Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 605

The vitality of the flesh is passing by quickly, but the fiery determination in his chest is getting higher!

The raging flames almost completely burned Mo Mingshi's whole person!!

At this moment... Mo Mingshi suddenly remembered a paragraph.

When he was a child, a mysterious young man who passed through the small town said something to him and Qin Mu.

[Strength starts from the feet, changes to the legs, dominates the waist, originates from the spine, connects to the elbows, travels on the fingers...] paragraphs of words recurred in my mind.

[The machine of movement and static lies in Yin and Yang...]

[Yin and Yang... One...]

[Yin and Yang Yixuan...]

[Yin and Yang Yixuan!!

The fiery determination in his chest broke out completely, flowing through the whole body like a torrent, the iron rope was broken, the steel needle was ejected, the injury healed, and the scar disappeared!

"Yin and Yang...Yi Xuan!!"

The flame erupted and the mountain shook in an instant. The entire torture room was completely overturned by the flame, and a figure slowly stepped out in the flame.

Like a demon.

Chapter Thirty Nine

"what happened?"

"Have there been an earthquake?"

"Is it an enemy attack?"

"The vibration... seems to be coming from there."

"On the mountain side of the Law Enforcement Department... a strong breath."

"Fire... the fire is coming up!"

The blazing flame spread rapidly, and the gate of the law enforcement department instantly became a sea of ​​flames.

In the flames, Mo Mingshi did not feel any discomfort.

These flames are so warm that even Mo Mingshi has a sense of dreams.

The internal Qi in the body is so strong, nearly three or four times stronger than before, and the quality of the internal Qi... is also surprisingly strong.

"This power..."

"No matter what, let's find a way to escape first." Mo Mingshi didn't get too entangled in this situation, intending to slip away.

His heart was full of anger, but he knew it was not the time to vent.

But... someone blocked him.

The strongest in the sect, the Sect Master Xuanqing of the Longevity Realm.

His eyes were full of undisguised greed.

"This kind of exercise... is given to me by God."

There was even a fascinating look on his face.

Mo Ming ran away from the ground, but how could the fairyland run past the longevity?

————I really ran past.

The explosive power and endurance of this technique can even make the Mo Mingshi of the fairyland burst out of the moving speed of the longevity realm - of course, it is only the moving speed.

If it wasn't Xuan Qingzong, Mo Mingshi might have really run away.

Unfortunately, this is the base camp of the other side.

The entire sect became operational and soon blocked all the roads of Mo Mingshi.

Sect Master Xuan Qing stepped forward slowly, his face a little crazy.

"To live..."

Just when the elders were about to embrace them, the light and fluttering voice came into their ears from far to near.

"Do you want this technique?"

Everyone was uncontrollably heard and heard, as if there was an invisible force controlling them, even the warriors of the longevity realm couldn't resist - - and they couldn't raise the mind to resist at all.

In the distance, the young man holding the umbrella stepped up the steps.

He walked very slowly, really slowly, and he walked a full ten minutes on that part of the road.

In ten minutes, all the disciples who could not make it here came here after these ten minutes.

Then all stopped.

Everyone dared not move.

They stood there, watching the young man step by step, step by step, step by step, step by step, he walked so slowly, but no one dared to urge him.

Finally, he arrived in front of everyone.

The young man took the umbrella calmly and narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he felt that the sun was too dazzling.

In almost an instant, a cloud floated over and blocked the sun.

The young man nodded in satisfaction, ignoring everyone around him, and looking straight at Mo Mingshi who was surrounded by nowhere to escape.

He laughed out loud and said, "If you intentionally arrange flowers but don't bloom, you accidentally plant willows and willows."

"Yes." The young man nodded - --- Qin Mu had crossed three borders in one year at the beginning, and it was only okay when it came to his mouth. Now his phrase "not bad", the ghost knows the weight.

"From now on, you can follow me to study." The young man looked around and said to Sect Master Xuanqing as if he had just awakened from a dream: "Oh, yes, do you want this technique?"

Sect Master Xuan Qing shook his head frantically, bent over and bowed, with an extremely humble attitude, "Senior, you misunderstood, I..."

"Shut up." The young man greeted impatiently like a fly. He stretched out his hand in the air and shook his hand. Time passed. The images of the past few days and the torture suffered by Mo Mingshi, as well as the cause and effect of the incident, all clearly emerged. Came out.

"Pain will bring more pain, and hatred will cause more hatred." The young man said lightly: "But I am not a party, and I have no right to forgive others for you, little guy, who do you want to kill?"

Mo Mingshi's pupils are opposite to those of the young man.

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