Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 592

His inner energy...surging again!

Mohist’s unique secret method—Mind Turn, the effect is to forcibly regain qi when the internal energy cannot be circulated. Previously, it was Mo Girl who relied on this secret method to keep fighting the Yue Girl under such circumstances.

————Although the side effects are also serious...

"Mo Yang Divine Fist..." Mo Ge raised his other hand high, and the veins on his wrinkled and skinny arm were violent, and he was terrifying!

Then, the force that was completely opposite to the chill just now --- the extremely hot inner Qi rose up, and then it boiled fiercely!

"Pure Yang Wuji!"

At this time...Chu Yi was frozen by Mo Ge's previous trick, and his actions were difficult. At this time, Mo Ge seized the opportunity to forcefully release his secret method regardless of the side effects of the secret method...

It can be said that Chu Yi is truly in desperation!

Chapter 25 I am Chu Yi, that's all

Mo, facing Chu Yi and Qin Luoxue in this battle, the winning rate is extremely low, it can even be said to be a life of nine deaths-I have never heard of a generation of the ancient sword soul and the successor of Qin who can not beat a single person. Yes, unless they are far from reaching the perfect state.

This kind of situation, let alone poisonous spiders, even warriors of the level of Lan Juanzhu and Xia Kuang, may not be able to handle it well, because the fault tolerance rate on Mo Ge is almost zero, as long as it is slightly hit by Chu Yi. At once, this battle was almost over, and every step of Mo Ge's processing... was perfect, even if a warrior of the level of non-quantum came, he couldn't find anything wrong.

And now, Mo Ge is even more defensive, driving Chu Yi into a desperate situation!

This is the shadow behind Ye Jin Tianming!

Turning the impossible into possibility, find the fleeting opportunity in desperation, and find the only chance to counterattack among countless dead options!

Hesitating will lead to defeat, and Mo Ge does not hesitate!

[Die here!

Mo Ge blasted a punch, and the extremely hot fist dispelled the chill...but it also brought a scorching breath full of death.

"Chu Wushuang, goodbye..." Mo Ge was sure. Chu Yi, who was frozen in the ice at this time, could never get his hands out. "No one can save you!"

The whole world knows that Sage Qin's Heir has no fighting ability, and at this time, even if Su Wangyou ends the battle in the sky, it is impossible to rush here to block the blow instantly.

————At least Mo Ge thinks that Su Wangyou can’t do it. As for whether Su Wangyou can do it... If the future Mo Mingshi answers this question, he will definitely answer one word without hesitation———— can.

With this punch, he will end the battle anyway!

The determination in Mo Ge's heart was as high as this fiery flame fist, and then it violently!

This punch, with me without you, with you without me, was put on the face upright.

On the other hand, Chu Yi's side...He didn't even have a trace of panic on his face.

Just like Mo Ge thought, he also thought... the battle was over, and like Mo Ge, he also felt that he had won.

But Chu Yi felt that it was not glorious to win.

"I'll... correct you two points." Although his body was still in a frozen state, Chu Yi didn't panic.

"Number one." Chu paused.

And Mo Ge's fist also fell in front of Chu Yi, before he was about to completely crush Chu Yi...His fist stopped.

Did Mo Ge take the initiative to stop?

Impossible. At this time, even if Su Wangyou shot him, Mo Ge had to replace Chu Yi first!

What really stopped Mo Ge... was an invisible barrier in front of Chu Yi.

The turbulent power of Mo Ge hit the invisible barrier, and the translucent inner air barrier quickly showed many cracks like cobwebs, but they remained unbroken.

As long as Mo Ge adds a little more strength, this barrier will be smashed by him, but he... this time he is really out of breath.

at the same time

Gera, Gera.

The sound of ice breaking on Chu Yi's body kept ringing...

"The whole Zu Guang thinks that the descendant of Qin Sheng has no fighting ability. This is actually wrong. This is the first point I want to correct you."

Mo Ge's expression was extremely ferocious, and he made several more punches, but they were all blocked by the invisible barrier in front of Chu Yi. There was no fist in front of Chu Yi, and Mo Ge was not physical cultivation. These attacks were no different from scratching.

And the one who issued these barriers... was not Chu Yi, he was indeed controlled by Mo Ge just now, and he couldn't make a move at all. The one who really made the move... is Qin Luoxue!

The Descendant of the Qin Sheng had no combat effectiveness. In fact, seven words had to be added before this sentence - the whole Zu Guang thought.

Yes... "Thinking".

Everything is what they think, not the fact.

Su Wangyou discovered this when he was rushing through the sky. The Descendant of Sage Qin was not without combat effectiveness, at least...she had a certain ability to protect herself.

The sword he used to cut towards Qin Youyou was blocked by Qin Youyou himself.

Blocking Su Wangyou's sword full of killing intent... What level is this?

God knows.

"Do you know why everyone thinks that Sage Heir of Qin has no fighting power?"

Chu Yi had completely freed himself from the shackles of the ice at this time. He shook his sword lightly, and the broken ice fell one after another.

"Naturally because they are all dead." Chu Yi said softly: "Everyone who has seen this scene."

Chu Yijian came out like a dragon, Pianruo was shocked, Mo had just gone away from the old force, the new force was not born, and the inner Qi couldn't turn around. There was no resistance, and he was directly cut off an arm!

"Because of this, this secret can be kept for so long." Chu paused, and then said: "And from now on, this secret will be kept forever, unless a certain generation of Ancient Kingdom Sword Soul and Qin Sage inheritors lose their hands. ."

————This is a secret that has been preserved since ancient times.

The descendants of Qin Shengren are not incapable of fighting, but they never show up in front of people, just for this kind of time... to give the opponent a fatal blow.

Facts have proved very successful.

The blood rushed from the arm of the ink partition, and the alien internal qi quickly penetrated into the body. Mo Ge's face turned white, and he felt dizzy and fell to the ground.

"And I won't miss it!"

The sword of Liang Yi pierced the heart of Mo Ge straight.

"Oh, yes, there is the second point." Chu Yi said lightly: "Although you are about to be a dead person, I still have to remind you, don't call me Chu Wushuang, I don't like others calling me that way."

At that moment, the sword light was everywhere, and countless sword qi shot out, densely covering the sky, like a galaxy pouring out, unstoppable.

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