Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 606

Only then did Mo Mingshi discover that the pupils of the young man were so muddy, like... an old man dying.

"Hate will cause more hatred..." Mo Mingshi fell silent, "But... the saints say that we should repay grievances directly and repay virtue with virtue."

He no longer hesitated, "To report grievances directly. This is my choice. I beg your husband to help me."

The young man looked at him with a faint smile, "I thought you would beg me to give you some time, and then kill these people with your own hands."

Mo Mingshi shook his head decisively, "No matter how long trash lives, it will be trash. It won't help the world at all. Since it's trash, it's better to die sooner."

The young man was startled, then repeated Mo Mingshi's words in a low voice.

[It’s good to die sooner...Yes, the garbage will be destroyed sooner, maybe this is also a way...] While thinking, he slowly stretched out his hand.

Sect Master Xuanqing, who has the highest martial arts literacy among all the people, felt a breath of death, and shouted frantically: "Senior stop! Senior! My brother is one of the three immortal realms of the Sun Moon Kingdom. Please think twice !"

The young man suddenly stopped.

Mo Mingshi was stunned, and Sect Master Xuanqing also stunned. Then he bowed his head and thanked him, "Thank you, senior, thank you, senior, I will definitely be a human again in the future..."

"I didn't want to let you go." The young man shook his head slowly, and said: "I just want to tell you that in this world, only the common people are worthy of making me think twice."

"If I arise, I will change the sun and the moon, and the sky will collapse."

"Not to mention it is one of the three immortal realms of the Sun-Moon Kingdom, there are thirty immortal realms of the same level as the Sun-Moon Kingdom, and it is only worthy to kneel down and beg for mercy in front of me."

"Mo Mingshi, from today, you can call yourself——————"

"Under the immeasurable door."

Chapter 40 Come into my door, for the common people's livelihood

Everyone's brains were instantly blank.

What do the four words "Wuliang Menxia"... represent?

In other words, what does the word Wuliang mean?

On behalf of the first person of Gu Hong-Quantumless Will.

Is this young man just non-quantum?

How could he be so young?

Is he impersonating?

How dare someone pretend to be non-quantum?

All kinds of questions flooded like mountains, but in the end they all turned into deep despair.

The hardest, hardest, hardest iron plate in the world was finally kicked this time.

Sect Master Xuan Qing's face instantly paled.

In the entire square, everyone seemed to be dead, motionless, some even held their breath and dared not blink their eyes.

There is no other reason, just because there is no quantum.

Wuliang Mountain, the first of the ten famous mountains in Zuguang, is completely a small hill with no characteristics, but the ability to overwhelm the most beautiful and beautiful misty mountain in the world, straight into the sky, the top of the mountain has a different scenery of Tianhu Mountain...

It is because there is no quantum there.

He was there, so that small hill was the number one mountain in the world, whether it was Misty Mountain or Tianhu Mountain, everyone had to stand aside.

Throughout the ages, no second person has been treated like this.

The young man stood, his expression calm.

"Do you think this scene is familiar?" the young man...or Wu Quan asked, "the same was true when they imposed the crime on you. No one dared to say a word, man."

Wuquan shook his head as if thinking of some funny joke, "Huh..."

The square was dead silent.

The same death silence, the same fear, but these two fears are completely different.

"When I want to reason with this world, even if the whole world refuses to obey me, I still have to listen. And you, Mo Mingshi, when you want to reason with them, they will only regard this as yours. Weak, they oppress you again and again." Wu Quan paused, and said: "Do you want to reason with this world? Let everyone listen to you calmly?"

Mo Mingshi was silent for a long time.

Injustice and malice have emerged along the way.

[If I were number one in the world...]

He could not help but come up with such thoughts.

Then he knelt down and said respectfully: "Mr. please teach me."

"Okay." Wuquan knelt by Mo Mingshi, and then his hand lightly pressed on Mo Mingshi's shoulder, and in an instant, the internal Qi in Mo Mingshi's body surged like a volcano!!

"This state can be maintained for thirty minutes." Wu Quan gradually moved away, "After thirty minutes, you come to the foot of the mountain to find me."

"Whenever, remember one thing."

"Forever, forever, forever, don’t be in harmony with this world, it’s hard to stick to your heart, but it only takes a moment to fall, try to deny others, Mo Mingshi, you are not necessarily right, but you only Knowing that those who are depraved must be wrong, then it is right to deny them."

"One day you will find the right path. Until then, don't fall."

"If one day, I find that you are in the same fashion as this world, then I will personally kill you."

The quantum figure disappeared.

Mo Mingshi's killing intent... gradually surged.

He stood up and said calmly: "I said at the time, you should kill me."

Afterwards, the bloody storm...

As expected, Wu Quan was waiting for him at the foot of the mountain.

When Mo Mingshi came, he looked into Mo Mingshi's eyes.

There is no confusion, no fear, no fear, or even guilt.

Wu Quan slowly held up the umbrella.

"Enter into my door for the common people's livelihood."

Mo Mingshi slowly bowed.

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