Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 595

Among other things, Wuquan doesn't believe that a person who can be entrusted by Mo Mingshi is a warrior who will reveal his flaws so quickly.

So he still lurks, silently waiting for the opportunity.

[Not fooled?

Su Changge wasn't too disappointed. It's better to say that he would be surprised if he succeeded. Gu Hong No.1 is really not a simple thing, forcibly suppressing the urge to shoot, he has not yet exuded a breath.

[Thankfully, this guy is not in his peak state, otherwise I won't be enough for a hundred of them...] Su Changge's eyes narrowed.

[The attribute of the external incarnation is probably not enough for him to fight, but you can consider splitting up more external incarnations. This guy is isolated from the world. It may not be known that the Ghost Valley faction can have multiple incarnations, but if it is too divided Many, it also affects my own combat effectiveness, and if I get too far away...] Su Changge thought about it for a while, but decided to try it first.

He carefully mobilized a trace of internal energy without making a sound. After a while, another external avatar appeared next to him. Counting the previous one, there are now three Su Changge in the thick fog. .

Afterwards, this external avatar also walked out, exuding a faint, fleeting breath from time to time.

And Su Changge himself is lurking in the shadows, not to mention breathing, and even the heartbeat stops with it---It's really like a corpse, but as long as Wu Quan shows a slight flaw, then The terrifying Xiao Hai Qi will instantly gather, and then burst out, annihilating everything.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe it's only a minute, maybe an hour has passed, and the smoke has not cleared.

The two sides were still lurking in the shadows, without revealing any flaws.

It’s no exaggeration to say that this is probably the most heart-beating battle in the entire Zuguang history. It happens to be the two people who suffer. If you change to someone else, you will either reveal your flaws early, or you will dispel the smoke with one palm. Calculating each other in this thick fog and lasting so long.

Patience, mental quality, and latent skills are indispensable.

But... this kind of confrontation cannot last a lifetime, no matter how heavy the smoke or fog, it will disperse...

Finally someone... moved.

Wu Quan rushed out of the shadow in an instant, and aura quickly wrapped around him.

"Four elephants return to Yuanzhang!"

The target of his attack was a clone of Su Changge.

Su Changge sneered in disdain, and controlled the other clone to make a sound.

"Grab you!" The other clone made a sound full of anger, and at this time, Wu Quan had already used the move, which happened to be the time when it was impossible to advance or retreat.

Another clone body burst into Xiaohaiqi, and within half a blink of an eye, a group of destructive internal Qi gathered in its hand, and that clone also ran towards Wuquan, and then

"Don't think that only you have an external avatar!" Wu Quan's indifferent voice sounded abruptly.

His figure suddenly appeared on the body of Su Changge who was the avatar of Xiao Hai's Qi, holding a light blue translucent sphere in his hand.


The movement without quantum is terribly stable.

It was too late, it was really fast.

Su Changge's real body, Xiaohai Qi surged in an instant.

"What?!" Wu Quan was shocked, and his thinking was imprisoned by those things that were taken for granted. He thought that the warrior could only have an external incarnation, but he didn't expect these freaks of the Ghost Valley faction...

Xiao Hai's Qi suddenly dispersed in all directions, seemingly useless, but...

Su Changge's real body raised his hand.

"Who can book your lord..."

Quantumless is no matter how ignorant and ignorant, you should have heard the name of this trick. Lingshan is a monster in the Gu Hong era. Even Quantumless at its peak cannot kill Lingshan—————— just press Down is the same as playing.

Must avoid——————

When Wu Quan came up with this idea, the incarnation of Su Changge, who had been chased by him, grabbed his arms with a grim look.

"Do you still want to run?!"

If it were in normal times, Wu Quan would never put an incarnation of this level in his eyes, but now... the incarnation of Su Changge has dragged him tightly.

The time is really short, probably less than 0.5 seconds.

But it's really enough.

"The white head——————Taixuanjing!"

Chapter 29 The True Meaning of Time!!

If a ranking is made for all the unique schools in the world, then who can tell you, the Baishou Taixuan Sutra can at least rank in the top three.

Few people can understand how powerful this trick is.

The attack range and destructiveness of this move can only be regarded as quite satisfactory. Now if Tianhu Mountain is still there, Su Wangyou wants to cut it in half with a single sword, but it is not difficult, but if he wants to use it without a sheath Just behead Lingshan... It's not impossible, but it's also a bit difficult.

And now he... is more than a thousand times stronger than he was then?

The Supreme Profound Technique is definitely not simply a powerful destructive force. The real power of this trick lies in... it completely destroys the opponent from the beginning to the end, from the inside to the outside.

————Later someone went to look for the corpse of Lingshan, only to find that except for the outer layer of skin, all the flesh and blood inside had been turned into dust. The huge skeleton supported the fur which was countless times harder than gold and iron, but the inside was It's empty.

Su Changge's move is naturally far inferior to the original, but... it is still terrifyingly strong.

Because Su Changge's advantage lies in internal qi - although the destructive power of internal qi is far less powerful than that of spiritual qi, Xiao Hai's internal qi is endless, and this terrifying amount is enough to make up for all qualitative problems.

Let's put it this way, the amount of internal energy that Su Changge just released... is almost equivalent to the total amount of internal energy of the three human emperors-this is because Su Changge's own meridians have limited toughness.

Among them, the inner energy that can really work is actually only about half, but even so, this trick is terrifying.

"Die here!!"

Su Changge roared fiercely.

At that moment, the sun and the moon were dark, and Tian Kun was hanging upside down.

At the time of life and death, there is no quantum but no panic.

In terms of life and death, probably no one in the world has experienced more than him, let alone he has the confidence to block this trick, even if he doesn't... won't panic.

"Mysterious Secret Method, Buddha Golden Body!"

In an instant, a huge golden phantom emerged from Wu Quan. The golden phantom's face was illusory, and it was impossible to see whether it was a male or a female, young or old.

But only it must be certain... This guy's defense is bound to be very high, and you can see one or two from the name.

The black torrent of internal energy is like a flood of destruction, rushing over, but it is all blocked by the golden phantom with his body!

[Lingshan, you come!

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