Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 596

Su Changge angrily vomited in his heart————He and Wuquan had been facing each other for so long, counting times with each other, he managed to win the first phone meeting this time, but was blocked by the opponent with almost no injuries. It's a bit uncomfortable.

[But... If you think it ends here, you are quite wrong!] Su Changge made a seal with one hand and quickly pinched a magic trick, and then the space secret of the Ghost Valley Sect was activated!

Wu Quan felt a wave of fluctuations in the space behind him, and without hesitation at the moment, the huge golden phantom immediately raised his arm high and slammed straight behind him.

But where Su Changge appeared, it was right in front of Quantum.

The quantumless expression remained unchanged, and the other hand of the golden shadow immediately slammed at Su Changge.

If it is hit... the ghost knows what it will end up.

Su Changge stretched out his index finger and pointed to Wu Quan.

He didn't call the name of the move, because this time, it was not bad.

A drop of blood splashed out and flew towards the quantum-free forehead.

There is no quantum and no evasion, the golden phantom is in front of him-he doesn't think anyone can break through his defense, the last person who can break through his defense after he uses this trick is the best in the world The ancient immortal realm, one of the ancestors of mankind, the sword god, jade.

But this time, it was an exception.

Chu Wushuang's most proud skill in his life, the most penetrating move in history, and the world's most ingenious skill!

This drop of blood pierced through the huge golden phantom - even the Buddha's golden body that can be blocked by the Lord, the White Head Taixuan Sutra, is as fragile as paper in front of this drop of blood.

This drop of blood... ran through the Buddha's golden body that hadn't been broken through for tens of thousands of years, and then pierced the non-quantum eyebrows.

In a trance, Wu Quan seemed to have seen a brothel woman, a brothel woman who had been tortured and was finally thrown into a dry well. She had never received half-goodwill in her life. Her eyes were full of resentment before she died.

A tear in the dry manhole cover!

It was unparalleled despair, desperation that couldn't even survive with all my strength, without a trace of light and hope, despair without even the chance to work hard or fight for life.

Such a drop of blood came out of the weakest woman, but it carried a hatred that could penetrate the world.

The huge golden shadow shattered, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Wu Quan's mouth.

"It's not over yet——————"

Su Changge folded his hands together and roared: "The secret method of time!!"

In an instant, the glimmer of time and secret law that Tang Shuxin left him resurfaced again!

At this moment of life and death, every second counts, Su Changge actually chose to close his eyes!

That glimmer of time and the secret law's true meaning came to mind, and the sky was spinning around suddenly.

Throughout the ages...

Quartet up and down...


Endless void, past, present, future...

It may be 100 million years, or it may be a ten thousandth of a second.

Time is true and complete.

Su Changge opened his eyes, with a sense of relief in his tone, "So... so."

Thank you, teacher.

In the dark, it seems that Tang Shuxin's will is still watching Su Changge. This is an incomparable, but unambiguous Gu Hong ranger smiled gently, as if to say to Su Changge.

let's go.

Su Changge pressed her hands tightly, the obscure time surging with true will.

Subsequently, the most powerful secret method of time in history - no, this secret method can even be described as great, and the word time can be completely removed.

The greatest secret in history takes shape at this moment.

Su Changge's voice was calm, and his tone was calm, and no one could understand the weight of the four words spit out from his mouth in the next instant.

"Nothing possible."

Chapter 30 What's wrong?

[Qin State has nothing, you can only rely on yourself.

In the memory, it was Guiguzi's bitter face.

I know.

Su Changge knew that Qin had nothing.

There is no formation master, no alchemist, no refiner, no talisman, no qualified counselor, no powerful warrior, no strange monk...

There is nothing, what is left to the Qilin Zi of the State of Qin is a barren land.

[Weakness is not the reason to yield to fate, Guiguzi, please teach me.] [What are you going to learn?




So there is Zuguang's first generalist.

Everything is good, everything is good.

Everyone thought that Su Changge was born to be good at these side-by-sides, only a few people knew...No.

Perhaps, he was not born to be good at the sidelines, good at everything.

Naturally, including martial arts.

However, time is the fairest. Everyone has only twenty-four hours a day. It won’t be an extra second just because you are the emperor, and it won’t be an extra second just because you are a beggar.

If all the time is spent on the left side of the door, then correspondingly, the time spent on the martial arts will be less.

So, Su Changge, the most universally recognized ancestor in the world... How much time was wasted outside of martial arts?

Maybe... How much time did he spend practicing martial arts?

————No matter how small the number is, it is meaningless, because time has passed.

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