Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 577

Some people still have no ambitions in the middle age...

[Huh, shit master, I have been with him for twenty-five years, and I have refused to pass on the true core exercises to me, and also betrothed the little junior sister to that stupid boy. Since you treat me like this, it's no wonder that I am cruel, Madam and Madam, I will take care of you...] There are useless scholars with no talent but pretentiousness...

[There is no distinction, there is no reason...It must be that Zixu and Mingyuan bought the examiner. The article I wrote is so good, how can it be inferior to these two people, and it cannot win the love of Lingxi girl...Lian Lingxi The girl...!Eyeless fool!!Wait for me, wait for me!!If I am in the future, I will kill all of you, leaving no one behind...] The prince who was living among the people once gained power and turned his face ruthless...

[Come here, grab that old beggar and deal with it secretly——————You ask me why?If you let others know that a dignified prince was raised by an old beggar who snatched dog food, what would they think of me?

Chapter 8 Eternal Great Cause

But all of the above... is nothing. It can even be said that these are all'normal phenomena', and the truly appalling events... are still below.

At that time, Gu Hong's second generation ancestor... all had some unique hobbies, such as-collecting human skins.

It is naturally impossible for ordinary people to have such hobbies, but this rich boy is different, because he is the son of the city lord, he can have hobbies that others are not allowed to have.

One day, I became very interested and invited many of my friends to visit his "human leather room", which contained all kinds of human skins in his collection. The rich disciples triumphantly introduced their collections to their friends. This is the city. The girl Liu in the Yuntian Building on the east side, this is the daughter of the doctor in the medical hall next to the West City Gate, this is...

The rich disciples were triumphant, and the friends all clapped their hands and applauded, all eyes flashed with strange light, as if they had really seen some rare treasure.

There is one exception, a spoiled little girl, dumbfounded and unbelievable.

She stood among these people, like a sheep standing among wolves, so that her incompatibility was quickly discovered... So back then, there was another human skin in the collection of the rich disciple. This one is amazing. It's the daughter of the city leader...

Human morality and conscience cannot restrain these demons.

Distorted education, cruel nature, and an environment where morals and rituals collapsed have created a distorted worldview that people in later generations simply cannot imagine.

What kind of distortion method?

—————— When the rich disciple died, he begged the person who killed him to peel off his human skin and put it together with the collection.

And such people... are everywhere in Guhong.

It's not that it's distorted because of getting stronger and gaining the power to control others, but because it has been distorted since childhood.

"This is Gu Hong." Mo Mingshi seemed to suppress his anger, "Do you think that Gu Hong is a flourishing age of martial arts? No, I tell you, Gu Hong is a hell on earth."

Yes, hell on earth.

It is recognized by historians that the darkest era in the history of all parts of the world was the end of the Great China, when the demons danced wildly, but the Fifth Huazhi was still alive, so no one dared to do it. Later, the Fifth Huazhi died...It seems that even the sky was bloodied. Dyed red.

But from Su Wangyou's view, even in the late Dahua period, it is far inferior to Gu Hong.

At least... those people in the late Dahua period were to accomplish their own goals, so they had such amazing malice.

In the Gu Hong period... there was no reason, no reason, killing for the sake of killing, and making chaos for the sake of chaos.

"This distorted world, of course I have to change it." Mo Mingshi looked at Su Wangyou, "After seeing Gu Hong's malice...Do you still think I am wrong?"

"Xiamen use martial arts to violate bans, Confucianism uses literature to chaos law, all deserve to die." Mo Mingshi opened his arms, standing on the edge of the mountain road and looking down at the world, "There is no military in the world, so that people will not be forced by force, and there is no Confucian in the world. , So that people will not be controlled by the will of others."

"Do you think this can change the world?" Su Wangyou said solemnly: "Even if you really achieve the world without martial arts, you will never achieve the world without Confucianism. Where there are people, there will be high and low status. Consciously superior to others, some consciously inferior to others, there is no Confucianism in the can't do it."

"No, I can do it." Mo Mingshi turned around, and the wind blew through his robe, his robe was hunting.

"I will re-establish the rules of the heavens with the body and the heavens, I will punish all those who have bad intentions, and I will reward all those who have good intentions————————" Mo Mingshi paused, and then his momentum rose. "I will create a world of great harmony in the true sense, and create an unprecedented perfect world, where all humans will not have to suffer!"

"Are you going to stand in front of me?!" Mo Ming stepped forward, as if affecting the energy of the whole world, "Are you going to become this sinner of the ages and prevent this unprecedented great cause?!"

Eternal great cause... Mo Mingshi's remarks are not exaggerated.

If he really succeeds, it will undoubtedly be an eternal cause that will affect the entire world.

The World Without Martial Arts has been said many times, and there is no need to repeat it here. Su Wangyou believes that Mo Mingshi can't achieve the world without Confucianism, and there is a reason.

The Confucianism here does not refer specifically to Confucian scholars, but to officials. No matter how wide you are, you mean "people with power." No matter how wide you are, you mean people who are "high in social status and have weight."

Wherever there are people, there are highs and lows. It is impossible to have such a place where everyone’s social status is completely equal. People with morals are always more respected than petty thieves and have a higher social status. It also has more weight, and rich people always have more choices than those without money.

As long as there are people, differences will exist.

And there is no Confucianism in the world... From a certain perspective, it is to'remove all high-status people' and make everyone's social status completely equal. This is completely impossible.

But... what Mo Mingshi said made this matter from impossible to "possible". He no longer clings to "remove all people with high social status", and instead became "make all people with high social status" People cannot abuse their power'.

He will re-formulate the rules of the world with his body and heaven... Translated, it is equivalent to the world is a game, and Mo Mingshi is a GM, he will re-form the rules of the game, such the city, players cannot attack each other.

And what Mo Mingshi wanted to achieve was not just as simple as "not being able to attack each other". As he said, the world he wanted to create... was a world of great harmony.

Chapter 9 The End of the Era

"The world of Great Harmony?" Su Wangyou shook his head, pausing every word, his voice low.

"I said, you can't do it."

He raised his head and calmly stared at Mo Mingshi who looked indifferent, "Because the human heart is never something that can be changed by strength."

"The world of great harmony...the most prince, the most peaceful, there are no emperors, no princes, no officials, no courts, and everyone is equal."

"According to your statement, the world you create does not require laws, and everything is rewarded and punished by the heavens of your incarnation, but have you ever thought about these problems..."

Su Wangyou paused and asked.

"There are two people working together, and one of them has far more work than the other. At the end of the month, how should we reward and punish?"

Mo Mingshi did not hesitate, "Naturally reward those who do more work. As for the punishment... it depends on the situation at the time."

"Those who work more are born with infinite energy, and can complete the three-day workload of an ordinary person in just half a day. He only works half a day every day, and the rest is used for rest every day, while those who work less are born weak and sick. , I work every day until midnight and work hard, but only half of the work of ordinary people can be completed. So, what should I do?"

"How...?" Mo Mingshi frowned slightly.

There are many explanations for the so-called fairness.

If rewards and punishments are based on workload, it is fairer. People who do more will naturally get more than those who do less.

But for the world of great harmony, this is unfair.

The world of Great Harmony is public and peaceful.

It is the same person. One person works at will for half a day, but it can be used for three days, and the other works until twelve o'clock every day, but it is not as good as the other person... Is this fair?

Mo Mingshi pondered for a moment, and replied: "In this case, I will cure the sickly person and make him have the same constitution as the infinitely powerful person. From then on, I will reward and punish according to the workload."

Su Wangyou shook his head.

"Whether it is the infinitely powerful person or the frail and sickly person, they have parents. The parents of the infinitely powerful person work their whole lives without any happiness, and use all their savings to buy all kinds of treasures. This made the manpower infinite, and in the end these two people were impoverished for their entire lives. They drove to the west without enjoying the blessings. The parents of the frail and sickly man did not spend half of the money on their son, but chose to spend money on themselves, even though it counts. It’s not a good life, but it’s also a small enjoyment. Now you have turned that frail and sickly person into infinite power with just one sentence... Is this fair?

"Take a step back and talk about it. What if the parents spent a lot of money on their children and bought a lot of natural treasures, and their children are indeed weak and sick?"

Su Wangyou repeated: "So what?"

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