Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 570

After being imprisoned for several years, now the talents who have finally seen the light of day are roaring.

All skills are growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

For example...following Su Wangyou's body skills for many years, treading waves.

[Treading Waves]: Consume 2%...1...0.8...0.5...inner Qi every second, and increase your sensitivity by 40...50...70...90...

Almost every blink, the data will get explosive growth.

But the most exaggerated is the [Poise of Valkyrie].

Now... [War God's Posture]'s increase in all attributes has reached 2,352%...

All skills are evolving at an incredible speed.

Until the end, nothing was left of Su Wangyou's character panel.

Because Su Wangyou no longer needs the assistance of the system.

All power and glory...

Belong to yourself!

Summary at the end of the volume

Hmm... Let's talk casually as usual.

First of all, the middle period of this book is about to end. I don't know how many words will be written in the later period, but the latter period will definitely not be too long.

Why am I so sure that the later stage will not be too long?

First of all, everyone should have discovered that the combat effectiveness of this book is huge.

The same is in the emperor realm. Heavenly Dao Great Emperor fights against other emperor realms, and when his father beats his son, Dacheng Su Changge goes up and kills him forcibly.

Then, for example, in the Mo Mingshi, this family setting is the immortal realm-of course, now it is through the transcendence magic weapon to reach the immortal realm, his combat power crushes non-quantum, and no quantum... 'Gu Hong first'.

Of course, Li Qinglian still couldn't get around, his combat power gap here is simply... Li Qinglian in the fairyland hit Mo Mingshi with the Transcendant Warrior like a dog.

Then Li Qinglian went up. In the eyes of those who transcended, Li Qinglian and ordinary people who had never practiced martial arts were the same.

This kind of battle power gap...I can't let Su Wangyou fight it bit by bit. The later stage is destined to be short because there are too few bosses.

This also caused me to madly hang up Su Wangyou - otherwise it would be impossible to beat these bosses.

Secondly, about Zu Guang...

There was a short plot of Kongguo, which was deleted because it was meaningless.

There was also a big story about Shang Country in the outline at the time, it was about the "Devil God Pillar" of the exercise method. It was originally intended to be placed after the Baju Ceremony and before Echo Valley. Later, after thinking about it carefully, I found that... no matter what Write, the final mvp must be the emperor of the human and the monarch of the ancient country, because the protagonist group at that time would never become the main force. Su Wangyou is not impossible to explode, but Su Changge is absolutely impossible to let Su Wangyou play that kind of'no Explosive species can't fight the battle.

Later, I thought about dragging it and writing later.

As a result... the screen disappeared. Looking back, Shang Guo has become a small boss, not worthy of being a plot alone. The plot of that section is quite complicated. If you really want to write it, it will become like this ...

————Prepare twenty chapters, fight 300 words.

Then it doesn't make sense... so I just deleted it.

I still feel... The plot of the Ba Jue Dadian is a bit early, and Su Wangyou's defeat of Chu Yi is also a bit early, if only it is delayed a little later...

After thinking about it this way, the Mo Family should add a big plot at that time, and then show Mo Li a sad face, expose the essence of his twenty-five sons, and then lay the groundwork for Mo Mingshi...

If you think about it this way, there are really many things that can be improved.

In short... If nothing else, the next volume should be the last volume of Zu Guang, and I can’t force Gu Hong’s new map to be opened. This book has been written for almost a year, this summer vacation. , Probably enough for me to draw a full stop.

You always say that I am short. This book contains 1.12 million words a year. On average, every day... Every day... 3000 words, right?

Okay, it's pretty short...

Finally, about broken chapters.

You may not believe it, but sometimes it’s not for the purpose of breaking the chapter. For authors like me who have not saved the manuscript and are now issued, if they are stuck at that point, there will be more time to think about the following plot, not for Out of chapter.

That's it, you have to believe me!

The eleventh volume of the decisive battle, the first chapter, the twelve days of time

[Nan Jue Ling Feng Curtain Chi Qiong]: Successfully cleared the Twelve Days Pass of Zhen Wangu, this skill has been unlocked.

Active skills, no consumption, no cooling, you can enter and exit the indescribable different dimensions at will, avoid all the damage that can be avoided in theory, including but not limited to physical damage, mental damage, and curse damage. Each time you enter a different dimension, the time is fixed. It is one second and can be released continuously. However, it will cause great damage to the body if it enters different dimensions continuously. It is not recommended to use it too many times continuously.

After clearing the Twelve-Day Pass of Zhenwangu, Su Wangyou unlocked the last skill of Chi Qiong, Nan Jue Ling Wind Curtain.

Sure enough, it is worthy of the name of the transcendant magic weapon. From the description...As long as the body can hold it and the reaction speed is fast enough, it can avoid all attacks without consumption. It can be said to be an unreasonable super magic skill.

(It can be understood as infinite power)

But now... it can only be regarded as icing on the cake, for Su Wangyou now, this thing is unnecessary.

In this world... there are not many attacks worthy of him to avoid.

True·Wangu Twelve Heavenly Pass, what kind of Heavenly Pass will be?Su Wangyou pushed open the thousand-meter-long door.

[Let me see.

Afterwards, the screen of the system appeared in the air - it should have appeared in front of Su Wangyou, but now the system cannot'lock' Su Wangyou, and can only put the words on Su Wangyou. See' place.

[Twelve Days Pass of Time and Time]

[Throughout the ages, there have been countless heroes, but there are unexpected events in the sky, countless romantic figures, who have not yet succeeded in driving to the west, leaving countless regrets.This is the twelve-day pass of time. Among the endless world lines, select twelve existences with extremely strong talents to reach the state of great success.] (PS is not necessarily the twelve people with the strongest talents, otherwise the combat effectiveness will be very close. Obviously, there must be a certain level of combat effectiveness. You can understand it as the talent table, T3 draws a few, T2 draws a few One, T1 also draw a few, and then all reach Dacheng.)

[This is the pinnacle of mankind, the pinnacle of civilization, this is...]

[Twelve days off in time!

[Twelve Days Pass of Extreme Time, the first pass]

Its disease is like wind, its Xu is like forest.

[Ji Xianyang, the second-generation head of Juezong]

What appeared in front of Su Wangyou was a young man with pale skin and a sick complexion.

The second-generation head of Jue-jong, a genius in the later period of Gu Hong, with peerless talent, he was born with an incurable disease and died young.

And now...He is resurrected here and succeeded.

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