contain'absolute stun', the'system compulsory special effect' will be ignored.

Item level: Beyond.

(You have been asleep for so long...)

Su Wangyou held the scroll and showed such a look as expected.

[Yes... I have been asleep for so long.

Obviously the last time he awakened was not long ago, but Su Wangyou still felt that... it was a long time.

[I will... never lose again.

He crushed the scroll.

——————The next moment!

Inspiration is roaring, talent is skyrocketing, talent is going crazy!

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