Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 578

Mo Mingshi looked at Su Wangyou calmly, "Are you finished?"

Su Wangyou was startled.

"I have thought about the problems you mentioned." There was a trace of nostalgia in Mo Mingshi's pupils. "When I didn't get that thing, I imagined such an era and discussed it with the guy Zongzi. Thing, but can’t come up with a perfect answer."

"Whenever I have the ability to think, I am thinking, what kind of era can be called a perfect era?"

"I think Zu Guang is a good era, but you are trying to end this era." Su Wangyou interrupted Mo Mingshi with a bad tone.

Mo Mingshi heard this and said with a wry smile: "What you said is not bad, this era is really good."

He looked into the distance, “I sometimes wonder if I’m wrong. The Emperor of Humanity is obviously not a good emperor. He has a terrifyingly low political sense. Let alone the ancient country. Nothing is the same. Qin is the same, but it doesn’t matter that Qin is alive with such a small number of people. Wang Mang is a good emperor, with very good methods, but the living environment of the people of Shang country It's the worst...maybe because of geographic disadvantages."

"At the end of Gu Hong, a little guy named Jinghongzi founded Taoism and proposed rule by doing nothing. He believed that those in power should not excessively interfere with the lives of the people. At that time everyone sneered at this absurd idea, but now it seems ...Seems to be really right."

Mo Mingshi actually didn't know...The idea of ​​ruling by doing nothing was proposed and perfected by Qin Jinghong, but this idea violated the interests of too many people. After Qin Jinghong got married, his risky heart gradually fell silent, so this The idea is always in the state of semi-finished products, but even so, the national strength of Xia Guo, who has implemented this idea by mistake, has even surpassed all countries in all times!

Except for the use of force, there is no way to compare with Gu Hong, whether it is farming, art, industry, medicine, even poetry, foreign trade, etc., all industries in Xia Guo are in a state of blowout.

No one knows, if Qin Jinghong didn't marry, but chose to complete that idea...what the world would be like.

Gu Hong, the first beauty, created a pure auxiliary system. So far, others have been unable to even imitate it. He proposed and perfected the concept of rule by inaction, which laid the foundation for the prosperity of the future Xia State for thousands of years, even in the war period. Eighty percent of the residents are living and working in peace and contentment...Qin Jinghong is a genuine eternal wizard, but... just as Tang Shuxin said, it is a pity that she married someone.

"In that case, why do you have to change this world?" Su Wangyou is really puzzled, because the expression on Mo Mingshi's face does not seem to be fake, he really thinks that Zu Guang is a very good era———— That being the case, why does he insist on changing this era?

And Mo Mingshi quickly gave the answer.

"Any era will come to an end."

Chapter 10 Things That Must Be Doed

"No one can be immortal, no matter how perfect the era, it will eventually come to an end."

Mo Mingshi's expression was vicissitudes, and his tone was sighing.

"I have seen too many empires, each of them is extremely powerful and looks so indestructible, but it turns out that if non-quantum arises on a whim, those countries will be completely destroyed by him — of course, non-quantum is not This kind of people."

"Every country, in the end, is self-destructive." Mo Mingshi said seriously: "Destroy yourself from the people, you should know the weight of these four words."

Self-defeating from the people... Of course, Su Wangyou knows the weight of these four words. Whether it is Gu Hong or Zu Guang, the truly top powerhouses do not belong to the country unless they are born in the royal family. For example, Xia Guo has national strength. Strong enough, right?The top powerhouse is the emperor, and Lan Juanzhu also chose to treason.

————The ancient country is purely an exception, not comparable.

This also means that there is rarely a situation where'top combat power and corrupt officials are in the same flow'.

————I want to add some explanation here. To reach the immortal state, you must obtain pure gangs. However, you can feel the way of heaven so that you can "speak the law with you." A person who is too despicable and complicated is usually very It is difficult to be recognized by the heavens, that is to say, generally speaking, the warriors who reach the longevity realm will not be too treacherous, and the stronger the warrior, the purer it is, the oldest sword in the legend The god'Jade' is the best example.

Of course, there is no denying that certain lunatics who are completely mad, and even completely deceived themselves and Heaven...

This also means that a corrupt country will never have too many truly dedicated powerhouses.

So many times, some seemingly huge and irresistible empires will be lightly run over by the wheels of history, and then turned into an insignificant amount in the records of future generations.

"Presumably you have also noticed that no matter whether it is building a country or destroying a country, there are two words-force."

Without power, a country cannot be built, and without power, a country cannot be destroyed.

"If I build a country and really achieve no military in the world, it means that no matter what, I, with invincible power, will be invincible." Mo Mingshi looked at Su Wangyou seriously. , Every word, "After that, there will be no Confucianism in the world."

"I have been thinking about the question you mentioned, and have not been able to find an answer, but it does not matter, because I am sure that my direction is right." Mo Mingshi raised his right hand and then clenched his fist.

"Frozen three feet... It's not a day's cold. It is absolutely impossible to accomplish this eternal great cause with my own strength, but even so... I have to do it."

"Because if no one has ever done this, there will never be an era like that, so someone must start that."

Mo Mingshidao: "I am willing to start that. If no one in the world wants to do it, no one can do it, then I will start this, and I will start a new era."

"It doesn't matter if no one in the whole world does it, I do."

Su Wangyou fumbled for a while.

Because the Mo Ming world at this moment... is really amazing.

Just like many people don't understand why the country pays so much attention to exploring the universe-obviously it is completely irrelevant to their own lives.

But someone has to do this. The earth’s resources will be exhausted one day, even the sun will be exhausted. At that time, we don’t know how many generations of the offspring can only stay on the earth. Are you going to die?

Fly out of the earth and explore the universe.

If no one has ever done it, there will never be any development in this matter.

The same is true of what Mo Mingshi is doing now.

Everyone wants a new era, but no one dares to do it, no one can do it, and no one wants to do it.

Because they can't see the future, they believe that they will fail, and feel that they must be doing useless work.

Mo Mingshi also knew that the chance of himself succeeding in one shot was very slim, but he still had to do it.

Because this must be done by someone!

If no one has been!The darkness of Gu Hong will continue!Unless the next "Mo Mingshi" appears!

Just like Adam... If there was no Adam, maybe the "magic" would still be regarded as a "sorcerer" and was unfairly slaughtered and oppressed. Of course, there could be such an "Eve", she would To change the world, sorcerers may not be called sorcerers, conjurers or arcane spellcasters, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that they created a new era.

Ended the darkness and the past, created the light and the future.

"No matter how dark or desperate it is, someone must make changes and roar toward the dark age that seems impossible to be overthrown."

Mo Mingshi opened his eyes.

"I am that person."

Chen Sheng and Wu Guang's uprising ultimately failed, but it awakened countless people, Xiang Yu in the West Chu, and Liu Bang in Pei County.

Mo Mingshi is doomed to fail. The world of Great Harmony will definitely not be possible for thousands of years, and after thousands of years... the young man who beat him before he was born will come to him, and then Cut him off.

But Mo Mingshi did it anyway, this is what made Su Wangyou think he was great.

Know that it cannot be done.

Although tens of thousands of people are coming.

Su Wangyou looked at Mo Mingshi's calm expression and suddenly wanted to understand.

He laughed blankly, "I really did something stupid... I questioned your determination, and even tried to convince you."

Su Wangyou closed his eyes and bent over slightly: "No matter what, your choice and persistence make me admire."

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