Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 591

"It's too slow!" Mo Ge's secret method failed to launch successfully, and Chu Yi chased him up like a ghost that lingered. With a sword, he forcibly interrupted Mo Ge's secret method.

So fast!

Mo Ge was shocked, and he couldn't use the finalized moves in a hurry. In fact, he was too late, and Chu Yi was too fast now.

But fortunately, many years of combat experience are still there. It is not comparable to a rookie like a poisonous spider. Mo is separated from life and death, and still made the most correct decision.

He didn't use any defensive secrets or martial arts, but followed his body's instincts and turned his body sideways between life and death!

What a bold move is this?!

Not using any defensive secrets, and even letting go of the body protection Qi, means that if Chu Yi's sword hits... it can directly kill most of his life, or even a direct spike!

But... Chu Yi's sword still failed to hit in the end.

After seeing Mo Ge's movements, Chu Yi began to adjust, but in the end, he couldn't adjust to the right angle.

Mo Xianzhi evaded this sword dangerously.

————A warrior like Chu Yi, playing with a sword is like a hand, how could he make such a low-level mistake.

The answer is - - Qin Luoxue's increase.

Similar scenes have appeared many times, here is a brief explanation again.

————'Three hundred punches of the Great Emperor of Heaven and three hundred punches of Su Wangyou'.

Chu Yi couldn't control this sudden surge of power. The sword soul of the ancient country and the descendants of the Sage Qin had a long period of running-in. After all, they were still too young now.

And Mo Ge's old treacherous cunning naturally understands this. He understands that Chu Yi's strength is almost crushing himself, and there is only less than 70% of his internal energy left. If he blocks this trick forcibly, the internal energy will probably be consumed again. Quite a lot, once the internal energy is exhausted to the point where he can't release the secret method of time, then he really won't even have a chance of winning.

So he chose to gamble, and Chu couldn't control his power!

In the eyes of outsiders, this is incomprehensible, because Mo Ge clearly has a method that can absolutely block Chu Yi’s sword at this time (consuming a huge amount of internal energy), but he has to take such a risk, as everyone knows, because of this. , Mo Ge has a chance to win.

Chapter 24 The Soul of the Sword of the Ancient Country, the Heir of the Sage of the Qin (Part 2)

This is a qualified warrior - usually he would never take the risk to fight. Once he fights, he dares to use his life as a bet to pursue victory. Mo Ge can become the shadow of Ye Jintianming behind the scenes. Entrusting important tasks is not without reason.

Chu Yi was dragged forward by inertia, and at this moment...

Mo Ge didn't even adjust his position, he put his hands together again!

"The secret method of time!" He roared: "After a moment!"

Mo Ge's figure disappeared instantly, and when he appeared again, it was less than ten meters away from Qin Luoxue!

Mo Ge immediately rushed towards Qin Luoxue, and raised his right palm - he didn't even need to spend any more time to transport his internal energy to his right hand. With such a small body as the descendant of Qin, it would be a spike!

But just when Mo Ge is about to succeed...

"After an instant?" Chu Yi's voice sounded, "I will do this trick too!"

"The secret method of time---in an instant!"

Chu Yi's figure disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, the latter came first, blocking Mo Ge's body!

The Secret Method of Time and Moment is also related to the physical fitness of the user. The stronger the martial artist, the greater the distance he can move, and Chu Yi, who has gained an increase in physical fitness..., naturally beats Mo Ge.

Not only that... Chu Yi actually spared the time and energy to release his faculty!

"A tear in the dry manhole cover!"

The most penetrating move in the world!

Zu Guang knew of the effect and power of this trick. Both Chu Yi and Su Changge had used this information gap to intimidate others, and both achieved good results.

But... Mo Ge didn't know.

Because he was entangled in affairs, he had to deal with the things of the Mohist school, and he had to secretly play the shadow of Ye Jintianming behind the scenes-if the ancient monarch invented such a trick, maybe he would pay attention to it, but at that time Chu Yi is still so young... he doesn't care.

Later, Chu Yi gradually became stronger. If Mo Ge was still alive at that time, he should be concerned about him.

It's a pity that he died, so he didn't know anything.

————But even so, Mo Ge still made the right response. He knew that under this situation, Chu Yi would never do anything meaningless. The moment of life and death is not to be ignored.

He slapped the ground, then the anti-shock force dodges the drop of blood, and then without looking, he slapped directly in front of him with a palm, which happened to match the tip of Chu Yi's sword, and the qi blocked Chu Yi's sword. mango.

This series of movements was extremely smooth, and he just evaded Chu Yi's serial killer moves when he was at a great disadvantage.

————What is combat consciousness? This is combat consciousness. As long as the poisonous spider has the fighting consciousness halfway through the ink, it will never lose to the fifth Huazhi so easily, and even have a great chance of winning.

The palm of the hand exerted force again, then the counter-shock force backed a few meters, and then strengthened the internal energy!

"Moyin Divine Fist—————— Wanli Frozen!!"

It's another operation that a poisonous spider can't make for a lifetime.

Just now Chu Yi let go of his tricks, and forcibly lifted his energy to attack. Now he can't breathe for a while. I thought that this combo could at least one of them, but the result was blocked by Mo Ge with his rich combat experience.

And Mo Ge did not hesitate to come to his mastery, even if he would be injured internally, he would have to follow this opportunity to seriously hurt Chu Yi - if he could, of course it would be best to kill, but Mo Ge did not hold that. Naive fantasy.

————It’s no exaggeration to say that if there was no Qin Luoxue here, Chu Yi would have to explain this trick today.

Chu Yi did not recover from his anger, but Qin Luoxue's increase gave him unparalleled physical quality.

He crossed the sword in front of him, trying to forcibly resist the blow.

A punch hit, bringing a deep cold than the extreme north.

The punch hadn't been fully implemented yet, and Chu Yi, who was the first to bear the brunt, felt the chill deep into the bone marrow and freezing the soul.

But he was not afraid, still holding the Liangyi Sword tightly, his expression still calm.

It was too late to say, it was fast, half a time before the blink of an eye, Mo Ge's fist had already arrived!

Getting closer, the chill is even more terrifying, and a thick layer of frost has been condensed on the artifact that does not invade the heat and cold of Liangyi Sword!

Chu Yi's eyebrows were covered with icy debris, and with every breath, he could feel the extreme cold that almost pierced his lungs.

That punch fell firmly on the Liangyi Sword!

In an instant, the chill broke out!

Except for the small area behind Chu Yi where Qin Luoxue was in safety, all entities hundreds of meters behind Chu Yi were instantly covered by ice. The thick ice layer is the main theme of heaven and earth!

"Do you think this is over?!" Mo Ge's calm voice sounded.

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