Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 593

"I am Chu Yi, nothing more."

Chapter 26: Gu Hong First (Part I)

"Huh!" The No. 1 in the world in the Gu Hong era, as expected, there is no water at all. Wu Quan is already so old, and has suffered such a serious injury, but it is still Su Changge's hand on his shoulder. In an instant, an elbow hit directly at Su Changge's heart, the action was clean and the angle was impeccable.

But Su Changge didn't rush, and blocked the non-quantum elbow with his other hand, while pressing the hand on the non-quantum shoulder to press hard!

Wu Quan was actually prepared, but he was too old, even if he was prepared, he still slowed down for a while, and was pressed by Su Changge, he actually fell directly to the ground!

This is... what a humiliation?

Wu Quan didn't know... he didn't want to bear it, and couldn't bear it.

If he can bear this... he doesn't deserve to be the number one in the world.

Wu Quann ignored the injuries in his body, his inner Qi surged, breaking through Su Changge's shackles in an instant, and the small wooden house was quickly torn to pieces by this violent inner Qi.

Su Changge was not in love with the battle either, and with a dot under his feet, he quickly retreated more than fifty meters.

The internal energy in Wu Quan's body was burning, and Su Changge was secretly shocked.

[Felling to the longevity stage, so old, and suffering such a serious injury, can actually mobilize so much internal energy... As expected, Gu Hong is the strongest.But Su Changge didn't write his admiration for his opponent on his face, he was...very angry now.

Because of being overshadowed by Mo Mingshi, he almost died unclearly...For Su Changge, tampering with self-consciousness is no different from dying, or even worse.

If in the past, facing such a strong man, even if the two sides were in a hostile relationship, Su Changge would have the least respect for his predecessors, and now...

Sorry, no, not only that, but also mockery.

"Is only that little thing left?!" Su Changge's inner air layer rose up, "It seems that you are really old, just let you... take a look."

Incomparably evil, the inner energy like all the malicious aggregates in the world...welled out.

Arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, lust.

It's not a'feeling', there is evil visible to the naked eye in the vast torrent of inner Qi that is like nine secluded bodies...

"What an evil power..." Wu Quang stared at Su Changge, "The only person in the world who can possess this kind of inner energy is Xiao Hai, but you have retained your self-awareness. Could it be that you sealed Xiao Hai in in vivo?"

Su Changge looked at him with an idiotic look, "What is your practice, what is the principle, what is the effect, and where are the weaknesses, please tell me?"

No quantum naturally knew that Su Changge was mocking himself by asking him for information directly during the battle.

"It looks like... there is nothing to say." Wu Quan said solemnly: "With such an evil power, I will kill you if I say anything..."

"Lorry, it’s a lot of nonsense, so that I don’t need this power and we don’t have to fight. What are you pretending?" Su Changge slightly raised his right hand until it was parallel to his shoulder. Blow your dog's head!"

Wuquan scolded: "Foul language!"

"Rough and not vulgar, what is it to you?!" Su Changge shouted violently, and the black inner energy entwined with him suddenly poured out like a galaxy, rushing toward Wu Quan.

Before it was approaching, Wu Quan felt the shocking malice...

[Kill, kill, kill!!

[Why can he have it, I can't have...]

[After you die, I will take care of your sister-in-law...] [Drill under the cars of those inexperienced ladies, and can swindle their wages for the last half month.You are all rubbish, all go to die!

[This little slut is so beautiful, and I will fall out of favor sooner or later if this goes on, it's better to...] All kinds of malice came over.

Zu Guang can take this trick... very few.

Because Zu Guang is a very good era, there are so few dark sides in this era, especially after Confucianism was destroyed by the regiment.

But because of this, few people can take this trick.

Because they have come into contact with so few dark sides of society—perhaps there is no such dark side for them to contact.

But no quantum...different.

He has come from the Gu Hong era and is the longest living person in the world. He has seen all the malice and evil thoughts in the world, and the ugliness of the human heart has been thoroughly touched by him. He has seen everything humans can or cannot imagine. Hell on earth...

This was not a good experience, but it was these experiences that Wu Quan did not want to recall, which made him ignore the terrifying malice that was enough to defeat most of Zuguang's warriors.

"Even the real hell on earth, I have seen it." Quantum's tone contained a trace of rage, "Such malice is not enough to crush me, but——————"

"You really, completely, completely..."

Wu Quan had a long pause, and then it seemed as if he was about to spit out all the muddy air in his chest.

"Excited! Anger! Me! It's!"

The torrent of internal energy formed by malice swallowed Wu Quan.

The next moment - - Wandao Xiaguang dissipated the black torrent of internal energy, as if to wash the world.

Wu Quan took a step forward, and the earth trembled.

He stared at Su Changge, raised his right hand, stretched out to the front, then turned his hand, clenched a fist, stretched out the four fingers other than his thumb, and then beckoned.

"Come on..." Infinite anger was suppressed in the non-quantum voice, "Let you see... why I am called the strongest Gu Hong!"

Chapter 27: Gu Hong First (Part Two)

Su Changge sneered, and said in a weird tone: "My lord, the times have changed."

Wu Quan also understands that Su Changge has a lot of sophistry skills, and he no longer talks nonsense at the moment, he directly chose to shoot!

Wuquan knelt on one knee and pressed his right hand on the ground.

Afterwards, the faint blue spiritual energy gathered and gathered in the non-quantum body - not the inner energy, but the spiritual energy.

Su Changge's expression changed. So far, there is only one person in the world who can follow the secret method to control the aura --- that is Su Wangyou, and that move is the profound meaning of Taixuan magical skill. The power of that move... is obvious to all.

And now, there is another quantumless...

But without waiting for Su Changge to interrupt Wu Quan, Wu Quan actively interrupted the absorption of aura.

————The gathered aura surrounds him like this, not weaker than Su Changge’s Xiaohaiqi.

The difference between aura and inner qi is that the aura is too violent—in fact, it’s not particularly violent, but for the warrior’s meridians, these auras are just like lunatics. So far, no one can control the aura to fight. Su Wangyou's move was only a short-term aura attack.

And now... actually someone can control aura like this!

For a martial artist, this is undoubtedly a move to subvert the world view. If the martial arts world also has a Nobel Prize, it is not too much for someone who has completed the topic of'controllable aura' to win a Nobel Prize.

It's a pity... Su Changge is determined to bury this secret here.

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