Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 604

The cowardly female disciple climbed onto the personal disciple. No one thought that this seemingly calm and cowardly girl would be so ruthless when she started her hand. She discounted those who had offended her before. To abolish their inner qi, if this can be explained by revenge, then her next move of wanton killing young women in order to maintain her appearance is undoubtedly a real demon...

The male disciple who often discussed the injustice of the outer door with Mo Mingshi was passionate about it. Later, he was favored by a certain elder and promised with Mo Mingshi that he would change this decadent outer door, but when Mo Mingshi saw him again... But in a dark corner, he was threatening a new disciple with money in his family, with the same sinister expression on his face.

The first place in the Outer Gate Competition was set internally. Someone came to Mo Mingshi with money. After being rejected, he shouted at him. After the Outer Gate Competition, all the seeded players were met by Mo Mingshi, but Mo Mingshi was killed. Out of a bloody road, won all the games, when he became the first place, it was not glory waiting for him.

The elder of the Criminal Law Department walked forward with a cold face and took out a letter, saying that it was found in Mo Mingshi's house, and then he brought out this belief - in front of the entire sect.

It was a letter contacting the hostile sect of Xuan Qingzong. In short, it was a traitor.

Naturally, Mo Mingshi had never done such a thing, and now loudly defended himself, hoping to prove his innocence.

Mo Mingshi had a very good reputation at the outer door, but no one stood to speak for him, and all those who had received his favor watched indifferently.

Outer disciples, inner disciples, direct disciples, elders, suzerain, thousands of people up and down the entire sect, those who are familiar with Mo Ming, those who are unfamiliar, those who know, those who don’t know, those who are kind, or have Qiu, no one spoke, whether it was justification or framing.

He was like a clown, explaining in the fighting arena by himself, sweating profusely, the whole sect just looked at him, no one made a sound.

Everyone stood there and watched—just watched.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Mo Mingshi finally realized that no matter how he defended it, it was useless.

The second place of Outer Sect Competition looked at him with a smile, and Mo Mingshi could even read the meaning of his expression.

[Toast without eating fine wine.

Mo Mingshi stared at him steadily, but he also understood that it was futile to say anything at this time. The sarcasm in the other's eyes became more intense, but his face still had that righteous expression.

Mo Mingshi suddenly turned his head and looked at the law enforcement elder. The law enforcement elder looked at him indifferently, holding his beard in his hand.

"You have something to say?"

Mo Mingshi turned his head again and looked at the outer disciples.

No one dared to stare at him. Mo Mingshi had a very good reputation in the outside world. He helped the strong and the weak. Someone asked him about martial arts or exercises, and he was never stingy, but what he got now was deathly silence.

He slowly closed his eyes.

After a while, as if insisting on something, he opened his eyes again and looked at the disciple who lived in the same room with him. This was the person who had the best relationship with him.

"Brother Lin..." Mo Mingshi sighed and asked word by word: "What kind of person I am, you must know it better. I am not asking for anything else today, I just want to ask you... …"

"Don't ask anything!" Someone interrupted Mo Mingshi, but it was the second warrior in the outer sect. He folded his hands on his chest and sneered: "He is not your good brother, that letter... He found it out and gave it to the law enforcement elder."

Mo Mingshi's face instantly turned pale.

Mo Mingshi has nothing to do with that letter. In other words...that letter is the'Brother Lin' that Mo Mingshi said and put it in Mo Mingshi's room, then find it out and hand it to the law enforcement elder... …

"Really... so?" Mo Mingshi's tone was a little weak.

The disciple surnamed Lin sighed, with accusations on his face, "Hey, brother Mo, as disciples of the sect, how can you communicate with other sects and eat inside and out? You are full of integrity on weekdays. Which one of the outside disciples is not? Saying hello, I didn’t expect to do this kind of business secretly, but I thought you were my brother back then..."

He sighed again: "You haven't pleaded guilty to commit suicide. The elders of the sect are kind, and you may be lenient."

Mo Mingshi was startled and suddenly wanted to laugh.

The law enforcement elder said indifferently: "Can you plead guilty?"

In fact, Mo Mingshi had no choice but to confess his guilt.

But Mo Mingshi laughed, he wanted to laugh, he really wanted to laugh, he couldn't help it anymore, even if he died, he would laugh happily, laugh at himself, and laugh even more at the people.

"Heh...hahahahaha." First a low chuckle, then a wild laugh, and finally a crazy laugh!


The energy inside his body surged wildly, the momentum was like a rainbow, and the sound was like thunder, pressing the entire Xuanqing Mountain out of breath.

"I... what's wrong?"

The sound spread, echoes echoed over and over again.

What's the crime?

What a crime...?

"There is nothing wrong with the crime of desire!" After Mo Mingshi laughed wildly, his anger erupted, "The generation of dogs and flies are also worthy of the same stage as Mo. The officials protect each other, and nothing happens..."

He roared: "I will hold the Heavenly Sword in the future, and I will definitely make the world without sprites."

"Presumptuous!" The law enforcement elder roared and forcibly suppressed Mo Mingshi with his emperor realm cultivation base. The huge pressure was placed on Mo Mingshi, his bones creaked.

"Zongmen traitor, don't kneel down yet!!"

The even greater pressure was overwhelmingly suppressed, even if Mo Mingshi's will was strong, he couldn't resist this huge force. He knelt down and hit his head on the bluestone slab, making him red.

"Hahahahahaha." Mo Mingshi laughed wildly: "You'd better kill me now——————I will hold the Heavenly Sword in the future and sweep away the sprites and return the pure land!"

"Enough!" Sect Master Xuanqing said boredly: "Press back and proceed slowly, don't be embarrassed here!"

Mo Mingshi slowly opened his eyes.

A dark, damp, corrupt torture room.

Several kinds of torture instruments are placed aside, and just looking at it makes people feel hopeless.

Afterwards, there was torture day and night.

Mo Mingshi really did not expect that there would be so many torture instruments hidden in a respectable sect.

Death may be a kind of relief, but Mo Mingshi did not want to die, nor did he want to admit defeat.

He must never admit it, never bow his head, and never die.

His chest cavity seemed to have a fiery flame burning, using his internal organs and longevity as fuel, burning and burning ceaselessly.

Mo Mingshi almost completely lost consciousness. No matter what torture instrument he used, it didn't matter to him. There was no whole place on his body. The steel needle pierced his fingertips and pierced his fingers. The pipa bone was pierced by a huge rope, and his broken body was locked tightly.

He could hardly feel any pain, because his body was already numb.

The disciple in charge of the execution was also very surprised. It was a torture that made people die ten times, but the person in front of him was still alive.

What power supports Mo Mingshi to live?

It was the fiery determination in his chest.

You can't die, you can't bow your head, you can't...can't go with this world.

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