Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 607


After that, Mo Mingshi followed Wu Quan all the way.

On the first day of the entry, Wu Quan told Mo Mingshi their ultimate goal in this vein ---to eliminate the hostility of this era, and thereby change the world.

Quantum has tried many methods, but without exception, all failed.

Yes, even if his prestige and martial arts are the best in the world, there are many things that he can't even do.

"That town is very close to my ideal world, but why is there so little hostility in that town?"

"I thought for a long time, and finally came up with a few absurd answers."

"Because of ignorance, because of weakness."

Mo Mingshi was silent. It took many years before he understood the meaning of these words, and at that time... he had already planned to make the whole world'weak' and'ignorant'.

That is, there is no military in the world, and no Confucianism in the world.

But at that time he didn't have that kind of power and ideals, and he didn't know what to do. He could only travel around the world with Wuquan to see what the world was like.

Finally, come to the conclusion...This is a hopeless era.

But...sometimes, someone has to do things that are not understood by others and seem to never succeed.

Finally one day, Mo Mingshi said farewell to Wu Quan.

No quantum answer.

Mo Mingshi left Wuquan and established the core ideas of Mohist school. Then he spread his thoughts around, gathered like-minded people, and lobbied the monarchs everywhere.

On the way, he met an old friend who had almost forgotten --- Qin Mu.

It's just that when we goodbye, the other party is famous all over the world, and people call him the son of Guigu ancestor.

Mo Mingshi talked with him for a long time, and finally talked about the topic of the small town, and also talked about'weakness' and'ignorance'.

"If there were no warriors in this world, would it be better..."

The speaker has no intention, the listener has no intention.

Everyone knows that this is impossible.

But a pair of gloves makes the impossible possible.

Chapter 41 Come on

Mo Ming ran for half his life, but he failed to achieve any effective results. Few monarchs were willing to govern the country according to his ideas — even if they were willing, it was useless, because most monarchs had the power to rule the country. All are low.

In an era with such extreme personal force, being a monarch is not the strongest, and it is a kind of sadness in itself.

When Mo Mingshi followed Wuquan to walk the world, his life became obvious, but when he spread Mohist thoughts, he was quickly forgotten. To put it bluntly, he was just a longevity. When the title of'Under the Wuliangmen' was removed , He is nothing.

Mo Ming traveled for thousands of years, with little effect.

It will always be the warrior who holds the power and power to stop him.

Memories from the past came to my heart, and Mo Mingshi never hoped that there would be no warriors in the world like this moment!

[If there is no warrior...]

However, this is destined to be a foolish dream, as powerful as a quantum, and it cannot make all the warriors in this world disappear.

An accident caused Mo Mingshi to obtain a pair of gloves from an ancient tomb.

Yes, that pair of gloves is the six-character transcendant magic weapon — inscribed with the miracle grip.

This pair of gloves turned the impossible into possibility. After clarifying the function of these gloves, Mo Mingshi's ideal that had been completely dead, not even a trace of flame left...


The blazing flame rises again, and the immature concepts are constantly supplemented, and then become perfect and reasonable!

Unprecedented determination surged in Mo Mingshi's heart.

[Change this wrong era, change this wrong world!] Such thoughts linger in my mind.

So he found non-quantum again.

The two chatted for a long, long time...for hundreds of years.

Finally, the concept is completely mature, and the power of engraving the miracle grip has also been proved. This plan is completely feasible!

On the day when the plan started, Wu Quan asked Mo Mingshi.

"Does anyone know your philosophy?"

Mo Mingshi thought of Qin Mu, but the only trace of emotion left him replied: "No."

A few years later, the Patriarch of the Mo Family, Mo Mingshi, died of overwork. People have very few memories of the Patriarch of the Mo Family. Most people only remember that he did nothing.

A few years later, the pale hand took away Quantum's life and shook the entire Gu Hong. When everyone gathered around the non-quantum corpse to guess, the non-quantum disciple stood aside with a calm expression.

What happened after that... just as Tang Shuxin and Ye Guxuan said.

Until now, Mo Mingshi woke up again... and was defeated.


Mo Mingshi's body was floating in this cold and dead universe, unable to move.

[Obviously... it's about to succeed.

[My lifelong dream... a perfect new world.

Mo Mingshi's fingers moved imperceptibly.

[Just like this... Falling down?

[Fell before... the gate of a new era?

Mo Mingshi slowly opened his eyes, and the world in front of him was scarlet - blood flowing through his eyes, blocking his sight.


[Can't just fall down...]


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